Saturday , April 6, 2013
  P.O. BOX 20102  -  TOWSON, MD  21284-0102 





Thank you all for your outstanding support during this difficult and frustrating Session.

We will have a detailed analysis of SB 281 in the near future. Despite the many calls for a petition to bring SB 281 to a statewide referendum, it would be a mistake to respond in a knee-jerk fashion. We have never won a referendum in Maryland, and it may not be the best course of action. We may be better off pursuing litigation in the courts. Either way, we are currently taking a very careful look at the final bill language in order to determine how best to respond.
Until then, please remain calm, and sit tight! We will keep you advised.

This is a minor set-back, we have not lost the battle. We are stronger than ever and "MOM" has awakened the sleeping giant. 

This Association has authorized funding for the creation of a Political Action Committee (PAC) and we will have more details to share very soon. The primary purpose of the PAC will be to fund litigation in the courts and support Pro-2nd Amendment candidates in the 2014 elections. In the meantime we suggest that you put aside $1 per day to donate to the PAC. 

One thing you can and should do, is thank those legislators who worked so hard to protect and defend our 2nd Amendment Rights. We have created a special link to the list of Pro-2A legislators we just finished compiling for the "Email Your Legislators" system. This is the same system you used to send 1,543,030 emails to the Maryland General Assembly. Please note that this link does not appear (yet) on our website.

Click here for the floor vote reports

Click here for the final bill language

Click here to send a "Thank You" email 

(Please insert "Thank you for supporting our 2nd Amendment rights" in the subject line.)   

New list members can view previous emails in our email Archive
Click here.


John H. Josselyn

Legislative Vice President

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John H. Josselyn, Legislative Vice PresidentAGC Logo
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.
P.O. Box 20102
Towson, MD 21284-0102



Article 1. That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient.