AGC Legislative Report - November, 2012  
P.O. BOX 20102  -  TOWSON, MD  21284-0102


New in this issue:
Absentee Ballot Requests - October 30, 2012 Deadline
NRA Issues Candidate Endorsements and Gun Rights Grades
Woollard Case - Update #4 - Link to mp3 Audio of Oral Arguments
Johns Hopkins (Bloomberg) Calls for Still More Gun Control
Non-Resident Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Course - November 17, 2012
Absentee Ballot Requests - October 30, 2012 Deadline 


Don't miss you chance to vote in this crucial election.  Absentee ballots can still be requested by filing with the Board of Elections before the October 30, 2012 deadline. See page 2 of the instructions on the application:


Click here for an Absentee Ballot application

NRA Issues Candidate Candidate Endorsements and Gun Rights Grades

President:      Mitt Romney (NRA endorsed candidate)

Senate:          Dan Bongino (Graded "A" based upon NRA questionnaire)

U.S. House of Representatives:

   District 1:   Andy Harris  ("A" NRA endorsed candidate)

   District 2:   Nancy Jacobs   ("A" NRA endorsed candidate)

   District 3:   Eric Knowles (?)     John Sarbanes  (F)

   District 4:   Faith Loudon   (Graded "A" based upon NRA questionnaire)

   District 5:   Tony O'Donnell   (NRA endorsed candidate)

   District 6:   Roscoe Bartlett  (NRA endorsed candidate)

   District 7:   Frank Mirabile   (Graded "A" based upon NRA questionnaire)

   District 8:   Ken Timmerman   (Graded "A" based upon NRA questionnaire)
Woollard Case - Update #42nd Amendment

Oral arguments were presented before the Federal 4th Circuit Court in Richmond on Wednesday, October 24, 2012.

As previously reported, the Federal 4th Circuit Court in Richmond granted the State's request for a stay of the Maryland District Court's order which set aside the state's requirement that an applicant demonstrate a "good and substantial" reason for a handgun carry permit in Maryland.

From most accounts, our side held its own, even when badgered by the Judge King, the Senior Judge on the panel. King seemed to be probing for ways to discredit the case or at least waste the limited amount of time alloted to Gura who was arguing on behalf of Woollard.

The collective wisdom still seems to be that the 4th Circuit will hold for Woollard; a belief reflected in the planning being done by the Maryland State Police, as well as the opposition coming from Johns Hopkins (see article below).

Until the 4th Circuit hands down a decision, the existing Maryland law remains in effect.

Please continue to sit tight and be patient, we are on the home stretch. We are attempting to obtain some relief from the "30 day fingerprint rule" so those persons who applied for a carry permit following the initial Woollard ruling will not be required to pay for new fingerprint scans.

Johns Hopkins (Bloomberg) Calls for Still More Gun Control

In politics, there is no such thing as a coincidence. The "embargoed" press release of the latest "manufactured study" by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research on the same the day as the oral arguments in the 4th Circuit Court is no exception.

Needless to say, the Johns Hopkins gun control shills for Mayor Bloomberg are once again recommending more gun control. The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research is a part of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School for Public Health.

"When you take the man's money, you do the man's bidding":

"Sommer also is credited with influencing Johns Hopkins alumnus and chair of the board of trustees Michael Bloomberg, now mayor of New York, to help fund a new building for the school, which in 2001 was renamed the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in recognition of his advocacy and support.


Non-Resident Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Course


Saturday, November 17, 2012

8:30 AM -1:30 PM


COURSE FEE: $75   Click here for event flyer. 


Baltimore County Game & Fish Protective Association 

3400 Northwind Road

Baltimore, MD 21234  


Register online or call:       410-462-4682

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John H. Josselyn, Legislative Vice PresidentAGC Logo
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.
P.O. Box 20102
Towson, MD 21284-0102



Article 1. That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient.