
Less is More
An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School
of Homeopathy
December 2014 |
Want to successfully integrate homeopathy into your current or future practice?
Study with NESH Seattle, WA area:
January 16-18, 2015
Feb. 27-March 1, 2015
May 1-3, 2015
Sept. 25-27, 2015
Nov. 20-22, 2015
January 15-17, 2016
March 4-6, 2016
May 20-22, 2016
View our complete
for more details on studying with
Drs. Amy Rothnberg and Paul Herscu.
Dear Friends,
On one of the warm sultry days tucked late into November, Paul & I planted two hundred bulbs all around our yard. To me, it's one of the most faith-filled activities, planting bulbs with the hope and yearning to see them as they evolve and grow and offer their beauty to the world come spring.
I feel that way with teaching homeopathy, too. We just had our #2 meeting with our new Boston class, and each day of the long weekend, I could see the look of understanding coming across people's faces. The early weekends of our course are heavy on philosophy to set the scaffolding upon which all the practical and practice-based teaching takes place. We have faith that the seeds of understanding planted will evolve into each of these earnest practitioners being better able to help their patients.
We are ever thankful for the opportunity to plant seeds of knowledge and understanding with students and colleagues and know how lucky we are to have this work, for decades now and to continue to grow it for the next generation of homeopaths. Come study with us when you have a chance, we'd be delighted to have you!
Happy holidays to all & a healthy peaceful new year, too!
Amy Rothenberg, ND
A Case of Platinum metallicum to Illustrate the Cycles & Segments Approach
by Dr. Amy Rothenberg
The first time I met eight year old Claire, she was charming and adorable and clearly had an abundance of confidence. Her jet black hair was cut in a pixie style and that word described her well. She chattered away with me, legs crossed like a grown- up and was animated and engaging. Pontificating about school, social group, siblings and the colors of the rainbow, she clearly loved being the main attraction, even in this doctorʼs office setting.
Click here to read the full case. |
 Course meets Friday night & all day Saturday / Sunday, every other month. If you've been thinking about taking the class, now is an opportune time!
Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND, MPH & Amy Rothenberg ND
Email us for more detailed information and an application.
"Studying with Paul is a shortcut to excellence. He has a pragmatic style based on a rock solid philosophy that quickly allowed me to become an extremely competent Homeopath."
- Todd Hoover MD
"I can honestly say studying with NESH is the most important thing I have done in medicine, not homeopathy, but all of medicine. Your training has changed the way I practice. You have made me a much better doctor."
- Chris Chlebowski ND, DC
Why Study with NESH and Why Learn The
Cycles and Segments Approach to Homeopathy?
With nearly 30 years in practice together, Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu make it fun & relevant with clinical pearls and lots of case stories and videos. You'll be part of a growing community of practitioners who enjoy using homeopathy and find success with patients.
Cycles and Segments Offers:
- A philosophical approach that clarifies what happens in practice
- Streamlines case taking
- Presents materia medica in an organized, concise way
- Leads to logical repertory use; prevents errors
- Guides case analysis with a strong consistent philosophy
- For beginners: fast learning curve that emphasizes organization & understanding
- For more experienced practitioners: helps prevent common & challenging mistakes
We received this email from a long time physician, in our current
NESH Boston class after our recent weekend #2:
"Just want to say how great it is to be included in the class. Amy and Paul's system addresses some of the major things that kept me from using more homeopathy. Tons of memorization of things I don't use much and awkwardness in integrating a homeopathic case with a naturopathic case. Most importantly for me, this system makes taking a case very easy to be comfortable, educational and healing for the patient. I have been using a limited number of remedies that I know rather than trying to memorize what has seemed like a lot of unrelated factoids. I am excited to use more remedies. Taking a case this way will also help me to fine tune my case taking in a way that I really appreciate. It focuses on both stressors and responses - I can easily use this to emphasize what is working as well as what can be tweaked." - Anne McClenon, ND (Plymonth, MA)
Click here to read what other NESH alum have to say about Cycles & Segments
For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:
To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225
We are now offering Telemedicine Services such as SKYPE,
to patients within the US and internationally for: comprehensive initial consultations,
follow-ups, and referrals from clinicians for 2nd opinions.
Calendar Gift: Best Wishes for 2015
Our annual calendar for you in now available.
Drs. Rotheberg and Herscu enjoying making & sharing these images. If you'd like a hard copy of the calendar printed at your local copy store, get a few done & share with friends.
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