
   A Seasonal Newsletter from
   Naturopathic Health Care
  Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu MPH

    Spring  2014

   115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082                             1.860.763.1225
In This Issue
Emerson Ecologics Discount
Treating Gout with Natural Medicine
Recipe: How to Grill A Whole Salmon Fillet
Featured Product: Foot Rubz Massage Ball
Scheduling an Appointment
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Call  860.763.1225, Mon-Thurs to schedule an appointment 

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I have at long last shaken off the last chills of winter and hopped into the wonder of deep spring. Slow to come to the northeast this winter, springtime is that much more welcome & seemingly miraculous. On long walks in my neighborhood, I Amy on walk have included on my path a small beaver pond, which is teeming with life these elongated, late spring days. 


On recent sojourns I have been captivated by the posse of tadpoles congregating at the water's edge, warming themselves in the shallows, absorbing the midday sun. Well beyond the egg stage but not quite froglets, these robust tadpoles swim like fish but carry the promise of frogdom in their futures. The visual representation of the concept of transformation never ceases to amaze & inspire me.


I think, too, about the idea of transformation and its relationship to my work as a doctor. Often I am asking people to make big changes, to transform, to shift entirely aspects of how they live. From dietary changes to taking on exercise, from letting go of anxiety to adopting new ways of reacting to stress. This work of getting and staying healthy provides us all with opportunities for growth and transformation. May we all find ways to welcome the energy of spring and to shed old ways that do not work any longer as we evolve into our best possible manifestations!


All the best,






Amy Rothenberg ND

Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics:
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we have created a virtual dispensary through our office. Products we recommend and use often will be listed, but you now also have access to the full inventory of products sold by Emerson Ecologics. We trust Emerson as they do examine sourcing of ingredients contained in the products they carry.

Treating Gout with Natural Medicine

A ROYAL PAIN...Out with Gout

Natural ways to prevent & treat an increasingly common condition

by Amy Rothenberg ND, DHANP

The only way to describe Wanda is with one word: exuberant. At 64, she still works as a therapist, spends much of her free time caring for her grandchil- dren, and actively volunteers in her community. She's had her share of health problems-a history of bad sinus infections, acne rosacea, a challenging meno- pause, and high blood pressure-yet I would describe her as someone in basically good health, with high vitality and a clear mind. Whenever I see her name on my patient roster, I smile.


This time, Wanda sought my help for a new complaint: gout. Gout is an extremely painful condition characterized by recurrent attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis. Usually one joint becomes swollen, red, tender and warm. About 50% of the time, it is the big toe, but other joints or the kidneys may be involved.


Gout occurs when uric acid (a natural waste product of metab- olism that eventually gets excreted in the urine) builds up in the blood to an excessive level and starts to crystallize. It is these crystals that land in the joints, tendons, or surrounding areas and cause terrific pain and galloping inflammation. Sometimes crys- tals form in other places, such as under the skin or in the urinary tract (kidney stones).


Recipe:  How to Grill A Whole Salmon Fillet
As members of our classes and our circle of friends & family know, we love to grill long whole salmon fillets when we have a group to the house for dinner; over the years we have likely prepared hundreds! 
Here's Dr. Grilled Salmon Herscu's tried & true recipe, with lots of room for improvisation; pretty much always a crowd pleaser.
Choose a beautiful fillet from your local fishmonger or grocer. We have grilled fresh wild caught, farm raised, and previously frozen fillets. Those with a more refined palate might be able to taste the difference, but we never can. We do prefer wild caught, for health reasons, but it is not always available where we live. Salmon is packed with omega 3 fatty acids, is rich in various types of nutrients, high in protein while being lower in calories. We try to include in our diet at least once or twice a week.

Featured Product:  Foot Rubz Massage Ball

  Massage Ball

We love to promote a product or organization that we find inspiring, helpful or just downright handy. This issue we'd like to introduce you the Foot Rubz! It's a little hard plastic spiky green ball that works wonders on your feet. I keep one under my desk at work & in my work space at home. I can work all the points in my feet, and get a veritable mini-massage by doing so. For $6 bucks, it's worth a try and buy a few-you'll want to give them away as gifts or put them in various places where your feet will be! One caveat: don't leave them where you'll trip on 'em-could be a bad combination!


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In health & vitality,
Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu
Naturopathic Health Care