Spring Tulips

   Less is More

     An Occasional Newsletter from

      The New England School 

      of Homeopathy


     Awaiting Spring 
      March 2014   

Study with NESH in 2014/2015:
Amherst, MA:

March 21-23, 2014 

October 17-19, 2014

in Boston, MA area: 


October 24-26, 2014

December 12-14, 2014

February 20-22, 2015

April 17-19, 2015

June 12-14, 2015

August 7-9, 2015

October 23-25, 2015

December 11-13, 2015

February 5-7, 2016

April 2016 - TBA


in Seattle, WA area:

January 16-18, 2015

Feb. 27-March 1, 2015

May 1-3, 2015

Sept. 25-27, 2015

Nov. 20-22, 2015

January 15-17, 2016

March 4-6, 2016

May 20-22, 2016


For more details, 
view our complete
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Dear Friends,


I am about to celebrate my 54th birthday on pi day, 3.14! Since my mid 20s I have been a doctor, a job that has intimately guided my entire adult life and which has given me both tremendous satisfaction and a strong identity.


As you may've heard, earlier this year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and after successful surgery in February, I will begin chemotherapy this month. Having been blessed with exuberant health and vitality to date, this is a first for me, to be in the role of patient. I am gracious to my caregivers, keep a good sense of humor and a strong mental game, but nonetheless, this is a big shift for me. I am most definitely in the patient seat right now.  I am rather enjoying and learning so much from taking time for healing and experiencing  life and healthcare from the patient's perspective!


I have many thoughts on this new role, but will focus here on just one: homeopathy is amazing! Remedies enabled me to sidestep all painkillers after my two day hospital stay for bilateral mastectomy. Remedies got me through some rather uncomfortable nights. Remedies have continued to be remarkably effective with little things that arise after such a procedure. I know I will also be taking remedies to help mitigate side effects of some of my upcoming treatments.


I feel incredibly blessed to have this medicine carrying me along, which leads me to say:  keep on your path with homeopathy! You have a powerful tool in your hands for helping others. Keep that in the forefront of your mind and keep improving your skill with study & practice- it's WORTH it!


For those who might like to read more about my story, my personal blog is FieldNotes from Natural Medicine


I have also written two pieces for the Huffington Post about cancer and naturopathic supportive treatments, here:

Naturopathic Oncology

Say Goodbye to the Girls


I have been buoyed by the generous and ongoing outpouring of love and prayers and good thoughts I have received; if you'd like a specific verbiage, this will do!: "Let Amy go through treatments well & be blessed with vibrant health."


As to this issue of Less is More, we hope you'll enjoy an immersion into the remedy Anacardium, another of our helpful medicines and one which Dr. Herscu has written & taught about with insight and deep understanding. 


And here's wishes for your own healthy and productive spring, it will come not a minute too soon!



Materia Medica Meal:
For those hungry for a little more.....
by Paul Herscu ND, MPH:

Materia medica taught in NESH classes is presented in a concise and organized way
using the Cycles & Segments approach developed by Dr. Paul Herscu.
This approach allows for an integrated study of homeopathy without the cumbersome
memorization of long lists of individual symptoms. Read here for one such example. Enjoy!
nesh new logo
Two New Courses Starting in 2014 / 2015:


     10 Weekend Course - Boston, MA area

     October 2014 thru April 2016


     8 Weekend Course - Seattle, WA area

     January 2015 thru May 2016


     Courses meet Friday night & all day Saturday / Sunday, every other month.


As always, we're psyched to be starting a new NESH group! If you've been thinking about taking the class, now is an opportune time! Studying with us in person is the most comprehensive way to 

learn the Cycles & Segments approach and effectively implement it with patients. These courses are designed for both the beginning and more experienced homeopaths. 


Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND, MPH & Amy Rothenberg ND

Email us for more detailed information and an application.



"Studying with Paul is a shortcut to excellence. He has a pragmatic style based on a rock solid philosophy that quickly allowed me to become an extremely competent Homeopath."

- Todd Hoover MD 
"I can honestly say studying with NESH is the most important thing I have done in medicine, not homeopathy, but all of medicine. Your training has changed the way I practice. You have made me a much better doctor."  
- Chris Chlebowski ND, DC


The Joy of Killing:

(case of 12 year old boy, treated with Anacardium)

by Amy Rothenberg, ND


I have found that there are many presentations of Anacardium in modern practice. The Anacardium aspect of the patient can be rather subtle, without the outright violence and hatred, excess energy and lack of control, often thought about for this remedy.  However, once in a while a patient presents who personifies the lack of moral feeling and the tremendous urge to do violent things.  In the case described below, we have such a teenager, who at a very young age began to show signs of this particular nature.


This patient was sent to me by my husband and partner extraordinaire, Paul Herscu, ND, MPH. Before I see one Paul's patients he will generally tell me his impressions and give me some historical background. With the boy at hand, Paul told me about how he was shy and reserved and seemed rather timid, that Paul had not been able to connect with him very well and that he thought the patient might do better with me.  This was atypical as I see many of the adolescent girls and Paul sees most of the boys in that age range.  We find this just seems to work better, unless the patient needs a very extroverted type remedy like Medorrhinum or Sulphur - in which case it does not seem to matter who they see!


Click here to read the full case.

Amy & Paul
for NESH Alumni
March 21-23 (focusing on acute & chronic pain management)
and October 17-19, 2014 


For all NESH alum, where ever you may have studied with us, you're invited to join clinical weekends at our home base in Amherst Massachusetts. We see patients all weekend and work on case analysis together, relevant comparative materia medica and the philosophical points that invariably arise with patient care. 
We hope to see you at one or both of our 2014 East Coast Clinical Class weekends.
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here. 


For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:



To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225


We are now offering Telemedicine Services such as SKYPE, 

to patients within the US and internationally for: comprehensive initial consultations,

follow-ups, and referrals from clinicians for 2nd opinions.

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