Less is More
An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School
of Homeopathy
Fall 2013
Study with NESH in 2014/2015:
Amherst, MA:
March 21-23, 2014
October 17-19, 2014
NESH 8 Weekend Course in Seattle, WA area:
January 16-18, 2015
Feb. 27-March 1, 2015
May 1-3, 2015
Sept. 25-27, 2015
Nov. 20-22, 2015
January 15-17, 2016
March 4-6, 2016
May 20-22, 2016
NESH 10 Weekend
in Boston, MA area:
October 2014 thru
April 2016
Exact dates to be determined.
For more details,
view our complete
Dear Friends,
Part of what I so love about traveling is the chance to see something new, taste something unique, immerse myself in the different sensory elements: a particular light as it falls across an afternoon, the sounds of other languages mixing on a train, the smell of a fishmonger's stall at village bazaar or the visual feast of a dazzling floral bouquet at a seaside kiosk, flowers there I've never imagined.
Recently in Gerona, Spain we came upon a 12 piece orchestra playing in a cobblestone town center with hundreds of people Sardana dancing, the Catalan folk dance cherished by people in the region. There were perhaps 100 circles of about 8 people each, sweaters & jackets stacked high in the center of each group as things warmed up. We joined right in, trying to match the solemnity and pride, embraced by our small circle of dancers, copying the footwork, raising our arms with the swell of the tune, swallowed up in the moment.
Amy & Paul in Tavertet, Spain
Seeing something new, experiencing something exotic, joining in with an unknown tradition, all inspire me, refresh me and renew my spirit. I come home the same person but also different, carrying my rich experiences and new images in my heart.
Find below a piece below from springtime a few years back which offers general information about travel and also a case, close to my heart, about an often overlooked remedy.
May we all have the pleasure of planning a short getaway or a longer voyage or just winging it on a Wednesday afternoon to a nearby town- to freshen things up and spice up our perspectives.
All the best,
Amy Rothenberg ND
Perfect Escapes:
Prevent Peril in Paradise: The Savvy Traveler's Guide
by Amy Rothenberg, ND
All journeys, even travels for pleasure, have their challenges: changes in environment, diet, and schedules can act as stressors that trigger susceptibility to illness.
I am personally grateful to have had the chance to see much of the world, both for fun and for work, and my grown children have created similar opportunities for themselves. When we travel, I like to pack a small set of natural health supplies to have on hand. True, you're likely to find such supplies at whatever destination is on your boarding pass or plugged into the GPS these days. But when you're injured or not feeling well, who wants to strike out looking for a pharmacy, market, or natural food store to put your hands on a particular item?
Over the years, I've also been privileged to help many a globe-trotting patient prepare for and deal with health-related travel issues. I'd like to share my recommendations with you, too - so tuck this article away somewhere, and pull it out when you're next heading off on a trip!
Click here to read the full article.
Two New Courses Starting in 2014 / 2015:
10 Weekend Course - Boston, MA area
October 2014 thru April 2016
8 Weekend Course - Seattle, WA area
January 2015 thru May 2016
Courses meet Friday night & all day
Saturday / Sunday, every other month.
As always, we're psyched to be starting a new NESH group! If you've been thinking about taking the class, now is an opportune time to join! Studying with us in person is the most comprehensive way to learn the Cycles & Segments approach and effectively implement it with patients. These courses are designed for both the beginning and more experienced homeopaths.
Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND, MPH & Amy Rothenberg ND
Email us for more detailed information and an application.
"Studying with Paul is a shortcut to excellence. He has a pragmatic style based on a rock solid philosophy that quickly allowed me to become an extremely competent Homeopath."
(read here what other NESH alum have been saying about our courses)
A Musical Meander through the History of Homeopathy in the USA:
Here's a fun jaunt for you, done some years back,
to American Pie, with apologies to Don McClean.
Nicely written lyrics
and a spot-on rendition of this classic.
Paul is mentioned toward the end with a picture of Amy & Paul.
Click Here to Enjoy!
for NESH Alumni
March 21-23 and October 17-19, 2014
For those who have taken our Two Year Classes, we hope to see you at one or both 2014 East Coast Clinical Classes.
Email us to sign up now!
For all NESH alum, wherever you may have studied with us, you're invited to join clinical weekends at our home base in Amherst Massachusetts. We see patients all weekend and work on case analysis together, relevant comparative materia medica and the philosophical points that invariably arise with patient care.
Clinical Class students are invited to enjoy an evening meal hosted by Amy & Paul at their home near Hampshire College, where the classes are held.
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here.
For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Herscu or Dr. Rothenberg call 860.763.1225
Dr. Rothenberg is now accepting new patients via SKYPE.
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