Less is More
An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School
of Homeopathy
Spring 2013
in Boston, MA area:
April 26-28, 2013
June 7-9, 2013
August 2-4, 2013
October 4-6, 2013
December 6-8, 2013
Amherst, MA:
May 3-5, 2013
September 20-22, 2013
For more details,
view our complete
Dear friends,
I gave a talk at the naturopathic school last week on the Art of Naturopathic Medicine. One reason I like teaching is that it gives me the opportunity to think about things and to reflect on my work. No matter how I slice it, I always come back to the same thing: though there is much to teach in terms of the details of natural medicine or homeopathy, the art of healing comes through the hands, the heart and the spirit of the practitioner. Because of that, it's our responsibility to take good care of ourselves, to work on our own healing and to nurture the parts that keep us in touch with our best intentions, our clearest focus and our most enlivened energy.
I like to plug right into the energy of the spring to re-vitalize myself
Dr. Rothenberg at Ft. Defiance, Arizona with a friend--blue skies and a big boulder to keep up that hill!
and to recommit to my work of becoming the best doctor I can be. Sometimes and for some of us, this seems an almost Sisyphean task, but it is always worth the effort. Here's wishing you vibrant health and all the love and support you need to keep pushing that boulder up the hill!
All the best,
Amy Rothenberg ND
New Course Starting April 2013:
April 2013 - October 2014
Course meets Friday night & all day
Saturday / Sunday, every other month.
As always, we're psyched to be starting a new NESH group! If you've been thinking about taking the class, now is an opportune time to join us! We think that studying with us in person is the most comprehensive way to learn to use the Cycles & Segments approach and effectively implement it with your patients. This course is designed for both the beginning and more experienced homeopaths.
Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND, MPH & Amy Rothenberg ND
Email us for more detailed information and an application, or you can download an electronic application form here.
"Studying with Paul is a shortcut to excellence. He has a pragmatic style based on a rock solid philosophy that quickly allowed me to become an extremely competent Homeopath." - Todd Hoover MD
(read here what other NESH alum have been saying about this course)
Materia Medica Meal:
For those hungry for a little more.....
Materia medica taught in NESH classes is presented in a concise and organized way
using the Cycles & Segments approach developed by Dr. Paul Herscu.
This approach allows for an integrated study of homeopathy without the cumbersome
memorization of long lists of individual symptoms. Read here for one such example. Enjoy!
 | The New England School of Homeopathy has provided training in homeopathy to thousands of students in the United States and abroad. Founded in 1987 by Drs.Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg, NESH teachings help translate homeopathic philosophy into the successful and enjoyable practice of this powerful medicine. |
In case you missed it, Amy & Paul were interviewed by Alan Schmukler in the
Homeopathy 4 Everyone January 2013 issue of the Hpathy Ezine that featured
the New England School of Homeopathy. In this issue of the Ezine
you will also find a number of cases by Dr. Rothenberg.
May 3-5 and September 20-22
For those who have taken our Two Year Classes, we hope to see you at our 2013 East Coast Clinical Classes.
Email us to sign up now!
For all our NESH alum, wherever you studied with us, you're invited to join us for our two clinical weekends at our home base in Amherst Massachusetts. We see patients all weekend and work on case analysis together, relevant comparative materia medica and the philosophical points that invariably arise with patient care.
Clinical Class students are invited to enjoy dinner hosted by Amy & Paul at their home near Hampshire College, where the classes are held!
Ask us about paying for the classes via PayPal.
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here.
For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Herscu or Dr. Rothenberg call 860.763.1225
Dr. Rothenberg is now accepting new patients via SKYPE.
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