CIRTA - Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority

Indy Connect Now!


Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and Westfield Mayor Andy Cook joined together Nov. 15 in the Indianapolis Artsgarden with community leaders and citizens to launch Indy Connect Now, a campaign to urge the Indiana General Assembly to authorize a referendum for November 2013 that would allow a vote by Marion and Hamilton County residents on whether to fund an enhanced mass transit system. Check out photos from the launch event here.


Over 7,000 Hoosiers have signed the petition asking the General Assembly to authorize the referendum. Another way to express support is for organizations to pass resolutions of support for transit funding referendum legislation. Go to for a listing of over 130 passed resolutions, including a template resolution you can customize for your service club, congregation, company or board.  


Transit has made the news on numerous occasions in recent weeks. Read all about it!

Area residents took the Commuter Challenge in October


Over 400 people from 185 local employers took part in the Commuter Challenge during the month of October. Commuter Connect held weekly and grand prize drawings for participants who logged their daily commutes using an alternative mode of transportation. Collectively, Commuter Challenge participants reduced greenhouse gases over the month by 76 tons! If you want to keep the challenge going, Commuter Connect can help. Find carpool matches, bike buddies and vanpools for your daily commute by signing up for free here.


Increased IndyGo budget brings service changes in 2013


On Oct. 15, 2012, the Indianapolis City-County Council approved the proposed 2013 IndyGo budget which includes additional operating revenue for service enhancements. Changes to IndyGo service will include more frequent and added service, the addition of a new route and more direct routing.


Improvements to the IndyGo system will be guided by the Indy Connect bus plan. The proposed changes will be phased in during 2013, with major frequency improvements to routes 8, 10 and 39 slated for February 2013. The launch of a new crosstown route along 86th/82nd Street, route frequency improvements and other service alignments are planned for June 2013, and additional tweaks to schedules and routing could occur in October 2013.


Visit the IndyGo website for detailed information about the service improvements.


Next CIRTA Board meeting is December 12 at 9:00 am


The next CIRTA Board meeting will take place at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, in the 9th floor conference room of the Chamber of Commerce Building, 320 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The meeting is open to the public.

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