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UC San Diego Cross-Cultural Center - Week 7, May 2014

Phone: 858.534.9689
Website: ccc.ucsd.edu
Located on the 2nd Floor of Price Center East
How to get to the CCC (click here!)
Stay Connected!

Cross-Cultural Center 20th Anniversary Call For Submissions 

What stories do you have to tell? Submit to the link here and visit our Tumblr and be sure to attach #ccctb20 to any of your social media posts (Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Get excited and be a part of our project of celebrating 20 years in the making of CCC love and community. For more information please contact Edwina Welch at ewelch@ucsd.edu.

Where Are They Now


This picture was taken in 1997 with Edwina Welch, Dean Renee Barnett Terry, Patty Mahaffey, and Corinne Kodama. Dr. Welch still serves as the Director of the Cross-Cultural Center and Dean Mahaffey was the Coordinator for Student Activities of Muir College before becoming the Assistant Dean then Dean of Student Affairs. Dr. Terry was the Dean of Student Affairs in Revelle College beginning in 1993 and is now retired. Corinne Kodama was the Student Affirmative Action / Human Relations Program Coordinator and recently graduated with her Doctorate in Higher Education Administration at Loyola University at Chicago, Illinois. 

Asian/Asian American Psychology: The UCSD Student Experience
Wednesday | May 14 | 11:30AM - 1:30PM
Cross-Cultural Center
Come join us for a panel discussion on Asian/Asian American mental health with Koko Nishi, Samuel Park and Sherry Shaw. The panel will discuss issues relevant to the mental health of Asian students at UCSD, including cultural values, identity development, and topics contributing to the well-being of our students. Statistics on API students and their use of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) will also be presented.
For more info view the website here
Dr. Robyn Rodriguez Book Talk
Thursday | May 15 | 12:30PM
Cross-Cultural Center
Asian America: Sociological and Interdisciplinary Approaches Book Talk with Robyn Rodriguez. Dialogue with Professor Robyn Rodriguez as she releases her co-authored book, "Asian America: Sociological and Interdisciplinary Approaches." Light refreshments will be served. Copies of the book will be available for sale. 
For more info contact Jayne at jaynemichellem@gmail.com
Gender and Queerness Abroad
Thursday | May 15 | 5-7PM
Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad
This even will consist of graduate presentation, dinner and networking. Sponsored by the UC San Diego Office of Graduate Studies. 
For more info contact Jahmese Fort at climate-intern@ucsd.edu for questions and RSVP.
FAR Program: Dr. Dennis Childs Slaves of the State Book Preview
Wednesday | May 21 | 2PM
Cross-Cultural Center
In Slaves of the State the incarceration of black people and other historically repressed groups in the US has represented a haunting return of chattel slavery since the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865.
For more info contact Nancy at nmagpusao@ucsd.edu
Graduating Senior Send-Off
Thursday | May 29 | 5-7:30PM
RSVP by Week 7 | Wednesday | May 14 
Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad
We would like to honor graduating seniors for their hard work and commitment in helping their community. Please come for a dinner, toast, recognition, post-graduation resources, gifts, and special guests. This event is for June-December 2014 graduating seniors only, as well as faculty and staff who would like to provide words of wisdom, offer support, and/or congratulate our UCSD graduates. There will be an open mic at the end for all participants, followed by a personalized good-bye artistic activity for graduating seniors. 
RSVP by week 7, Wednesday, 5/14 at the CCC front desk or by emailing Violeta Gonzales at violetag@ucsd.edu.
Breather Series: Yoga
Thursday | May 29 | 12-1PM
Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad
Breathe with us as we stretch, strengthen, move, and simply let go at the CCC. Healthy snacks provided! View the flyer here  
For more info view the Facebook Event here or contact Violeta Gonzales at vigonzales@ucsd.edu 
NEPANTLA: A Collective Blog
Submissions will be accepted and uploaded on a weekly basis
"I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own' - that I am not free as long as any oppressed person remains unchained" - bell hooks.
This is a brave space for womyn of color to express themselves, challenge one another, and grow together. This blog is to promote critical dialogue on everyday experiences as womyn of color and other underrepresented identities. Please feel free to read, comment, and of course submit your personal story. 
For more info contact Tania at t41romero@gmail.com
Real World Career Series: Building Skills for a Diverse Interconnected Community
#DoItForTheJob Professionalism and Transition to the Workplace: Professional Communication
Wednesday | May 14 | 3-5PM | Cross-Cultural Center 
The Real World Career Series is sponsored by the Campus Community Centers, SARC, Career Services Center and the Ethnic Studies Department. For a full list of events occurring throughout Spring Quarter view the flyer here 
8th Annual Asian & Pacific islander American Heritage Celebration: Re-Imagining the Slant: Storytelling, Culture, and Identity 
Book Talk with Prof. Robyn Rodriguez 
Thursday | May 15 | 12:30-2PM | Cross-Cultural Center 
"State of Asia America: Empire, Romance, & Haunting"
Tuesday | May 20 | 4-5:30PM | Cross-Cultural Center
Queer Asian & Pacific Islander Dialogue
Wednesday | May 21 | 12-1:30PM | LGBT Resource Center
Dialogue on Asian Parenting and Asian American Children with Windi Sasaki
Tuesday | May 27 | 6-8PM | Cross-Cultural Center
View the APIAHC Events Calendar here for more information!
Mental Health Awareness Month
Asian/Asian-American Psychology
Wednesday | May 14 | 11:30AM-1:30PM | Cross-Cultural Center 
Pi(e) Day III: Free Hugs Hosted by InTouch 
Thursday | May 15 | 5-7PM | The Hump in Front of the Old Student Center
#Real Talk: The Truth About Black Women and Depression
Wednesday | May 21 | 12-1:30PM | Black Resource Center
The "Other" Students: Filipino Americans, Education, and Power
Wednesday | May 28 | 11:30AM-1PM | Cross-Cultural Center
View the Mind Your Health Events Calendar here for more information!
UCSD Women's Center
Women's Center Events
Hunger Games: Catching Fire Screening
Tuesday | May 20 | 5PM
Price Center Theater

Join the UCSD Women's Center for a FREE screening of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Stay afterwards for a deconstruction of and dialogue about the film featuring Dr. Jillian Hernandez and Dr. Sara Clarke.



For more information contact 858.822.0074 or e-mail women@ucsd.edu | Visit Website for More Events
LGBT Resource Center Events
Queer APIA Dialogue
Wednesday | May 21 | 12PM
LGBT Resource Center


Come share your experience and connect with other Queer Asian American & Pacific Islander American folks. Dialogue is open to faculty, staff, undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni. RSVP to rainbow@ucsd.edu


For more information, contact Chris Datiles at

rainbow@ucsd.edu | Visit Website for More Events

Black Resource Center Events
Campus Black Forum
#RealTalk: The Truth About Black Women & Depression
Wednesday | May 21 | 12-1:30PM 
BRC Conference Room
As a part of mental Health Awareness Month, this presentation will focus on how cultural influences the development and subjective experience of depression for Black/African American women. We will also be discussing treatment for depression and the mental health stigma within the Black/African American community. Also... Free food! 
For more info contact 858.534.0471
Raza Resource Centro Events
The RRC is Now Open!
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center
Monday - Friday 8AM-4pm








For more information, contact the RRC at raza@ucsd.edu | Visit the Facebook Page


CGS 105: Queer Theory
Queer Theory/Queer Cinema

Mondays & Wednesdays | Summer Session 2
Instructor: Ashvin R. Kini


This course will offer an introduction to some of the key debates and questions in the study of lesbian, gay, trans, and queer sexualities. We will approach the field of queer studies by viewing a handful of iconic queer films of the past few decades: Isaac Julien's Looking For Langston; Dee Rees' Pariah; Jennie Livingston's Paris is Burning; and Wong Kar-Wai's Happy Together. These films will allow us an opportunity to engage a range of issues addressed in the various critical essays we will read by queer studies scholars and activists including the history of sexuality; family, kinship, and marriage; representation and performance; queer subcultures; and migration and globalization. Throughout our study, we will consider how gender and sexuality intersect with formations  of race, class, citizenship, and culture. Click here for more info!

Racialized Hauntings, Ghosted Embodiments
Mondays & Wednesdays | Summer Session 2
Instructor June J. Yuen Ting
Gender/text/culture: in this somewhat unconventional "literature" class, we will see "culture" itself as "texts" to be read like literature, and take "gender" - or better, the critiques of heteropatriarchy - as the lens to analyze culture as texts. This course will explore "hauntings" as a genre of critical inquiry that attends to the surplused, unclaimed, and uncontainable relations of the empirical, juridical, and rational modes of knowing and embodying - as well as unknowing and disembodying - the enduring violence of slavery, genocide, imperialist war, and primitive accumulation. Click here for more info!

ETHN 155: U.S. Militarism
Summer Session II | Mondays & Wednesdays | 2-4:50PM
Instructor: Linh Nguyen



Through film, media, popular culture, and interactive projects, we will examine the ways militarism has become a force in shaping our daily lives. Engaging contexts from the Cold War to the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border and the current post-9/11 moment, we will assess the narratives that assert US hegemony and examine the way affected communities transform and are transformed by their engagements with militarism.


For more info view the flyer here or contact ethnicstudies@ucsd.edu

ETHN 20: Intro to Asian American Studies
Instructor: Professor Amanda Solomon Amorao
Offered Fall 2014: MWF 10-10:50AM
Center 109
This class will explore the major historical events, social movements and cultural productions of Asian American communities since their arrival in the US to the contemporary moment. We'll investigate how the group labeled Asian American has negotiated a space within American society and culture and what it means to be Asian American today.
For more info view the flyer here

Social Justice Benefit Concert
Tuesday | May 13 | 7PM
Price Center Theater


We invite you to join us in this ground-breaking event by enjoying a free night of music, visual performances, food and social justice. Come meet, connect, and partner with your campus organizations.


For more info contact Caine Jordan at cejordan@ucsd.edu

Migrants Rights Awareness Presents:
Immigrant Detention Center Industrial Complex Panel
Wednesday | May 14 | 3-5PM | Green Table Room
DACAmented: Life After College Panel
Wednesday | May 21 | 3-5PM | Red Shoe Room
For more info view the flyer here

Academic Abolitionism

Saturday | May 17 | 3-6:15PM

Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad


Native/Women of color Feminist/Queer of Color Learning and Living Beyond the (Re)Production of Death, a symposium in memory of Rosemary Marangoly George. For more info view the Facebook Event page here 

International Summit Spring 2014
Fridays | May 16, 23, 30 | 12-1PM
Oceanids Pavilion
May 16 | How to Manage Advisor Relationships
May 23 | Graduate Student Language and Communication
May 30 | Graduate Student Career Plans
For more info view the flyer here or contact Rina Schul, Ph.D. at rschul@ucsd.edu

Internship Opportunities for Academic Credit

Literature Building, Room 210The Academic Internship Program (AIP) is accepting Summer 2014 applications! For more info view the website here


International Documentary Film Series

Mondays | May 19, June 2 & 9 | 7PM at La Jolla Village Landmark Cinema. A film series hosted by the International Rescue Committee in San Diego. For more info and ticket prices visit the website here


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