UCSD Cross-Cultural Center  Week 3, January 2012
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Keshet Presents Queer Jewish Film Festival
Jan. 23-Jan. 26
Check flyer for locations
Questions? E-mail [email protected] 

CLAH & the Center for U.S-Mexican Studies presents

Dr. Maylei Blackwell for the Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series
Thursday | Jan. 26 | 5pm
Weaver Room (I.O.A)

Questions? Contact Haydee Cervantes at [email protected]

 "Not In Our Town: Light In The Darkness" Film Screening
Monday | Feb. 6 | 5-8pm
Multipurpose Room

For more information,
visit the event page 

NOW Exhibiting in the CCC ArtSpace:

"Whither UCSD?..." 
by Fred Lonidier 
Showing Jan. 6 to Feb. 3, 2012
Exhibit Description 

FAAR Book Launch
w/ Prof. Fatima El-Tayeb
"European Others: Queering Ethnicity in Postnational Europe"
book launch & presentation
Thursday | Feb. 9 | 3pm
CCC Comunidad

Check out the
San Diego Black Film Festival
Jan. 26 - 29
Reading Gaslamp 15 Theatre
located on 5th and G Street
Visit the website 



The latest information on CCC events, lectures, art, poetry, classes, special guests, & announcements!



The Cross-Cultural Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events. Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility. If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Victor Betts [email protected] or call 858.534.9689.

To safely unsubscribe,  please click on SafeUnsubscribe at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Provided by Joseph Ramirez

January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly designated this day as International Holocaust Remembrance Day (IHRD), an annual day of commemoration to honor the victims of the Nazi era. Every member nation of the U.N. has an obligation to honor the memory of Holocaust victims and develop educational programs as part of an international resolve to help prevent future acts of genocide. The U.N. resolution that created IHRD rejects denial of the Holocaust, and condemns discrimination and violence based on religion or ethnicity. - Read more 

Spotlight Feature Disclaimer:
The Spotlight Feature is a space where we invite the entire community to reflect & provide thoughts on topics that we at the Cross-Cultural Center are currently thinking & talking about. The CCC strives for meaningful, productive dialogue and context with one another. Please provide your insights on our Tumblr site and follow us for future uploads! peace. love. JOY. always! 


Forgiveness: Pathway to Fullfillment 

Wednesdays | 1/18, 1/25  & 2/8 | 12-1pm 

Vera Cruz Room

Simple conversations that are anything but simple. Release the past. Deepen relationships. Begin anew. Series attendance is encouraged, but not required. This is not a counseling group, but a series of thought-provoking discussions. Disclosure of personal info is required. All faculty, staff, post-doc and visiting schoalrs are welcome! The series is free of charge. No reservation is necessary.


For more information, contact FSAP: Crystal Green x42387 or John Smith x42113 or go to www.loveforgive.com.

Breather Series: Yogayoga 
Friday | January 27 & February 3 | 12-1pm   

CCC Comunidad Room 


Please join us for a FREE hour of vinyasa yoga, a faster-paced "flowy" type of yoga that focuses on moving with the breath. It's a good starting point for those just starting out, for those who assume that it's boring and slow, and for folks who say they don't want to try it because they're not flexible enough. Bring your yoga mat if you have one and wear comfortable clothing. Limited yoga mats and water will be provided. 

Future Breather Series    

Cross-Cultural Center 


Mark your calendars for FREE Breather Series!

YOGA: Week 4, February 3, Friday 12-1p
PILATES: Week 5, February 9, Thursday 10:45-11:45a
YOGA: Week 7, February 24, Friday 12-1p
ARTS & CRAFTS: Week 10, March 15, Thursday 12-3p 

Experiential Learning Conference 

Thursday | January 26 | 8am-5:30pm  

Cross-Cultural Center & Price Center 


This conference will be the largest of its kind with over 165 presenters speaking about how students learn outside the traditional classroom from internships, from working in the community, from doing fieldwork and problem-based learning with real world problems, and from studying abroad. The conference is free to the public. For more information see the website.



Gender Buffet

Every Friday | 12-1:30pm

Women's Center  


Gender Buffet is a weekly event held at the Women's Center every Friday
from 12:00-1:30 P.M. This event is based on discussion, rather than
presentation or lecture, around various topics within the framework of
gender and social justice. Light snacks are provided as well. Questions? Contact the Women's Center at 858.822.0074 or visit women.ucsd.edu


Chicano Latino Alumni Scholarship
Two $500 Awards
Deadline is Feb. 12 at 430PM
Questions and submissions to Alejandra Sotelo-Solis
[email protected]
Click here for more info  

Paths to PhDs: Psychology and related programs

Wednesday | Feb. 1 | 1-3pm

Cross-Cultural Center

Refreshments provided 

Questions? Contact Laura Case at [email protected]

Monique Gaffney in
"Being Henrietta"
Thursday | Feb. 2 | 7pm
Arthur Wagner Theatre
UCSD Theatre District
Open and free to the public:
Limited seating
Patio Reception: 6pm
Please RSVP 

California Native American Day's

CANA-Day High School Essay Contest

Deadline: April 27, 2012 

Click here for more info 

Reading at Thumbprint Gallery

in La Jolla

Friday | Jan. 27 | 8:30-11pm

Visit their website for more info 

UCSD Students!
Want a boost for mind & mood?
Drop by The Zone for FREE fitness workshops, Tai-chi, biofeedback, meditation, therapy dogs, healthy cooking demos and more! For more info, visit zone.ucsd.edu 

The Institute for Responsible Citizenship now accepting applications for 2012
Deadline: Friday, Feb. 3, 2012
Questions? Contact John Saunders
(202)659-2831 or [email protected] 

Summer Research Initiative to Increase Diversity at the
University of Maryland
Application Deadline: Feb. 17, 2012
Question? Contact the SRI Office at (301)405-8761 or visit their website

UCSD SCI: Egyptian Revolution Anniversary Panel
with Nader Hashemi, Ghada Osman and Michael Provence
Thursday | Jan. 26 | 7-10pm
UCSD Literature Bldg.
for more information, contact [email protected] or
call 650.644.8837 

A lecture series spomsored by the New Wiccan club: Frog Pond
Click here for more info

UCSD University Art Gallery
Feb. 16 - May 18
Event dates and descriptions

Native American Student Alliance1st Annual High School Conference
Saturday | Feb. 18 | 9am-5pm
UCSD Price Center
Priority Deadline: Feb. 3
Final Deadline: Feb. 10
Questions? [email protected] 

Shui Kuen and Allen Chin Scholarship 2012
Now Accepting Applications
$1,000 scholarships for children of Asian restaurant workers
Deadline: March 15, 2012
Click here for more info 

Chicano Organizing & Research in Education (CORE) Que Llueva Cafe Scholarship for college-bound, undocumented, Latino students across the country.
Visit www.ca-core.org for more information. Deadline: 2/24/12 

Ethnic Studies Job Talk

w/ Mattie M. Harper
Wednesday | Jan. 25 | 3-4:30pm
SSB 107

w/ Jacquelyn Grey
Friday | Jan. 27 | 10-11:30am
SSB 102

14th Annual Cesar E. Chavez
High School Essay Contest
Deadline: March 2, 2012
Click here for more info 

iTHRIVE Cultural Workshop Series
at The Zone
Thursdays | 12-1pm
For more info visit their website 

Cute or Creepy [2]
"Where's the L.I.N.E.?"
Video Contest by SARC
Contest submissions begin Jan. 30
Four major prizes will be awarded
Submission guidelines and details can be found on sarc.ucsd.edu