UCSD Cross-Cultural Center  Finals Week, December 2011
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Cross-Cultural Center
Fall 2011 Finals Week
Hours of Operation

Monday (12/5): 9am-11:59pm
Tuesday (12/6): 12am-9pm
Wednesday (12/7): 9am-9pm
Thursday (12/8): 9am-4pm
Friday (12/9): CLOSED

Have a wonderful winter break!

Dear Community,

We are missing a lot of cups, silverware and mugs. We would like to keep nourishing the rest of the community with them. Please bring them back home to the CCC Kitchen...we miss them.

Sad face CCC  (   -_-) 

Research study on UCSD
Campus Climate
Recruiting participants again
Go to the survey now!
Conducted by graduate student Melissa Naranjo
For more info. click here  

CCC Annual Report 2010-2011
Now Available

Check it out now!

CLAH & the Center for U.S-Mexican Studies presents

Dr. Maylei Blackwell for the Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series
Thursday | Jan. 26 | 5pm
Weaver Room (I.O.A)

Questions? Contact Haydee Cervantes at [email protected]

 UC San Diego's
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day of Service
Sunday | Jan. 15 | 8am-330pm
Interested in volunteering?
Contact Albert Nguyen at [email protected]
Click here for more information 



The latest information on CCC events, lectures, art, poetry, classes, special guests, & announcements!



The Cross-Cultural Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events. Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility. If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Victor Betts [email protected] or call 858.534.9689.

To safely unsubscribe,  please click on SafeUnsubscribe at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

The Immediate Need for Emotional Justiceemotional
By Yolo Akili

Oppression is trauma. Every form of inequity has a traumatic impact on the psychology, emotionality and spirituality of the oppressed. The impact of oppressive trauma creates cultural and individual wounding. This wounding produces what many have called a  "pain body", a psychic energy that is not tangible but can be sensed, that becomes an impediment to the individual and collective's ability to transform and negotiate their conditions. - Read more

Reclaiming "Asian American" (Some thoughts) 
By Words and Steel

I know I don't really repost much on Tumblr, and rarely if ever bother to write something of my own, but I've been marinating on a few thoughts partly in response to (but long brewing beforehand) a recent API students town hall held on campus a few days ago. This in no way is meant to denigrate the hard work of the student organizers who put it together or to dismiss the real concerns voiced during this time, but rather I hope can re-pose a few questions that I voiced during that time which I felt were not engaged with in any significant way. - Read more 

Spotlight Feature Disclaimer:
The Spotlight Feature is a space where we invite the entire community to reflect & provide thoughts on topics that we at the Cross-Cultural Center are currently thinking & talking about. The CCC strives for meaningful, productive dialogue and context with one another. Please provide your insights on our Tumblr site and follow us for future uploads! peace. love. JOY. always! 


STRESS LESS: 24 Hours Study JamsOpen 24 hours  

Finals Week 

Campus Community Centers + SPACES

Need a place to study for finals? Each day, from the evening of December 4th until the morning of December 8th, one of the Campus Community Centers or SPACES will be open 24 hours. Snacks, coffee and tea will be provided. Check the schedule below and get your study on!


LGBT Resource Center: Sun. 12/4 - Mon. 12/5

Cross-Cultural Center: Mon. 12/5 - Tue. 12/6

Women's Center: Tue. 12/6 - Wed. 12/7

SPACES: Wed. 12/7 - Thu. 12/8

REVOLVE Leadership Conference 

Saturday | January 21, 2012 | Begins 9am 

Cross-Cultural Center 


The 2nd annual Affiliates Leadership Conference is happening Winter quarter of 2012. This year's conference is titled as the REVOLVE Leadership Conference, which stands for Redefining Educational Violence Over Love Virtue and Empowerment. The theme to this year's conference is "Revolutionizing the Revolution: Getting out of the academic and into the personal". All Affiliates organizations are required to attend. If you or your organization would like to provide a workshop please contact Grant White for more information at [email protected] or stop by the CCC for an application. 

Social Justice Training Request Reminder 

Cross-Cultural Center 


Friendly reminder: Please make early arrangements for social justice trainings and/or presentations for the Winter 2012 and Spring 2012 quarter with Nancy Magpusao at [email protected]

Winter Breather Series Fun! 

Throughout Winter 2012 quarter

Cross-Cultural Center 


Keep a look out for some more awesome programs in the Winter quarter at the CCC! Take a breather from your usual hectic schedule and wind down with some arts and crafts or align your chakras with yoga. We hope to see you at many more of these programs next year. for more information or questions, contact Violeta Gonzales at [email protected]. Thank you.  


Winter's Q CampwinterQcamp

Wednesday | January 11 | 5-7pm

LGBT Resource Center  


Come and welcome in the new year with the LGBT Resource Center at Winter Q Camp! Winter Q Camp rings in the new quarter by welcoming new members to the community and welcoming back old ones. This is a time for ALL of us to (re)connect and to hear about this quarter's upcoming events. Bring back the spirit of Fall Q Camp's potluck, only this time, food will be provided! Please contact Vanidy Bailey at [email protected] for more information.


Queer Chinese Cultures: A Survey of Fiction, Film & Theory
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 2-3:20pm
Thurgood Marshall 102-1
with Prof Larissa N. Heinrich
[email protected] 

Arrhythmias of Counter-Production: Engaged Art in Argentina, 1995-2011

Exhibit: Oct. 6 - Jan. 20, 2012

Curated by Jennifer Sternad

UCSD University Art Gallery

For more info on the exhibit 

Want to know what's on display at the CCC ArtSpace?
Check out our
CCC Exhibits Calendar!

The Institute for Responsible Citizenship now accepting applications for 2012
Deadline: Friday, Feb. 3, 2012
Questions? Contact John Saunders
(202)659-2831 or [email protected] 

Summer Research Initiative to Increase Diversity at the
University of Maryland
Application Deadline: Feb. 17, 2012
Question? Contact the SRI Office at (301)405-8761 or visit their website

UC Merced Job Opening!
Coordinator for
Social Justice Initiatives
Apply now!

Curatorial Fellowship Program
with the UCSD University Art Gallery
 Application Deadline
Monday, Jan. 23 2012
For more info click here
UAG website

ETHN 189 Winter 2012
Special Topics/Ethnic Studies: Representing Native America
Tuesdays & Thursdays
11am-12:20pm PCYNH 121

Education Studies Courses
for Winter 2012
For a list of courses and general description, click here