UCSD Cross-Cultural Center  Week 7, November 2010
enews banner

"People Like Me" Exhibit
5o Years of
Activism at UCSD
Nov. 1 - Nov. 19
Cross-Cultural Center Gallery

Resource Video for
UCSD Students!
Produced by Cody Marshall
 Watch It Now!

5th Annual
Staff Associations
Diversity Luncheon
Tues. | Nov. 16
11:30-1pm @ the International Center


A Student Run Blog


The latest information on CCC events, lectures, art, poetry, classes, special guests, & announcements!

Teaching Diversity Conference 2011
Sponsored by Muir College & the Cross-Cultural Center
Jan. 27 | Cross-Cultural Center
Click here for more info

Wednesday | Dec. 1, 2010
Save the Date!
If you would like to contribute any 2D artwork for World AIDS Day, please submit them at the Cross-Cultural Center by Nov. 15
For more info. please contact Victor Betts at vbetts@ucsd.edu or 858.534.9689. Thank you!


To safely unsubscribe,  please click on SafeUnsubscribe at the bottom of this page. Thank you!


Paths to PhDs: Considering Applying to PhD in Psychology and Related Fields

Wednesday | November 10 | 11-1pmPhDprogram
Cross-Cultural Center


CoAre you interested in research in psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, or clinical psychology?  Are you not quite sure what background you need, how to obtain research experience, or what funding is available?  Do you wonder whether graduate school is the right choice for you, or whether the topics you are passionate about can be studied in graduate programs? Do you need advice on choosing programs and preparing your applications? Click here to view flyer.


Panel of Graduate Students from Diverse Backgrounds discuss the where, why, and how of pursuing PhDs in Psychology and related disciplines. Questions? Email: lkcase@ucsd.edu.

Sponsored by the UCSD CCC and the Dept of Psychology

Transfer Break & Eggs Forum

Friday | November 19 | 10-11:30am
Cross-Cultural Center Library

Hey transfer students, are you feeling overwhelmed and hungry? Do you need an outlet to talk about how your quarter has gone so far? Well, come out to the Cross Cultural Center to grab some breakfast and participate in our transfer student forum. This is a great opportunity for you to meet new people and provide input for what you need to help you feel more at home here at UCSD. Don't miss out!
Contact Jeff at green16@rohan.sdsu.edu for more information

Gordon Johnson: Cahuilla/Cupeno Authorgordonjohnson

Friday | November 19 | 6-8pm
Student Services Center (MPR)


Gordon Lee Johnson, a Cahuilla/Cupeno writer from the Pala Indian Reservation, will read from two of his books Rez Dogs Eat Beans and Fast Cars and Frybread, perform an excerpt from a performance piece called Tear in my Beer Session and will be available for questions following the performance. Refreshments will be served.

Udall Scholarship up to $5,000

For Native American and Alaskan Native students.

The Foundation expects to award 80 scholarships of up to $5000 and 50 honorable mentions of $350 to sophomore and junior level college students committed to careers related to the environment, tribal public policy, or Native American health care.
Scholarships are offered in any of three categories:

- To students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to the environment; or
- To Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to tribal public policy; or
- To Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to Native health care.

Please contact Ross Frank at rfrank@ucsd.edu who will register applicants on the Udall Scholarship website.


Combating Violence Against the Transgender Community: Understanding Cisgender Privilegetrans

Wednesday | November 17 | 5-7pm 

LGBT Resource Center

In observance of the Transgender Day of Remembrance Friday of week seven, a day set aside to memorialize those who have been killed due to anti-transgender hatred and prejudice, let's better learn how to show our transgender peers and community members love and support on their paths to equality! Come and learn about cisgender privilege through individual and group self-reflection. We'll discuss how unchecked cisgender privilege, leads to blatant and painful transphobia that impedes transgender folks from feeling loved and valued. In addition, we will be looking at the spectrum of sex and gender through an exciting activity that will be empowering no matter how you identify! Come with an open mind, an open heart, and a willingness to participate. Refreshments and cake will be provided! Questions, contact cklemmer@ucsd.edu.

Transgender Day of RemembranceTDOR

Friday | November 19

LGBT Resource Center Conference Room

 The UCSD LGBT Resource Center honors Transgender Day of Remembrance to memorialize those who are killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Throughout the day, the conference room will be reserved as a reverent space for reflection and learning. At 12:00pm in the conference room, there will be a viewing of Still Black: A portrait of Black Transmen. This film is an "alternative feature-length documentary that explores the lives of six black transgender men living in the United States. Through the intimate stories of their lives as artists, students, husbands, fathers, lawyers, and teachers, the film offers viewers a complex and multi-faceted image of race, sexuality and trans identity." At 6:00pm on November 20, 2010 please join the San Diego community for a march and ceremony at The Center in Hillcrest. For more information, please contact Vanidy Bailey (vbailey@ucsd.edu).

The Collective Voice
Open Mic/Launch Party
Wednesday | November 10
6:30-8:30pm at CCC Library

Passport to Leadership
Fall of 2010
Click here for a listing of upcoming workshops!

SDSU 4th Annual
Diversity Conference
Program Proposal due
February 20, 2011
For inquiries contact Dr. Tanis Starck at tstarck@mail.sdsu.edu

Summer Leadership Program
for aspiring Black male teachers
Must be college
sophomore to apply

Events Outside UCSD ORANGE
Student Org Events LIGHT GREEN
Other Dept Events
Opportunities YELLOW

UCLA School of Law
1st Annual Diversity Admissions Open House
Thurs | Nov. 18 | 5-8pm
UCLA School of Law Rm 1457
Please RSVP to henderson1012@lawnet.ucla.edu

Contemporary Gay & Lesbian Fiction
Wednesdays | 7-9:15pm
Jan. 12 - March 2
UCSD Extension Center Course

ETHN 98, ETHN 198
"Education, Self-determination,  Arte & Culture"
Winter 2011 Wednesdays, 3-6pm

Session #1: 3pm  
Session #2 4pm 
SPACES (2nd floor, above food court)

11th Annual Queer Pin@y Conference 2010
November 13 | UC Santa Cruz
For more information please visit www.qpc2010.blogspot.com and REGISTER NOW (Space is limited)!

Black Student Union
Kwanzaa Celebration
Monday | Nov. 29th, 2010
6:30-9pm - Ballroom A&B