24/7 Dance Studio
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Dates to Remember

April 2

Finale Rehearsal

April 7-13

Spirit Week

April 8

 Recital Tickets go on sale at the Weinberg Center at 9am

April 13

Seamstress at the studio 6:00-7:30

April 14-21

Spring Break - Studio Closed

April 19
Art Workshop

April 22-

First snow make up class for Saturday classes

April 29 & 30


April 30

 Recital T-shirt Orders due

May 6

Senior Showcase

May 7

Acting Showcase

May 7

Gymnastics Showcase

May 13

Awards Banquet

May 21

Finale Rehearsal

May 15-20

Pre-Registration Week
May 25

Volunteer Meeting 7:30pm

May 26

Early Bird Recital DVD Orders Due

May 27

Last Day of Classes

May 27-

Second snow make up class for Saturday classes

May 30

Finale Rehearsal
Lost and Found

Are you missing dance shoes? If so, please visit our LOST & FOUND before we donate items to charity. thank you!
End of the Year Evaluations

Students will be receiving their final class Progress Reports with the teacher recommended class for the 2017/2018 dance year. These reports and recommendations will be handed out approximately May 1st.
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24/7 Dance Studio
April 2017

Hooray for spring! With spring comes recital excitement. By now, you should all have signed out your recital packets and know exactly when your child's picture day/time, mandatory dress rehearsal day/time, and which show your child will be in. If you have not picked up your recital packet, please see the front desk immediately.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the amazing performers in our Company Concert and Shrek performances. We also thank those of you who
supported the Hero for the Arts 5k. 

Thank you for choosing 24/7 Dance Studio, we are thrilled to have you as a part of our family. If you have any questions or concerns, let us know and we will be happy to help in every way we can.


Gina Korrell, Artistic Director

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Recital News

Recital Booklets are available NOW for pick up. Every Family MUST pick up a booklet and it must be signed out by a parent or a student who is 16 years or older. These Booklets contain specific information regarding every aspect of the Recital. Dates, rehearsals, schedules, ticket sales, order forms, procedures, etc. will be included in this booklet. This information will also be available on the website when we return from Spring Break.

Photo Day is April 29 & 30 at the studio.  Please come dressed and ready 10-15 minutes prior to your time slot.  Order forms are in the Recital packet.

Recital Tickets will be on sale at the Weinberg Center and online starting April 8 at 9 a.m.

Dress Rehearsals are Mandatory for participation in the recital. Make sure you check for your dress rehearsal time on your costume label or on the report with your Recital Booklet. Allow plenty of time to anticipate traffic and whatever the dancer will need to be ready to perform.

Proofing the Program
A copy of the recital programs will be available on the studio bulletin board by late April. Please check for your child's name under their dances and double check the spelling.

General Reminders
Students taking hip hop classes are required to have Black Nike Roshe sneakers that are to be used for class only and these shoes will be required to participate in the end of the year recital. 

Students in PreDance and Combo classes must replace your tap shoe ties with elastic. This is also required for the recital.
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Recital Finale Opportunity

Students of 24/7 Dance Studio ages 7 to adult are invited to be a part of our Recital Finale for this year's recital. Mandatory rehearsals to learn the dance will be April 2nd from 5-7pm, May 21st from 5-7pm, and May 30th from 5-7pm. Please sign up at the front desk.

Dress Rehearsals will be held at the Weinberg Center on both Saturday and Sunday, June 3rd and 4th at 11:20am and all participants MUST attend both the June 3rd and June 4th rehearsals AND be available for BOTH shows on June 3rd and 4th at 6pm. We are very excited for this year's finale!
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Costumes and Alterations

Our Studio Seamstress will be here on April 13th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. If your costume needs alterations, please sign up on the bulletin board.
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Photo Days April 28th & 29th 

Students should come fully dressed in their costume with hair and make-up done with the proper shoes and tights. This information is found on the label of your costume. New tights should be purchased for Picture Day. You should bring your order form with you on Picture Day and mark the Dancers' song name on the Order Form.  If you have multiple dances, you can write your check number on each form for each dance and turn the check in with the first order form.

We run ON SCHEDULE. Do not be late, we cannot wait. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early. Make every effort to have your child attend so they can be part of the group photo. If you do not plan to attend, please let the front desk know so we are not looking for you on Picture Day. Purchasing pictures is OPTIONAL, but a great keepsake.

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Attendance and Tardiness

We all have busy lives in today's day and age. Being part of 24/7 Dance Studio is also being a part of a team. Many, many students are arriving late to class on a weekly basis. Children arriving more than 15 minutes late are NOT allowed to participate in class but must watch the class. Every late mark counts as half an absence and only 3 absences are allowed during the recital season. Missing more than 3 classes can result in your child not being allowed to participate in the recital. Your child's attendance is imperative for blocking and their presence helps the other students in the class.

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Volunteers Needed

Your help is crucial to the success of the Recitals. We cannot do it without you! Please check the bulletin board for open positions for your class. All the slots need to be filled. There is special volunteer seating near the front for all who help to enjoy your child's performance and at no charge to you! Thanks in advance for your generosity in helping with the show!

There is a mandatory Volunteer Meeting on May 25th at 7:30 at the studio.
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Make Up classes for snow days 

Our dance year is based on 32 weeks of instruction. Certain days of the week have days built in for snow cancellations however, Saturdays did not have any extra days built into the schedule. With 2 snow days cancelling classes on Saturday, we have 2 Saturdays to make up. The make up dates will be Saturday, April 22 and Saturday, May 27. Please mark this on your calendars. Thank you.

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Student Ambassador Message

Hello everyone!
The 24/7 Recital is approaching fast! But before that, we have picture day this month! Make sure to check that you have all costume pieces, a little makeup, and LOTS of hairspray for the fly aways. Most importantly, bring your smiles! I can't wait to see all of the class pictures for this year!

Grace Uzat (Student Ambassador)
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QUESTIONS? EMAIL marsha.garcia@youngrembrandts.com

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Awards Banquet - May 13

Our Annual Awards Banquet will be held on May 13 at the Brunswick Fire Hall.  Dinner is served at 5pm. Tickets are on sale at the front desk starting April 7th ($18 each) and includes dinner. You must purchase tickets no later than April 28th.
This event is invitation only and is a formal event, so please dress accordingly. Check out our scholarship nominees on the wall at the dance studio and congratulate them on all of their hard work!
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Pre-Registration Week - May 15-20

Current students will have the opportunity to pre-register for fall classes before they are open to the public. Enjoy FREE registration for next year (up to a $40 value), and you only pay one month's tuition. But wait...there's more. If you register during this week your name will be entered into a drawing to win one month of FREE TUITION as well.

Our Fall schedule will be released around May 1st along with your teachers recommendation for next year, this will give you some time to ponder which classes you would like to register for. Then turn in your registration form during the week of May 15th-20th and pay one month's tuition to secure your child's spot in classes. Classes will fill on a first come, first served basis.

This is the only week that REGISTRATION IS FREE! Don't miss out. Register early for Fall classes to get the class of your choice.
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Summer class registrations are happening now. Make sure you sign up for your favorite classes and camps to ensure your spot for the summer.

In addition to our 6 week classes we also offer:
Princess Camp
Diva Camp
Legally Blonde Jr. Musical Theater Camp
Xtreme 14 Dance In10sive
Sleeping Beauty Ballet Intensive Camp
The Lion King Kid's Musical Theater Camp
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24/7 Dance Studio | 482-A Prospect Blvd | Weis Festival Shopping Center | Frederick | MD | 21701