Today's Stimuli

November 27, 2014

It can be difficult to get clear about what you do want until you clear out what you don't want.

Unfortunately, we can become so focused on what we don't want that we obscure what we truly desire. This week our work is about getting clear.
Using a sheet of lined paper complete the following statement 9 times. 



"I don't want:



Instead I choose: _________________________"


Opportunities, relationships, even
money flowed my way when I
learned to be grateful no matter
what happened in my life.

Oprah Winfrey


Gratitude means giving thanks from your heart.  When you do this, energy flows from your heart and activates certain responses from other people as well as the Universe. If you pay lip-service to gratitude or feel you ought to be thankful, you words and thoughts do not draw the same response.


. . . When you send out heartfelt thanks to the Universe for the blessings you have received, the divine energy lovingly responds by giving you even more blessings.


Heartfelt gratitude is a key to abun- dance. It unlocks the great resources of the Universe.


Diana Cooper

A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws


Thank you is the bridge from where you are now, to the life of your dreams.  . . . When you understand that the Universe is within you, and by its very nature it is for you wanting you to have more life, more health, more love, more beauty, and more of everything you want . . . then you will feel genuine Gratitude to the Universe for everything you receive in your life and you will have established a personal relationship between you and the Universe!


. . . The more genuine Gratitude you feel toward the Universe for everything you receive the closer your relationship becomes with the Universe.  In that moment you can reach the level of unlimited abundance from the Magic of Gratitude.


Rhonda Byrne, 

The Magic




Dear God,


Thank You for Your love. 

Thank You for Your grace. 

Thank You for Your mercy. 

Thank You for my mother. 

Thank You for my father. 

Thank You for my family. 

Thank You for the Infinite possibility of me. 

Thank You for being all that You are. 

Thank You for the all that I Am becoming. 

Thank You for the stillness and quietness of my mind. 

Thank You for the rhythm and calmness of my heart. 

Thank You for the synchronicity and fluidity of my breath. 

Thank You for the love that is constantly showing up as divine alignment and correction. 

Thank You for the light that reveals itself in, as and through me. 

Thank You for the forgiveness that has eliminated the guilt, shame and hurt. 

Thank You that all I have to do is speak one word and this mountain will be moved. 

Thank You that I am not forgotten. 

Thank You for every opportunity to re-member.



Minister Manazerine Baptiste






I gratefully accept all the health, wealth 

and happiness  that the universe 

expresses through me every day.



I am deeply thankful for the beauty

of life that flourishes around me.



I give thanks for all that I have and all that

I shall be. I am open to all possibilities.



I am grateful I am abundant in

 all areas of my life.



With great gratitude I release that which

has served its purpose in my life, knowing that a greater good automatically replaces that which is no more.



As I continually explore that which is my

true calling in life. I give thanks for the knowledge that allows me to nurture

my heart's desire with love,

compassion and confidence.



With deep gratitude I give thanks for

all the experiences that have made me

who I am. I am thankful for the wisdom

and knowledge that pulls me

forward towards my divine purpose.


I am in deep gratitude for

God's endless gifts.




 . . . gratitude is more than a word or a gesture.  Being truly grateful for the gift of life must be an experience.


We must learn to experience gratitude as an experience of being alive.  When we become grateful to this degree we will begin to notice the small things.


Gratitude is a state of consciousness.  It is an experience of living in a state of joy.


Gratitude is like a magnet that attracts more of it to itself; the more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for.


Electricity does not care if you believe in it or not.  When you want to experience light in a dark room, the only requirement is that you flip the switch.  The electric current moving through the wires does not care if you like it, if you know how it works, if you believe in its power.   . . . Life works the same way.  It does not care if you like it.  Life is not concerned about convincing you that it is good or abundant. Life will not stop because you do not believe in it.  And whether you believe in life or not, you will not rust or fall apart if you stand still for five years.   The only requirement for you to live a full and valuable life is for you to flip the switch, to make the connection.  Gratitude is the connection between who and what you are and the full magnificence of life.

Adapted from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up  
Iyanla Vanzant 
Oprah's Lifeclass Co-Teachers Define Gratitude - Oprah's Lifeclass - Oprah Winfrey Network
Iyanla talks about gratitude in Oprah's Lifeclass with Co-Teachers  

Iyanla Fix My Life  on  OWN
Saturdays 9/8c





 Something for the Men  


Tattooing . . . Is It For You? 


  • A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment.


    Usage of the terms "skin art", "tattoo art" "pieces"and "work" is gaining greater support with mainstream art galleries holding exhibitions of both conventional and custom tattoo designs.




IV Applications     
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907