Today's Stimuli
August 23, 2014
Because we are repeating this exercise, you may be tempted to skip it. We are encouraging you to resist that temptation.Inner work is not linear. It is a process that continually takes you deeper into your own consciousness.
 Using a sheet of lined paper, write 7 statements beginning with, "I Am . . ."
These are to be positive, powerful, energizing, affirming statements of what you now believe to be true about who you are in the world. Pick one statement that resonates strongly and demonstrate that attribute throughout the day.
Surrender refers to a state of physical, mental, and emotional inaction which provides an energetic opening which facilitates Divine Presence and activity.
Surrender refers to the yielding or giving over of self, desires, intentions and outcomes which is not equivalent to disinterest. Rather, surrender is a state of detachment from the details and controlling the details related to how the outcome must or will unfold.
It is a state of neutrality which allows events to unfold without limitation, judgment or resistance.
Surrender is the active state of remembrance that there is a divine law and order to activities and events.
As a state of consciousness and being, surrender means being flexible, willing and open to the flow, influence, energy and power of Divine Presence.
In the realm of common experience, surrender is thought of as giving up, as in defeat. In the spiritual realm, surrender is giving overto a powerful, higher presence which takes into account the interests and well being of all involved.
In a state of surrender without attachment to how or when things must occur, we become receptive and obedient to the inner voice which may offer opportunities and possi-bilities which were not considered.
The greatest demonstration of surrender is in the choice not to indulge toxic emotions (e.g., anger, guilt, shame, etc.). To surrender a negative emotion requires acknow- ledgment that it exists and the choice not to allow it to control thought or behavior.
Holy Mother, Great Father,
Blessed Holy Spirit
I acknowledge You as Perfect Wisdom and Perfect Counsel.
I acknowledge You as the Great I Am Presence and Power,
I confess that I don't always perceive my best interest.
I confess that my misplaced thoughts have left me weary and drained.
I confess that weeds of doubt are among my flowers of faith.
I desire a new plan for my life and I surrender to a new way of being.
I am open and available to a new belief and a new perspective.
I gently surrender and get out of my own way!
I surrender and stop any patterns that no longer serve me nor my highest potential.
I surrender and stop any practices that do not serve me nor my greatest capabilities.
I surrender and stop any beliefs that do not promote my grandest vision.
I am grateful that all is in perfect harmony and alignment.
I am grateful that all things are working together for my good.
I am grateful for the power of choice!!
All is well!!
And so it is!!
Rev. Tamara Manly
I surrender and release the control
I think I have over my life.
I surrender all anxieties I have about
relationships and allow love to
come into my life.
I surrender my fears and allow
Divine Wisdom to guide me.
I surrender my need for approval
and accept myself the way I am.
I surrender any need I think I have
for unhealthy foods and I now
support my body temple with
beneficial, nutritious food
that promotes good health.
I surrender all thoughts that
I am unlovable, my heart is
now open and I radiate love.
I surrender all negative thoughts
and fill my mind with gratitude
for my wonderful life.
Surrender is the active reminder that there is a divine law in operation, and that we are always accountable to the law. Surrender is an admission that we cannot make anything happen. However, if we are in alignment with the law, we will always get what we deserve. If we are not in alignment, it simply means we must do the work to make ourselves so.
Surrender allows us to face the thing we fear before it becomes a reality. The fear of being wrong. The fear of losing control. The fear of being found out. Most of the time, the thing we fear has absolutely no power, yet we brace ourselves for the worst possibility. In that defensive posture we keep our minds fixed on what could or might happen. The fear of facing that imaginary negative outcome is what keeps us paralyzed. Surrender places us in the offensive position. It gives us the opportunity to plan, and to move according to the plan.
Surrender helps you to become willing to live through the experience, without giving your entire life over to it. It also makes room in your heart and mind for the Divine to give you a new idea. A new thought. When you surrender, give up the fear thoughts, and give up the control of a situation, you open the way for a miracle to take place.
Excerpts from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up
by Iyanla Vanzant
Iyanla Fix My Life on OWN Saturdays 9/8c
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Tapping the Power Within: The Wonder Woman Weekend October 31st to November 2nd 2014 If you are waiting for life to become the wondrous adventure you always dreamed it could be...The Wonder Woman Weekend is for you! For more information click here.
Something for the Men
Be Smart About Getting Your Finances In Order

These days it's easy to get organized as you start out because everything is online. Set up online folders to save the documents you get from your employer: retirement plan documents, loan payments, or any kind of document you'll need for reference if something happens.
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907