The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall be led;
I shall pay attention to His voice;
I shall heed the urgings of Spirit;
I shall discern between Divine guidance and the ego-monkey -mind
The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall give thanks continually;
I shall be grateful for every thing, even in the midst of apparent confusion;
I shall live in gratitude for blessings seen and unseen;
I shall dance in advance for blessings yet to manifest.
The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall trust without question;
I shall surrender my need to know;
I shall surrender my need to understand;
I shall let go of my need to be in charge;
I shall just allow God to be God in my life.
The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall be aware, acknowledge and accept;
I shall be conscious of what is going on within my own consciousness;
I shall take responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds;
I shall forgive myself for those times when I forget;
I shall take course corrective action to return to a path of right-useness.
The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall love and God loves;
I shall love others and see the Christ in them (the perfection of God made manifest);
I shall love myself as God first loved and always loves me;
I shall love without conditions - with no strings, no have to's, need to's or must do's;
I shall be the love that God is.
The Lord is My Shepherd, because the Lord is the Law;
I shall acknowledge the unfailing operation of Divine Law in my life and affairs;
I shall do my best to align myself with the Law;
I shall love the Law and write it on my heart.
In all of these things, I forgive myself when I may fall short of God's glory.
I give all praise and honor to my Creator for the grace that sustains me in those moments.
And So It Is. And So It Shall Be.
Rev. Beverly Saunders Biddle