Today's Stimuli

July 12, 2014





One of the reasons we become stuck in an experience is because we hold on to it.  This week we will practice surrender. 

Using a sheet of lined paper, complete the following statement a minimum of 11 times daily identifying those things that cause worry, anxiety, fear, anger, shame, guilt or any other negative emotion in your life.

Dear God: Today I give you this _______ about _______. Identify the emotion in the first blank and the experience in the subsequent blank space.



Freedom is a state of being in which all experiences are viewed as opportunities for healing, personal growth, and natural development in alignment with universal law and Divine will.


Freedom is demonstrated as a state of internal well-ness, and external congruency. The intent is to support the individual in realizing a state of physical, mental, and emotional freedom, which supports positive action toward a desired intention.


When an individual becomes able to regard the self as both one with God and as an individual personality/ expression of God, the experience is one of freedom.


Attachment and bondage to the perceived limitations of the physical human expression are the result of mental and emotional misinter-pretations.  Freedom, therefore, is the knowing and embracing of truth to such a degree that you are able to cooperate with the flow of God within your being.


Freedom is a function of con- sciousness.


When the conscious mind releases all attachment to form and outcome, the experience is called freedom. Those who know their oneness with God have no fears. Freedom, therefore, is the absence of fear. 


Inner Visions Institute 

More information on
Spiritual Principles


Divine Father, Blessed Mother, Holy Spirit:

Thank You for this right now moment of assurance that I AM connected to You,

I AM connected to my brother and my sister;

I AM connected to ALL that is!

And ALL is WELL!

Dear God - Even when things don't look the way I want them to, I can still feel Your assurance

That I AM connected!

When the words, the songs or the prayers of my brothers and my sisters.

Raise an "Amen" from deep within my being.

I know I am connected!

When I receive answers to prayers that I have yet to utter, I know I AM connected!

When the melody of a song or the smile of a stranger lightens my heart,

I know I AM connected!

When it seems that coincidences and miracles just keep coming, I no longer question,

I just remember that I AM connected to God and ALL is WELL!


Coach Jean Collison-Morris




Right here and right now,  I release

the self-imposed chains that hold

me down and walk consciously

into the light of freedom.


 Today I am liberated from the

tyranny of my negative

thoughts. I am now free of

all doubt, worry, and anxiety.


In this moment I am newly born

into the spirit of freedom.


Today I declare my independence

and celebrate the good in my life.


Right now I release the fear that

holds me hostage and

proclaim my independence.


Right here and right now I remove  

all barriers to love, joy, peace,  

harmony and vibrant health.


In this now moment I turn to

the Divine within me and  

recognize that freedom is  

my natural state of being.



Do we choose for ourselves that which we truly desire?Under most of the normal conditions and pressures of life, we do not.  We allow labels and expectations to keep us in boxes, then we cry out for freedom.  The entire purpose of life on earth is for us to be free, exercise free will, and choose the parameters of our freedom.

.   .   .


Freedom is a state of mind.  It is the outgrowth of our willingness to make conscious choices of our own free will and to live through the consequences of our choices without blame, shame, or guilt.  Freedom is a sign of self-awareness.  When you are aware of what it takes to maintain your mental, emotional, and physical well-being and you make conscious choices toward that goal, you are exercising your freedom.Freedom is the recognition of the truth.

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You are powerful.You are unlimited.  You are the reflection of creative genius.  When you realize this truth and accept it as a fact of your reality, you know that you are free to choose whatever you believe to be the truest reflection of your identity.  Freedom requires consistent and repeated acts of courage.

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What you believe, how you feel, what you do, how you respond to any given circumstance at any given time is the only impediment to freedom.  You are always free to choose how you will respond.

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Are you courageous enough to live the truth of your desires without fear?  This is what will determine your freedom.  . . .  More important, once you are clear about the experience you want to have, you are free to make the choices that will result in your having that experience.

.   .   .


When I realized that God, the divine source of life, not people, was the source and substance of all good things, I was freed from every "ism" that held me captive.

Excerpted from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up  
Iyanla Vanzant 

Iyanla Fix My Life  on  OWN
Saturdays 9/8c



Iyanla Vanzant Defines Spiritual Abuse - Iyanla Fix My Life - Oprah Winfrey Network
Iyanla Vanzant Defines Spiritual Abuse - Iyanla Fix My Life - Oprah Winfrey Network





Oct. 31st to Nov. 2nd, 2014  


If you are waiting for life to become the wondrous adventure 

you always dreamed it could be,

the Wonder Woman Weekend is for you

 For more information click here.  





 Something for the Men  


Planning on taking a trip this summer?




Well, here's a little check list that might

make that trip a little easier....


IV Applications     
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907