May 16, 2014                                          





What is it that causes you anxiety, worry or concern?  What really scares you?   









Using a sheet of lined paper, complete the following state- ment 13 times or more, calling forth in your mind and heart any and everything that sup- ports and triggers fear in your life.

"I fear . . . "


Acceptance is the acknowledg- ment of the inherent perfection in every person, situation and experience regardless of how difficult or challenging it may appear or feel. 

Acceptance does not depend or rely upon what is going on externally. It is an internal state of awareness and being.

Acceptance of others as doing the best they can, regardless of what they do or how they do it, eliminates judgment. In order to come to a place of accept- ance, you must be willing to relinquish your position (e.g. being right, what is fair, what you should or should not do, etc.)

In the midst of a difficult experience, you are called to acceptance. You cannot change the past. Only by acceptance of the feelings and memories associated with the past are you able to change your choices and responses to similar experiences.

Acceptance requires that you embrace all seeming imper-fections which present them- selves, knowing that you can set a new course for your life, one minute at a time, one day at a time. Acceptance of experiences is realized as an outgrowth of acceptance of self. Acceptance of who you are and what you have experienced is the foundation of unconditional loving of self. 
  Inner Visions Institute



Good Morning God,


Thank You for this day.  This is the day that LOVE has made so I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Today, I rejoice that You are love, loving and always IN LOVE with me. 


Today, I rejoice in the remem- brance that all things are possible with and through You.


Today, I rejoice that I am a Divine and Purposeful creation of the most- high God and as such I cannot fail.


Today, I rejoice that no matter what I have believed that I never have and never can "do it on my own."


Today, I rejoice in the things, people, habits and behaviors that I have left behind in order to stand more fully in who I was created to be.


Today, I rejoice in the fact that no matter how crazy I have acted, how much I have tried to fight or deny You, that You have NEVER left me alone.


Today, I rejoice in the knowing that the best is yet to come as LOVE continues to expand in as and through me.


Today, I rejoice in the power of LOVE in my life. 


I let it be so.  And So it is.


Minister Laura Rawlings





I release any resistance within me to 

accept my good. 


I accept abundance, joy, honest and 

loving relationships,

a healthy body and 

a peaceful mind. 


I accept myself for who I am 

without judgment or criticism. 


I accept myself for who I am without 

fear of rejection from others. 


I accept myself for who I am without 

fear of judgment and 

criticism from others. 




Acceptance is receiving without criticism or judgment; to embrace the fullness of a situation or experience; an inner realization that all is well, regardless of the outward expression.


*   *   *

You do not have to like what is going on in your life, but you must accept that it, whatever it is, is going on.  As long as you do not accept reality, you are powerless to define the role you will play.


*   *   *

Acceptance is knowing that no matter what, everything is and will be just fine.

*   *   *

Acceptance is simply recognition.  When you recognize a thing you see it for what it is.  All of our experiences, no mater how awful they appear to be, are temporary.  Acceptance of an experience as a temporary situation can make it a lot easier to handle.  It does not mean you will not be temporarily angry, frightened or senseless.  It means you can usually handle something in a calmer manner when you know it is a temporary situation.

*   *   *

Accepting a thing does not mean you approve of what is going on.  Nor does it mean you are not being impacted by what is going on.  Acceptance means you are able to withdraw the emotional attachment just long enough to really see what is happening . . . it is only from the emotionally detached posture of acceptance that you can make a wise choice.


*   *   *

By accepting what is, you become keenly aware of what isn't.  When you know what isn't, you can begin to determine what you must do.

Adapted from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up  
Iyanla Vanzant 


Iyanla Fix My Life  on  OWN 

  Saturdays 9/8c
Iyanla Helps an Admitted Abusive Husband Confront His Past Pain - Iyanla: Fix My Life - OWN
Iyanla Helps an Admitted Abusive Husband Confront His Past Pain - Iyanla: Fix My Life - OWN





Wonder Woman Weekend


May 16-18, 2014 in Maryland

If you are waiting for life to become the wondrous

adventure you always dreamed it could be...

The Wonder Woman Weekend is for you!
For more information click here.   


IV Applications     
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907