April 9, 2014




This period we will identify and clear negative beliefs about money, wealth, and prosperity. A negative belief is a thought form held in consciousness that gives rise to or supports negative emotions that will limit or restrict possibilities. Example: I believe money is evil. I believe rich people are bad. I believe I have to work hard to get money.


Using a sheet of lined paper, write nine or more negative beliefs you hold about money and wealth beginning with the words: "I believe . . ."

When you are complete with writing these statements, go back, cross each statement out and write the following words; "I forgive myself for limiting God" over the crossed out statement.




Compassion relates to the ability to see yourself in the position of another, to feel what they feel and to offer tender support, empathy, and understanding for what the individual may be exper- iencing without seeing them as weak.

Compassion does not strip a person of their dignity, nor does it deny them the dignity of their  process.  

Compassion allows you to stand with a person, holding the vision of their wholeness regardless of the situation or circumstances they may face. 

Compassion is the precursor to forgiveness.  

Without compassion there will always be judgments, which obstruct mental and emotional energy and faculties.   

  Inner Visions Institute



















Precious Lord of the Universe, how great thou are!  


Your magnificence fills my heart, my mind, my spirit and my body and it feels glorious.


I wake to this new day, a new beginning, another opportunity to see You in every face, every tree, every animal, everywhere that I look.


I am so grateful for the opportunity of this life. I am so grateful for the health and well-being I experience today.


I am so grateful for the opportunity to feel the love that is present in all my relations. Let me see that rather than discord and disharmony.


I am so grateful for the opportunity to be of service today. Let me put pride and judgment away and look on all situations with love.


I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend time with You today. Precious moments of quiet reflection on all the blessings I receive.


I thank You for this day. I know that You are with me at all times and all is well. I rest in that. And so it is.


Rev. Terrie Bowling



Today, I recognize that 

kindness, compassion, 

tolerance and forgiveness 

as the cornerstones 

of unconditional love.  


I give thanks that I am
a loving and

compassionate person. 


I give thanks that:
I am compassionate, 

peaceful and calm.

Today, I listen deeply with a 

compassionate, loving 

heart to my family, 

friends and co-workers. 


I open my 
heart to others 

without judgment, and 

radiate the message of joy

at having them in my  life. 


Today, I treat myself 

with love, kindness, 

and compassion.


 Today I 

give the 

gifts of non-judgment, mercy 

and love from a generous

and compassionate spirit. 




Only when you have a healthy, honorable, affirming relationship with yourself can you have the same with others.  This relationship is the foundation of your ability to demonstrate and practice compassion. Only when you have truly mastered yourself and are able to strand in your sense
of personal power can you be compassionate.


If this is not the truth of your being, your attempts to be compassionate will mean being too nice and you will become a doormat.  You will believe that you are being used.  You will fee put upon and eventually become resentful of all that you have done or are doing for others.

It is only from a sense of true and authentic personal power that you can give, support, share, and assist without feeling that you are losing anything.

When you are a powerful master of yourself you know that what you give
is of the universal divine energy flowing through you.  It is not yours.  It belongs to life.

When a powerful person gives life, s/he knows they cannot be depleted.  Instead, they know they are being strengthened.  

You must be strong in order to be compassionate.

A compassionate person:
  • understands what the other person is going through, rather than joining
    in with his/her suffering and fear
  • sees the lesson, the blessings and the victory at the end
  • stands strong with the other person
  • supports the other through the acceptance of the situation
  • knows with the other person, for the other, and when necessary in spite
    of the other, that all things work together for the good
  • holds the vision 
Adapted from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up  
Iyanla Vanzant



A Fatherless Son Shares His Childhood Pain with Iyanla - Iyanla: Fix My Life - Oprah Winfrey Network
A Fatherless Son Shares His Childhood Pain with Iyanla - Iyanla: Fix My Life - Oprah Winfrey Network

Iyanla Fix My Life  on  OWN
Saturdays 9/8c








    May 16 to May 18, 2014

Bolger Center, Potomac, MD 






Pick up your copy today!








IV Applications     
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907