"I am not the victim of the
world I see."
ACIM Lesson #31
Dear Father, Creator of all that is, the Source of all that is, the life force that moves in, as and through me, how great You are!
I know You to be loving, wise, grace and joy.
I know You to be good and very good.
I know You to be ever present and everywhere present.
I know that in my humanness, I do not see all that You see.
I know that in my humanness, I do not know all that You know.
Sometimes in my humanness, I feel that I have been wronged, that there's been a mistake and that somebody or something mistreated me.
Sometimes in my humanness, I question why things happen as they do.
I know You to be a wise and loving Spirit. I know You to be my guide and my teacher.
I call on You to show me a bigger picture of who I am. I call on You to remind me of who I really am. I call on You to remind me that I am victim to no one and no thing. I call on You to remind me that I have the power to choose at each and every moment.
I call on You to fill me with your wisdom, love, grace and joy so that I make wise choices.
I thank You for Your presence and Your grace. I am nothing without Your love.
I go into this day knowing that with You all things are possible and I am glad!
And so it is.
Rev. Terrie Bowling