Create a mental or written list of every thought, feeling, condition, circumstance and situation you are surrendering to the Holy Instant called today.  Stay mindful not to attempt to resolve, change or fix anything you have surrendered.  If you slip or forget, use the following affirmation:


I forgive myself for attempting to do what I have asked God to do. No call to God can be unheard or left unanswered. Of this I can be sure; God's answer is the one I really want.


Fjellis 2012







Forgiveness is an ultimate act of love. It is not the act of "forgetting" an incident or upset. It is the remembering and the choice to "give away" the hurt we have attached to the experience .  


Forgiveness is the living of love or the application of love to our lives. It is remembering that we are capable of loving our- selves and others in a greater way.


The Law of Forgiveness states that certain ideas must be dissolved and cleared from the mind in order that other new ideas of a different character may replace them.  


Through forgiveness, we create new realities that allow us to experience greater love and freedom. Forgiveness sets the stage for a new act in our lives to begin. Holding on to judg- ments about experiences and people keeps us in limi- tation.  


When we allow ourselves the experience of forgiveness, we turn the key to open the cell of humanness and release the divinity that resides in us and in others, and allow that divinity to reign.  




1. Forgiveness starts in our own hearts. Only when we have forgiven ourselves can we give it to others.


2. Forgiveness is not condi-tional, even though our practice of it often is.


3. Forgiveness is an ongoing process. It continues in response to every judgment we make about ourselves.


4. Every gesture of forgiveness is sufficient. Whatever we are able to do now is enough. This under-standing enables us to practice forgiveness with forgiveness.

Inner Visions Institute




"I am not the victim of the
world I see."
ACIM Lesson #31


Dear Father, Creator of all that is, the Source of all that is, the life force that moves in, as and through me, how great You are!


I know You to be loving, wise, grace and joy.


I know You to be good and very good.


I know You to be ever present and everywhere present.


I know that in my humanness, I do not see all that You see.


I know that in my humanness, I do not know all that You know.


Sometimes in my humanness, I feel that I have been wronged, that there's been a mistake and that somebody or something mistreated me. 


Sometimes in my humanness, I question why things happen as they do.


I know You to be a wise and loving Spirit. I know You to be my guide and my teacher.


I call on You to show me a bigger picture of who I am. I call on You to remind me of who I really am. I call on You to remind me that I am victim to no one and no thing. I call on You to remind me that I have the power to choose at each and every moment.


I call on You to fill me with your wisdom, love, grace and joy so that I make wise choices.


I thank You for Your presence and Your grace. I am nothing without Your love.  


I go into this day knowing that with You all things are possible and I am glad!


And so it is.


Rev. Terrie Bowling






Today I claim my freedom and

move forward in my life. 



I let go of the past and

choose to accept every situation

as being for me and not against me.  

 In forgiving, I have the opportunity

to be  grateful for how the

experience I've forgiven

has supported my growth. 


Today I plant seeds of faith and

self-love knowing I am now living in

peace and harmony.  


I begin this day with forgiveness

and live each moment with an open

and loving heart.  


Only my condemnation

injures me. Only my

forgiveness sets

me free.

A Course in Miracles



You might be asking yourself, "Why would I want to practice forgiveness?" The answer is simple. Practice develops skill. Skill leads to mastery. When you master the practice of forgiveness it becomes as natural as breathing. And when you know how to forgive, you eliminate excess mental and emotional weight that keeps you stuck in repetitive situations, circumstances, and experiences that are not healthy or productive.

The only true way to create a more loving, productive, and fulfilling life is by forgiving the past.  Releasing the past restores us to the full energy of the present moment.

Forgiveness addresses how we think and feel about others and ourselves, and how those thoughts manifest within our lives as energy.

Excerpt from
Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything
by Iyanla Vanzant


2014 is "the" year - - - to clean up and clear out every aspect of your mind, your heart and your life. Key words for this year are Think, Seek, Focus and Live in Truth.  2014 is a time to heal.


Syleena Johnson:
Syleena Johnson: "I Experienced My Mother as a Bully" - Iyanla: Fix My Life - Oprah Winfrey Network

Iyanla Fix My Life  on  OWN
Saturdays 9/8c







    May 16 to May 18, 2014

Bolger Center, Potomac, MD 






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Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907