Complete each of the following statements, as many times as necessary to bring forward your first and most hones thought, feeling and/or concern. 

I forgive myself for believing God is not _______________________


I forgive myself for believing God does not __________________


I forgive myself for believing God will not ___________________


I forgive myself for believing God cannot ___________________


Today, I surrender _________ to God for healing.





Forgiveness is an ultimate act of love. It is not the act of "forgetting" an incident or upset. It is the remembering and the choice to "give away" the hurt we have attached to the experience .  


Forgiveness is the living of love or the application of love to our lives. It is remembering that we are capable of loving our- selves and others in a greater way.


The Law of Forgiveness states that certain ideas must be dissolved and cleared from the mind in order that other new ideas of a different character may replace them.  


Through forgiveness, we create new realities that allow us to experience greater love and freedom. Forgiveness sets the stage for a new act in our lives to begin. Holding on to judg- ments about experiences and people keeps us in limitation.  


When we allow ourselves the experience of forgiveness, we turn the key to open the cell of humanness and release the divinity that resides in us and in others, and allow that divinity to reign.  




1. Forgiveness starts in our own hearts. Only when we have forgiven ourselves can we give it to others.


2. Forgiveness is not condi-tional, even though our practice of it often is.


3. Forgiveness is an ongoing process. It continues in response to every judgment we make about ourselves.


4. Every gesture of forgiveness is sufficient. Whatever we are able to do now is enough. This understanding enables us to practice forgiveness with forgiveness.

Inner Visions Institute







All of my life I have been fixing. Fixing this and fixing that, and judging myself by how well the fix worked.  All of this fixing, and yet all around me I still see and feel brokenness.


I confess to You and myself that truly I have no fix for life, beyond You. Rescue me from myself. Rescue me from the arrogance that tells me I can fix it all, even as I see it all falling apart in my hands.  


In each moment, fill me with the wisdom of how to surrender it all to You. Shield my eyes so that where I once saw brokenness, I now see only You.  


Fill my ears with Your divine voice, so that I hear only You. Possess my tongue God, and my heart, and my mind, so that instead of the worldly nonsense I speak and live only from Your wisdom.  


I surrender to You all of the people I have taught to depend on me.  May You and they forgive me for the imposter that I have been.  


Pretending that I can hold it all; acting as if I could hold it all toge- ther; working so hard not to let anyone see me break a sweat.


You God are what and whom we all need.


Let me teach that lesson. Let me be Your true student.  Let me remember, it's not what I can do, but what You can do through me that restores. It is not what I do, but what I do in You that heals.  


Today, I remember that I am Your tool; Your divine instrument. I surrender all concerns to You.  


What would You have me do or not do?  


I am listening for Your voice in the silence of my mind in the midst of the noisiness all around me.  Speak clearly to me.  Tell me what's next.  I will not take another step without You.  


I will not improvise.  I will not speak. 

Be with me now.  Make Your presence known to me within me.  Comfort me.  I need You now.  Hold me.  Fill me.  I need to feel You.  


My heart is with You, God. I surrender myself and my life to Your divine order.


I forgive myself for judging myself, everyone and everything as needing to be fixed.


Today, I know that only You can restore order to the lives You have created.  


Let Your power and grace and order reign forever.  




Rev. Kelli Jareaux





I forgive myself for thinking that

I am not perfect, not good enough,

not smart enough and not lovable.

I claim my perfection, my enough-ness,

my intelligence, knowing  that I am

loved and lovable.


I live in the now and vision my

future knowing my Higher Power  

is at work in my life.


In this now moment,

I understand the true  

meaning of forgiveness.

To forgive others is to

love and forgive myself.


As I forgive myself and others,

I release anger and free myself

to create a life that serves my family,

my community and all of humanity.


I practice forgiveness and claim

that the past has no effect

on my present or future.


I no longer hold onto anger

and resentment.

As I release negative feelings

and destructive thoughts, I invite

peace and harmony into my life.


I have the courage today to forgive

my parents for any wrong that I

thought they did to me.

I take responsibility for my anger,

I take responsibility for any

hateful thoughts and I take

responsibility for

destructive feelings.

I forgive myself for any grudges

that I hold against my parents

or those who raised me.




You might be asking yourself, "Why would I want to practice forgiveness?" The answer is simple. Practice develops skill. Skill leads to mastery. When you master the practice of forgiveness it becomes as natural as breathing. And when you know how to forgive, you eliminate excess mental and emotional weight that keeps you stuck in repetitive situations, circumstances, and experiences that are not healthy or productive.

The only true way to create a more loving, productive, and fulfilling life is by forgiving the past.  Releasing the past restores us to the full energy of the present moment.

Forgiveness addresses how we think and feel about others and ourselves, and how those thoughts manifest within our lives as energy.

Excerpt from
Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything
by Iyanla Vanzant


2014 is "the" year - - - to clean up and clear out every aspect of your mind, your heart and your life. Key words for this year are Think, Seek, Focus and Live in Truth.  2014 is a time to heal.



The Dance That Rebuilt a Relationship Between a Father and His Gay Son - Iyanla: Fix My Life - OWN
The Dance That Rebuilt a Relationship Between a Father and His Gay Son - Iyanla: Fix My Life - OWN


Iyanla Fix My Life  on  OWN
Saturdays 9/8c






    April 18 to April 20, 2014

Maryland (location to be announced) 






IV Applications     
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907