I gratefully accept all the health, wealth and happiness that the universe expresses through me every day.
I am deeply thankful for the beauty
of life that flourishes around me.
I give thanks for all that I have and all that
I shall be. I am open to all possibilities.
I am grateful I am abundant in
all areas of my life.
With great gratitude I release that which
has served its purpose in my life, knowing that a greater good automatically replaces that which is no more.
As I continually explore that which is my
true calling in life. I give thanks for the knowledge that allows me to nurture
my heart's desire with love,
compassion and confidence.
With deep gratitude I give thanks for
all the experiences that have made me
who I am. I am thankful for the wisdom
and knowledge that pulls me
forward towards my divine purpose.
I am in deep gratitude for
God's endless gifts.