Heavenly Father, Divine Mother:
Thank You for the blessings of this new day.
With each breath I take today, I am conscious of Your Goodness to me - anew today.
And, I am reminded of all Your Goodness to me, again and again - yesterday.
And, each breath on this new day - so full of possibilities and challenges gives me hope for tomorrow.
On this new day, I remember how many times You soothed my anxieties and fears away, I remember how often You blessed me with unexpected blessings.
And, I remember how You answered prayers beyond my wildest expectations.
So on this new day, my Father and my Mother, I take each breath with new anticipation of Your Love, Your Grace, Your blessings, and miracles to come!
I take each breath, conscious of Your Goodness and in awe of Your Power. Most of all, I take each breath, humbled by Your Love for me.
So on this new day, help me to be ever mindful of You. Help me to be ever mindful of all others - your children. And, help me to make use of all the second chances that You have given me again - on this new day!
Thank you, God - for this new day!
Coach Jean Collison-Morris