Today's Stimuli
October 29, 2013
Watch Iyanla on Good Morning America This morning at 8:30am EST
One of the reasons we become stuck in an experience is because we hold on to it. This week we will practice surrender.
Using a sheet of lined paper, complete the following statement a minimum of 11 times daily identi- fying those things that cause worry, anxiety, fear, anger, shame, guilt or any other negative emotion in your life.
Dear God: Today I give you this _______ about _______. Identify the emotion in the first blank and the experience in the subsequent blank space.
Authenticity relates to the ability to stand for, embrace and pursue that which is meaningful, valuable and an accurate representation of who or what an individual believes him- or herself to be.
It is impossible for one to achieve or attain something they do not believe in or deem valuable, worthy or important.
Authenticity relates to an individual's willingness and ability to be a stand (walk the talk) and take a stand (ask for what is desired) for who he or she believes him- or herself to be at the moment while remaining open to healing, growth and transformation.
Essential Characteristics:
1. Presence and mental/emo- tional state of being
2. Demonstration of self-aware- ness and self-acceptance
3. Willingness to live without pretense or defense
4. Demonstration of self-value, self-worth and self-respect
5. Willingness to participate fully in all arenas of living
6. Willingness to ask for what is needed/required under all circumstances
7. Acceptance and acknowledg- ment of divine uniqueness
8. Opportunity to support and participate in the natural ordered healing and growth process

Creator God,
You are Divine Inspiration. You put a fire in me so I may clearly know my next steps. I feel Your Passion directing my steps. I am so grateful.
Thank You, God, for helping me to see the next steps. Help me to see, know, feel, and sense each next step. May there be no questions but rather a certainty that is crystal clear. You have a Divine plan and direction for my life. I listen carefully for Your guidance.
There are unlimited Divine possibilities for my life. Help me to see the baby steps I need to take. Clear away any resistance that may linger. Clear away all fear of the unknown and replace it with an excitement for what is to come. I surrender the need to know and put my complete trust in your Divine guidance.
I am grateful for inspiration and passion. I am grateful for peace and the ability to surrender to the Divine Plan for my life. I am grateful for knowing the next step when I need to know it. I am grateful for the strength and courage to follow Your guidance and direction for my life.
Amen and Amen.
Rev. Anita Holtvogt
Today, I am connected firmly and passionately to my true self!
I realize my potential, and I honor it by allowing myself to be uniquely me!
I consciously release all false
versions of who I thought I was
and consciously replace them with
a connection to my authentic self.
The most sincere place of impact in my life happens when I am honest my self! Today, I choose honesty.
I create loving relationships from a
place of knowing who I really am.
In this moment, I focus my attention
on using my time and talents to
create a world that supports
a greater unfoldment of Life.
Today, I align my inner higher Self
with my day to day activities,
blessing everything that requires
me to change and grow.
Today, I stand grounded in the
power of my most authentic self.
The Application of Authenticity
In order to be authentic, you must be willing to acknowledge and accept the natural outgrowths of everything you think, do, and say in this life. . . . Anything that shows up is either a reflection of God, or a reflection of you. Authenticity also requires that you stay in touch with your feelings. You cannot deny what you feel, and you cannot hold it back. Be authentic! Learn how to describe and communicate what you are feeling when you feel it, first to yourself. You can communicate with others as necessary. Another important aspect of being authentic is the willingness to always tell the truth. Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks call it "the microscopic truth." This means telling the truth about every little thing. . . . When you hurt, don't say it's okay. Own your pain. Own your fear. Own everything you create, internally and externally. Acknowledge every emotion for exactly what it is, a part of you. Authenticity also demands no comparison. You cannot compare yourself or what you do to anyone else. You are you! You represent a true and original part of the Master. There is no one else like you. Finally and most important of all, authenticity means that you must do what you do the way you do it and allow everyone else the same courtesy.
Excerpted from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up
by Iyanla Vanzant
Iyanla Fix My Life on OWN
Saturdays 9/8c
| The Chavez Family Reunites - Iyanla: Fix My Life - Oprah Winfrey Network |
Oct. 25 to 27, 2013 - Wonder Woman Weekend is now filled. There is a waiting list. Send an email to: Upcoming Workshops: January 31 to February 2, 2014 - Atlanta, GA April 18 to 20, 2014 - Potomac, MD If you are wanting, struggling, trying to find a deeper, more meaningful purpose in life. If you are waiting for life to become the wondrous adventure you always dreamed it could be...The Wonder Woman Weekend is for you! For more information click here.
Something for the Men
Mind Over Medicine: How to Help Your Body Heal Itself
Your body is a self-healing organism. By bypassing its natural self-repair process and handing all your power over to a doctor, you might be ignoring the very thing you need to heal. This is not a revolutionary idea. As doctors, we learn that the body can heal itself. Our physiology texts teach us that it is brilliantly equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms that kill the cancer cells we produce every day, fight infectious agents, repair broken proteins, keep our coronary arteries open and naturally fight the aging process.
Inner Visions Institute
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907