"I do not perceive my own best interests."
ACIM Lesson 24
Father, I surrender.
I am aware that I have tricked myself into believing that I know what's best for me. I forgive myself.
I have made decisions, choices, created experiences and circum- stances around this false sense of power. I forgive myself.
I come to You, knees bent, head bowed and shoulders rolled over, asking that You forgive me for my arrogance.
Forgive me for thinking that I could conduct my life and manage my affairs more effect- ively and skillfully than You.
Forgive me for moving through life as a bastard; as if I belonged to myself.
Forgive me for putting myself through unnecessary pain, guilt and drama by denying and living outside of my relationship and connection with my Higher Self.
Father, You created me. You are the Source and reason for my existence. You know my inward parts.
You have Your finger on the pulse of every breath I take. I am here because You have allowed it to be so. How Magnificent are You, God!
Thank You, God, for Your loving kindness.
Thank You, God, for concerning Yourself with me, even when I showed no concern for You.
Thank You, God, that I can forgive myself with no con- demnation.
Thank You, God, for not holding my errant ways against me.
Thank You, God, for this awareness, and the open door of opportunity to realign with my divinity and reconnect with Your Love and authority.
I receive a new level of Your grace and humility. I am grateful to belong to You, Father. I am grateful to be Your child. And most of all, I am grateful that You belong to me!
Rev. Manazerine Baptiste