Point Richmond
Holly Jolly Holiday Party in Point Richmond
Party (treats and giveaways) at the healing spot of Body Wisdom Studio and Ginger Springs Spa. Wine and Hot Toddys at a gorgeous new shop, Maison de Boheme, plus many other shops and services having specials and celebrations.
We will be offering 30% off all clothing, jewelry and lingerie, plus 20% off coats, shoes, scarves, accessories and gifts.
Saturday only and only at the Pt Richmond shop.
Point Richmond Outback 139 W. Richmond Ave 510 237-1199
Regular Hours:11-6 Mon-Sat * 11-5 Sunday   
    (did you know there is parking in the rear?)    
Caroling with the SF City Choir of Sat and Sun. Live music every Sat & Sun.
Shops open until 7PM Friday and Saturday
1799A 4th St. Berkeley @ Delaware
Hours: 10-6ish Sun-Thurs 10-7ish Fri & Sat
510 527-1945
Greetings LoveTribe!HatDeviKeiki
A cornucopia of treasures have poured in as I have so many talented friends offering beautiful things at great prices...

Additional 20% off one item to the LoveTribe (you!)
password LOVETRIBE

Plus for tomorrow only Saturday, in Point Richmond as part of a Holiday Party going on in many of the shops,
an additional 30% off clothing, lingerie and jewelry, plus  20% off coats, scarves, shoes, accessories and gifts. 

Our 2 temple/shops do have many of the same items although many different ones as well. (and of course Berkeley being much larger has more variety).    


Check out the new jewelry including Jan Michaels (our favorite designer and my great friend) made in SF and Elisabetta Ricardi (gorgeous quality made in Italy), Konplott, more ...
Elisabetta Ricardi

 Lots of GREAT coats have come in from 2 French lines and 2 Italian lines and one local!

Add a description  
Plus beautiful new pieces of clothing and coats by local, French and Italian designers. Plus fun party wear including great fascinator hats $18-36.

Sunlight, Karen Klein, URU karen Klein, Pile ou face, fascinators  
Plus our fun collections of accessories and gifts ... cashmere scarves and sweaters, locally designed purses, b.ella and me moi socks, tights and leggings, Gee Wa Wa and Bernie Mev shoes. Super soft ramble wool, light weight shirts and cardigans for men and women made by Ramblers Way, Mary Green Lingerie (the end of an era of her precious pieces). 

Mantra of the week ... Infinate love and gratitude!
(Yes I know, life sometimes sucks but this too will pass! As a friend said yesterday ... I deserve self-pity! Yes, you do! It's good medicine ... but too much of a good thing turns into an addictive unhealthy drug bringing more of the same, as we all know!).
All in good measure my pretty :)

Yes, I'm an eternal optimist and I like what I see in 2015!
more awareness, more compassion, more understanding, more ability to feel into the pain, acknowledge it and then focus on our desires to become...
Creativity abounds and imagination is the force of nature ...

Being fearless and choosing love
                                  xoxo Devi

Additional 20% off one item
expires: Dec 31st