1799A 4th St. Berkeley @ Delaware
Regular Hours: 10-7 Saturday * 11-5ish Sunday 11-6ish Mon - Friday
510 527 1945
Point Richmond Outback 139 W. Richmond Ave 510 237 1199 Regular Hours:11-5 everyday
(did you know there is parking in the rear?)
Aloha LoveTribe!
This is the season that new things come in daily. Although I can't keep you up-dated through emails, Heather's been doing a great job posting pictures on facebook, so those of you that use facebook may want to "like us" to get current updates. Take the virtual trip Outback when you want to touch in to our "tribe" of love and beauty.
Many of you have been asking about the 20% off coupon ... yes, that will continue though the holidays. Plus there are LoveTribe specials like the new hats we just produced (see below).
Also new in: Shawls (photo of me above, taken by Heather yesterday, in a new cashmere shawl ... dreamy, light, soft), socks, fingerless gloves, Jan Michaels (and other) jewelry. Plus ... Lan Vie, Inizio (new line!), and Pile ou Face: dresses, tunics, jackets, coats, purses and scarves. |
Heather in Inizio, Martyn in Kenneth Cole sporting his wind singers! 
Heather wearing coat, dress ($71 with LT discount) and sheer teal top by Inizio. This is another stylin' comfy European line ... flattering fits to size 14/16
She is also wearing Sosie gold plated jewelry in first 2 pics and KonPlott necklace (makes quite a staement!) in last pic. Martyn wearing Kenneth Cole jacket and they're both holding (after playing with) Martyn's Windsingers (make great gifts).
Inizio Lan Vie & Sosie Kimono hair clip & JW 
Sheer top with rayon tank sheer top with gold plated jewels clip comes in many sizes/styles JW shirt plus hankerchief hem skirt
Hat's off to fun and on for you! And at a LoveTribe Discount! 
I've started designing and producing again. Starting at the top... with hats!
The first of four styles came in today.
They come in one size and three colors: Black, brown (shown to the left) and creme shown on me at the
end of my letter below. This style is selling in other shops for $69 - $98 (we are wholesaling to about 20 shops and they set their prices) We are selling this style for $89 and to our LoveTribe (that would be you!) for $59, Just mention LoveTribe.
List Price: $89 LoveTribe price: $59 S & H: $5
Telling my Vision Outback in the Temple of Venus ...
Tell-a-vision ... as Swami Beyondananda encourages (interesting word ... fostering courage) us all to do. It takes courage to move beyond the lure of the television, the media, current stories and styles of telling them, that feed our addiction to fear, to adrenaline, to guilt, to negative snapjudgements ... you get the picture. And to replace those pictures with a vision of something we could get up peacefully, joyfully and enthusiastically in the morning for.
Often, instead of saying what we want, we complain or are gripped by what we have that we say we don't want. I am typing on my computer with a broken screen which my cell phone also has ...hmmm. My screens will be broken until I get new ones. Yet, although I notice this, I'm not focused on the broken screen ... but the words and pictures on it. I feel certain the screens will be replaced when I want to do that, so it doesn't take my attention away from what I want to be doing now.
Telling a vision of beauty, of engagement. Here's what's on a piece of my screen:
Beautiful comfortable clothing for this adventure of life that is new every day and every moment. It always surprises me how my days and nights work better (more magic, results, fun) when I take time to adorn my personal Temple and dress for a new adventure.
I dress for my interactions, as we all do. Some of us do it with more playfulness and artistry and some with more functionality and many with both and then some!
Outback, we aspire to assist you in making it fun and easy to have the full experience of comfort, beauty and adventure. To have your lives and loves be enhanced, uplifted and appreciated through intentional adorning of your personal Temple. And we have stylists, Outback in our Temple of Venus, that love to do this for themselves and for those wanting co-creative assistance.
What's your vision? Let's outfit that! You may want to bring in your favorite pieces to enhance. See some of you Outback.
xoxo Devi
PS Family visions This weekend, Diva is giving a calligraphy class ... just in time for holiday cards! There will be more Check out the link here http://lineacarta.blogspot.com And her exquisite products here Robert just finished another book, this one on Algae micro farms. Robert had the first and largest Spirulina farms and is now making it possible for more people to grow their own superfood. In these times of so much enviornmental pollutants, Spirulina is one of the best ways to keep your body clean and strong. Check out his 2 minute video about the book here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2geFxT9juE or his go to his Algrae micro farms facbook page https://www.facebook.com/algaemicrofarms
Lan Vie coats, tunic JW shirts Biya shirt Marta wearing a Lan Judy wearing Lan Karen and Gail wearing JW Velvet Heather wearing Biya shirt
Vie jacket, cashmere Vie coat and tunic comes in Blk, plum, wine, green comes in blacl, blue, turq, scarf. Jacket coat reg Heather wearing black in hat photo $218 our price $59
LoveTribe Price: $69
List Price: $199
S & H: $5
Cashmere scarves 
Great gifts for men and women. Great price ... $29!
This was the neutral color group, we also have bright colors not pictured. Very soft and warm.
Our Price: $29 List Price: $59-89 S & H: $5 |
Save 20% |
Off of one item mention LoveTribe
| Offer Expires: Dec 31st