February 2014

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Beauty Within the Frost
Valentine's Day Gift Certificates & Message
Inspirational Videos
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Beauty Within The Frost
Photo Credit: Elana Kilkenny

It was a late autumn day all the trees lay barren, a reflection of their current wintry state, alone amidst the fallen landscape stood a tree aglow in vibrant fiery lushness. Radiant, bejeweled with orange leaves and a perfect undercoat of yellow. Harried New Yorkers stopped dead in their tracks spellbound by their rare beauty. Strangers unfolded stream of consciousness utterings to one another..."Wow", "Well isn't that just magical" and "Miraculous." The New York City perpetual ticking clock stopped for a moment and we all paused spellbound to drink in the beauty.


We are now in the heart of winter, I pass by this tree every day as I bring my daughter to school. Its branches are now bare like their companions. But burned into my memory is an overlay of its autumnal incandescent glow. On certain days I could swear I see the halo of burnt sienna leaves adorning its limbs. And I am reminded that there is always beauty within the frost.


As we rush, as we bundle up, as we dream of spring wildflowers in bloom and a whisper of a spring jacket...we are beckoned to remember that change is inevitable and yet so much remains innate. The beauty that resides in you, in each of us, is immutable. It may radiate more in certain seasons of our lives, it may deepen with the bloom of requited desire and fluid moments of grace but even in the days of our winter's darkness the aura of our heart's luminosity is always present.


So today as you roll out of bed, engage in the world, dance with your muse...breathe in beyond your resistance, beyond your slushy winter boots, beyond your old stories that fool you into believing that your finest days are behind you and touch that which the frost protects...that which is your radiant self.


Valentine's Day Gift Certificates

Photo Credit: Elana Kilkenny
Valentine's Day... At some point in your life you have probably run the gamut of emotions around this holiday. Adore it...dread it...revel in it, object to its "marketed" presence, simply love it!

However you feel about it presently, Valentine's Day at its heart is about love. So beyond the field of bombarded images of what February 14th should feel and look like for you, ask yourself two clarifying questions:  



1)How do I feel about love?


2)How do I want to feel about love?


The answers might surprise you and they will surely shed some light on not only how you are currently experiencing love in your life but also provide you with some feedback on how to have the love your heart desires.  



Embrace it, open to it, surrender to it, release obstacles around it, revel in the deliciousness that is love. Go deeper in loving yourself as that is the primary relationship from which all other relationships truly grow from.

Go deeper in loving those in your life...your friends, your family, your colleagues, and your mate. Take the risk of vulnerability in loving exactly who is in your life right now...exactly as they are. You might just feel more loved and loving than you could imagine... 


Valentine's Day Gift Certificates:

As a big lover of love, I have been very moved that many of you have chosen to gift your loved ones on Valentine's Day with a session with me. If you are still looking for a meaningful gift for your partner, a loved one, or yourself, here are some heart-opening options below.

All Intuitive Counseling Sessions are available in-person in NYC, or worldwide via Skype/Phone. 


Couples Intuitive Counseling Sessions:

These sessions are beneficial for all relationships whether romantic, professional or familial. I will guide you together in a session to attain more clarity, direction, and tools on how to connect more authentically, peacefully and joyfully to one another.

Whether you need assistance with obstacles that you are currently or historically facing together or simply would like to enhance your relationship, couples sessions offer you both a supported and sacred space to guide you toward the most direct and rewarding path for you to fulfill your heart's intentions.


Individual Intuitive Counseling Sessions:

These sessions offer you personal insight and specific psychic guidance to create and manifest your empowered vision for your life. You will receive guidance on how to pro-actively go back into your life to create sustainable change and experience more love, joy, and abundance. Intuitive Counseling Sessions also assist you to build a stronger connection to your own intuition and creative possibility.  


Feng Shui Design Consultations:

Do you love your home? Does it rejuvenate you, nourish you, comfort you, surround you with inspiration for how you want to live? Your home is a reflection of your inner world and should rise up to meet you. When you experience a Feng Shui Design Consultation you connect with the vision of your home as your haven. These sessions combine: intuitive guidance, Feng Shui-related enhancements with an interior design sensibility, uplifting the energy of your home, and practical suggestions to have your home function and flow with more joy and beauty.


To Purchase a Gift Certificate:  

Contact me at [email protected] to purchase a gift certificate and for more details. Emailed gift certificates are available, upon request, to ensure on-time delivery for Valentine's Day.  



Inspirational Videos
"Intuition, Signs & Expectations" Video

I have partnered with the wonderful website Happiness Series to bring you some inspirational and empowering videos filled with great tips and resources.

Above is our latest video offering with Happiness Series creator Tania Van Pelt on "Intuition, Signs & Expectations." For the full selection of my Happiness Series videos click here.

I would love to hear about your own experiences with signs and any "Aha moments" you felt watching the video, please share them below in the comments section or on YouTube by clicking here


"Feng Shui Your Fridge" Article

Photo Credit: Elana Kilkenny
There are many ways to shift your relationship with food. Discover an unexpected way that might surprise you...

Click here to read my article: "New Year, Nu You: Feng Shui Your Fridge" for the chic new holistically-minded website The Numinous.

"Love...Always Love" Playlist

Photo Credit: Elana Kilkenny's Wedding
On the subject of love, I have always loved making and sharing mix tapes of favorite songs. I made one for you...

 Wishing you a time of much wonder, joy, and love...always love!


Tel: 877-858-2100

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