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The City Report
News and Happenings at the City of Burien

Reward Offered for Tips
   in Burien Annex Fire      
Burien annex fire 121013

The auditorium was damaged in the fire.

A reward of up to $10,000 is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) involved with the Dec. 10 fire at the Burien Annex. The Burien Annex is a former elementary school that once served as the Burien Community Center. It now houses several non-profit agencies. The early morning fire caused major damage to the auditorium roof and stage area. Two theater groups that used the auditorium have been able to secure other sites for their productions. Other non-profits at the Annex were able to continue normal operations by the day following the fire. Anyone with information on who may be responsible for setting the fire should call 1-800-55-ARSON or 206-263-2070.




Updated 2013-2014 City Budget
Reflects Improving Local Economy

The improving economic conditions locally are reflected in the City budget update approved by the City Council on Dec. 2. The City is in the middle of its 2013-2014 biennial budget and made amendments to the existing budget only where deemed necessary. The City is projecting a net increase of $7.2 million in General Fund revenue for 2013-2014 which includes significant one-time revenues such as $3.6 million for a line of credit to purchase property in the Northeast Redevelopment Area (NERA) and $2.7 million for repayment of an interfund loan issued for cash flow purposes for the Seahurst Park Shoreline Restoration project. Also included is an additional $1 million in sales tax revenue that is primarily due to improved auto sales at Burien dealerships. General Fund expenditures are projected to increase $6.9 million, most of which is for the property purchase and the issuance of the interfund loan. The budget restores $350,000 that was taken from the General Fund reserves to balance the 2013-2014 budget when it was adopted in December 2012. The projected ending fund balance for the General Fund is $5.7 million. Council's policy is to maintain a minimum 15% reserve fund balance. The City has been able to weather the difficult economic conditions by eliminating a number of vacant positions and controlling expenditures.





Council Approves Agreement

with Port on NERA Development

The City Council on Dec. 2

NERA industrial park
Future industrial park in NERA

approved an interlocal agreement with the Port of Seattle related to the Northeast Redevelopment Area (NERA). The agreement includes arrangements on easements, costs of the project, long-term maintenance and operations, and property rights. The City and Port are partnering to transform the 135-acre NERA area, between 8th Avenue South, Des Moines Memorial Drive, and South 138th Street, from a mixture of vacant, residential, public and small commercial land uses to commercial and industrial uses compatible with airport operations and existing land uses. The design of the NERA storm drainage and Miller Creek Trail trail improvement project is nearing completion and construction on both projects is expected to begin in 2014.

Agreement Details





Nationwide Search Under Way for New City Manager  

A nationwide search for a new City Manager for Burien is currently being conducted by Strategy Government Resources (SGR), a Texas executive recruiting firm hired by the City Council. The position in Burien was posted on Dec. 6 on the SGR job board and advertised in national and regional publications. SGR will conduct its first review of applications on Jan. 6, and working with the newly seated Burien City Council, will cut the list of candidates down to about a dozen. Later, four to six finalists who will be invited to Burien for final interviews. The Council hopes to hire a new City Manager by next spring.

See Job Board Posting



Public Invited to Reception for New Councilmembers

The City Council invites residents to a reception just prior to the Jan 6 Council meeting to welcome four new members to the Council.  Steve Armstrong, Lauren Berkowitz, Nancy Tosta

and Debi Wagner won seats on the Council in the November general election and will be sworn into office at the beginning of the Council meeting. The meeting   starts at 7 pm in the first-floor Council Chambers at the Library/City Hall, 400 SW 152nd St. The reception will begin at 6:30 pm. Besides welcoming the four new members, the Council will elect a Councilmember to serve as Mayor, and a Councilmember to serve as Deputy Mayor.


City Staff Conducts
Charity Drives

The City of Burien staff recently

Donated food items area loaded into a White c
Food is loaded into food bank van.

collected a total of 1,117 food items in a competition between City departments. The City Manager Department came out on top, collecting 300 food items. The items were donated to the Highline and White Center food banks. In another holiday charity activity, City staff donated more than $400 in cash and gift items for 15 teens and adults from Navos Mental Health Solutions and 20 children from the Highline School District's Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP).





Openings on Burien Planning Commission  

Applications are being accepted through January 3 to fill openings on the Burien Planning Commission. The Planning Commission advises the City Council on land-use issues. For more information, please call Monica Lusk, City Clerk at (206) 248-5517 or email monical@burienwa.gov. Apply at Burien City Hall or online.

Information, application




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