The Latest Cartoons and Videos

If the cartoon links above don't work for you:

If you're unable to view this alert, there's a link at the top of this email that will take you to a web browser version. OR...visit where you'll find a link to all the latest cartoons in the center of the page. "New" is marked next to each one. 


Still Having Problems? Need Plug-ins
Some cell phones can't play our videos. We're in the process of converting our site over to html5. For now we'll point to YouTube as much as possible because that seems to work for most everyone. We do recommend using the Google Chrome browser and-----Make sure you have the latest Flash Player and current updates and plug-ins. Visit our Question and Answer section which will help you with all kinds of problems. Computer Problems that is. If you are still having problems please let me know (with the details, specific cartoon link, your computer type, your operating system, your browser type and version).

Thanks so much!