common ground
JUNE 2015 Newsletter - Volume 6, Issue 11 
 June Newsletter
 Embracing Humanity & Expressing Divinity
In This Issue
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 A New Blueprint

As summer approaches, during the month of JUNE, Reverend Glenda and Reverend Judy invite us to join them in exploration of what it means to live 'the good life'.

They will help us find a new blueprint for our lives and redefine what we value. Key to this process is taking care of ourselves, leading balanced and centered lives, and making a positive difference in the world.

They will help us see that 'the good life' isn't always clear to us as we're living it. In fact, it's sometimes easy to miss the real point of life all together.

They will help us embrace the idea that the challenge we face in redefining 'the good life' is supported by being fully present in life and in the lives of those we love.

They will help us get in touch with the idea at 'the good life' is centered on an inner state of well-being and having the energy and freedom to create a life of purpose and meaning.

Anyone who is ready to create a new blueprint for life is encouraged to join us during the month of June. Together we will set an intention to reconnect with ourselves, our loved ones, and our community. Together we will open to thrive within 'the good life'. Please join us!

Common Ground is the place for anyone who is spiritually independent and open to spirituality without borders. We are an open accepting spiritual community where everyone is welcome.

Resources include:
  • Thrive , by Arianna Huffington
  • Goddesses Never Age , by Christiane Northrup

    Sunday Inspiration Weekly:
    12:00 Noon at The Chapel

    Talk titles for JUNE

  • June 7: Pursuit of Happiness
  • June 14: I Wonder?
  • June 21: Fathers Day ~ Charlie Thweatt, guest speaker
  • June 28: The Good Life Audit

    Watch Recent Talks On Video
    Subscribe Today!

    Robert Fields:Appearing Sundays in June


    Thank You for Your Generosity!
    Common Ground is solely supported by the gracious offerings of its spiritual community and friends.

    2014/2015 Newsletter Archives


     Sunday Services are held at 12:00 noon at our Chapel location, 19211 Dodge Avenue, Santa Ana 92705. All Classes are held at 550 North Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana 92705


  • RECYCLE ~ Sunday, June 21
  • Orange County Farm Bureau Certified Farmers' Markets

  • ECKHART TOLLE BOOK STUDY~ New Earth, with Rev. Stacie Buda ~ Monthly the First and Third Tuesdays ~ 7 to 8:30 pm ~ Love Offering
  • ECKHART TOLLE STUDY ~ Fridays, Weekly ~ 12:30 to 1:30 pm ~ Love Offering
  • MEDITATIVE BREATHING, with Jess Ly ~ Monthly First and Third Tuesday ~ 6:15 to 7 pm ~ Love Offering
  • REIKI HEALING CIRCLE facilitated by Barbara Fukuda, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher ~ Monthly Second and Fourth Tuesdays ~ 7 to 8:30 pm ~ Love Offering
  • SACRED HISTORY ~ Historical Exploration in Religion & Spirituality, with Dr. James D. Rietveld ~ Weekly ~ Thursdays (drop in class) ~ 7:30 to 9 pm ~ Love Offering
  • WEEKLY BOOK STUDY: Spiritual Economics, with The Revs ~ Ongoing Tuesdays ~ 1 to 2 pm ~ Love Offering
  • WOMAN'S WISDOM CIRCLE & Book Study: The Five Things We Cannot Change, by David Richo ~ Monthly Second and Fourth Tuesdays ~ 10 to 11:30 am ~ Love Offering
  • Spiritually Independent Lesbians Book Study, with Rev. Stacie Buda ~ Monthly, 2nd & 4th Fridays ~ 7 to 8:30 pm

  • PAST LIFE REGRESSION SPECIAL WITH LEE MITCHELL, by Appointment ~ Wednesday and Thursday, June 3 & 4 ~ 2 to 8 pm
  • Healing Movement of the Soul, with Sonya Arias ~ Friday, June 12 ~ 6:30 to 9 pm
  • Reiki and Reflexology by Appointment, with Dr. Barbara Fukuda ~ Weekly, Mondays & Wednesdays ~ 11 am to 5 pm
  • Usui Holy Fire Reiki I & II, with Julie Russell ~ Saturday & Sunday, June 6 & 7 ~ 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Become a Family Constellation Facilitator, with Sonya Arias ~ Saturday, June 13 ~ 10 am to 7 pm
  • Mindfulness Based Radical Self-Care, with Susan Faurot ~ Tuesdays in June ~ 6 to 7 pm
  • Introduction to doTERRA Essential Oils ~ Free Class, with Shannon Ward ~ Tuesday, June 2 ~ 11 am to 1 pm and Friday, June 26 ~ 6:30 to 8:30 pm
  • Manifestation Mastery, with Dr. Charlotte Holmes ~ Wednesdays in June ~ 7 to 8:30 pm
  • SACRED DREAMERS: A DREAM INTERPRETATION CIRCLE, with Karla Ruedlinger ~ 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month ~ 7 to 9 pm
  • SACRED SEATED YOGA, with Cecilia Steger ~ Weekly Mondays ~ 1:30 to 2:30 ~ $15 per class
  • WHAT IS METAPHYSICS AND PARAPSYCHOLOGY?, with Charlene Carbone ~ Thursdays in June ~ 7 to 9 pm
  • A Course in Miracles ~ Mondays, Weekly ~ 7 to 8:30 pm ~ Love Offering
  • A Course in Miracles ~ Tuesdays weekly, 12 Noon ~ Love Offering
  • I Ching Plum Blossom, with Dr. Janet Woods ~ Monday, June 1 ~ 6:30 to 9 pm
  • How to Sky Rocket Your Self Confidence, with Dr. Janet Woods ~ Friday, June 12, ~7 to 9 pm and Saturday, June 13 ~ 10 am to 4 pm
  • How to Do Social Media Marketing Successfully, with Dr. Janet Woods ~ Friday, June 26 ~7 to 9 pm and Saturday, June 27 ~ 10 am to 4 pm
  • Get Tidy: The Japanese Art of Del-cluttering, with Dr. Janet Woods ~ Monday, June 8 & 15 ~ 7 to 9 pm
  • Create Wealth Using the Art and Science of Face Reading, with Dr. Janet Woods ~ Monday, June 22 ~ 7 to 9 pm
  • Create Vibrant Health Using the Art & Science of Face Reading, with Dr. Janet Woods ~ Monday, June 29 ~ 7 to 9 pm
  • Advanced Healing Technique: Awakening the Perfect Healer ~ First & Third Mondays, ~ 6:15 to 8:15 pm
  • Immortal Diamond Book Study, with Doug Brown ~ Weekly Thursdays ~ 1:30 to 2:45 pm
  • Holistic Moms Network ~ Thursday, June 18 ~ 6 to 7 pm
  • Oneness Blessing ~ Deeksha ~ Monthly the 2nd Tuesday ~ 7 to 8 pm ~ $5 Blessing Giver/$10 Blessing Receiver
  • Orange County Spiritualist Gathering, with Medium Kathleen Vance ~ Second and Fourth Wednesdays ~ 7 to 8:30 pm ~ $10 suggested donation
  • Development 1 & 2: 1: Developing your spiritual path & 2: Intuition and advanced students in spiritual and psychic awareness, with Bob Lewis ~ Saturday, June 13 & 27 ~ 9:30 am to 12:00 pm & 12:30 to 3 pm
  • Gentle Restorative Yoga, with Renee Schwan ~ Weekly ~ Tuesdays & Thursdays ~ 2 to 3 pm ~ $10 per session
  • The Power of the Heart/Tao Te Ching Study & Meditation Group, facilitated by Rev. Craig Phillips ~ Weekly, Wednesdays ~ 7:15 to 9 pm ~ $10 donation (no one turned away)

    Be sure to look for updates and details of activities in weekly email notices.

    Ongoing weekly classes continue as scheduled. Check our At-a-Glance Calendar for detailed information.


     Honoring Community

    Reverend Glenda, Reverend Judy, Reverend Stacie and the Board of Directors of Common Ground are pleased to host a fun afternoon celebration in honor of spiritual community

    On Sunday, June 28, immediately following service at the Chapel, everyone is invited to come to Common Ground Golden Circle for a Community Appreciation Celebration and bountiful buffet lunch.

    Rutabegorz will provide a variety of healthy summer salads fit for most food plans. There will be plenty for vegans, vegetarians, gluten intolerant, and regular diets.

    Robert Fields will be on hand to entertain everyone with music selections from a variety of genres.

    The only agenda for the afternoon is fun and appreciation.

    Common Ground is sustained by the loving presence of spiritual community. Embracing humanity and expressing divinity remain foundational to the vision and mission.

    Celebrating one another is an opportunity to recognize the many soul connections, friendships and growth opportunities Common Ground offers.

    This is a no-cost open and inclusive celebration. Please plan to join the festivities.



    Charley Thweatt will return to Common Ground on Father's Day, Sunday, June 21. He will speak and perform music during service.

    Charley is an accomplished student of A Course in Miracles and a renowned singer/songwriter. He brings his gifts of warmth, humor, presence and ease to spiritual concerts and workshops around the globe.

    This is a don't-miss Sunday. Make plans to attend.

    *********Coming soon!
    Common Ground is pleased to host a portion of Church of the Foothills' Health and Wellness Fair on Saturday, July 25th.

    Throughout the event, which is scheduled to take place from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, the Chapel will be a quiet space for holistic healers to offer various healing modalities, such as Reiki, Yoga, Deeksha Blessings, etc.

    Church of the Foothills is currently inviting holistic healers to participate.

    Anyone who is interested in more information may contact Rev. Kel Henderson at 714-465-6991 or by email at

    *********Plans are unfolding in preparation for Common Ground's Chapel to become one of Orange County's newest and most desirable niche wedding and special occasion venues.

    The Chapel will offer a signature ambiance consistent with the unique appointments of the sanctuary.

    Weddings at Common Ground will be budget-friendly and at the same time refined and elegant. Today's contemporary couples will find a turn-key venue picture-perfect for up to 100 guests.

    Stay tuned for more details.


     Summer Prayer

    Long warm days...
    The pace of life slows...
    A time for picnics and rest in the shade...
    Lord, help me to rest awhile
    in the cooling shade of your presence.
    Slow down my restless heart and fill me
    with gentle compassion for all your people. Amen.

    - Author unknown

    Life is prayer at Common Ground.

    If you need comfort and inspiration please visit our website to submit a request .

    Common Ground and its friends are served by a dedicated InReach Team ready to listen with love and compassion in times of sorrow and joy. There is also a Prayer Team comprised of a large circle of loving people who hold in their hearts and in their awareness the prayer needs of all those in need.

    The InReach Team is available every Sunday at the Chapel and throughout the week. Those needing prayer support are also invited to make Prayer Requests on-line by contacting Rev. Stacie at or by placing a request in the prayer box in the Chapel.

    There are no fees for prayer at Common Ground.


     TITHING 2015
     May All That We Give and All The We Receive Be Blessed and Multiplied. As We Give, So Shall We Receive ~ Common Ground is truly blessed and in turn becomes a blessing in the world

    Common Ground reaches out to the global community through our spiritual practice of conscious giving.

    Giving back to the world is an important aspect of our mission and vision. A balanced integral approach is reflected in conscious selection of 501c3 qualified programs and institutions to which Common Ground provides tithes each month.

    Recipients of Common Ground 2015 tithes include: IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences), advancing the science of consciousness and human experience to serve individual and collective transformation; Kiva, empowering people to lift themselves out of poverty; Project HOPE School, (Homeless Outreach Program in Education), helping children without permanent homes transition into the mainstream educational system; Walking Shield, helping to improve the quality of life for American Indian families; , The Humane Society of Dover-Stewart County, a not-for-profit organization rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected animals and placing them into good homes, Mercy House Fare Share Program, providing bus passes for homeless men, women and children in search of a better life, The Avielle Foundation, a non-profit foundation created by the parents of a child victim of the Sandy Hook killings, aiming to support and protect vulnerable loved ones and to strengthen communities through brain health initiatives and community engagement; Willows in the Wind, a not-for-profit organization supporting families with teens and young adults in crisis; AIDS Walk Orange County, preventing the spread of HIV and improving the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Orange County; and, Church of the Foothills, an open and affirming progressive Christian congregation.

    The organizations to which Common Ground tithes are meaningful programs where people from the spiritual community and its friends are already serving with heart and hand, and supporting with time and treasure.


     Mark Your Calendar Today


    Teri Wilder Gong Meditation Event ~ Sunday, August 23
    Father Leo Booth ~ Sunday, September 20
    Eleventh Anniversary Celebration ~ Friday, November 13
    Covenant Dedication Ceremony ~ Sunday, November 15
    Teri Wilder Meditation Gong Event ~ Sunday, November 22
    Thanksgiving Eve ~ Wednesday, November 25
    Christmas Eve
    New Year's Eve


    Common Ground is a Teaching-Learning Center

  • where people bring their very souls
  • where people grow one another by sharing what they know
  • where people learn spiritual practices to support them in working with the complex possibilities of today's world

    May you join us in exploration of what it means to live 'the good life'