In This Issue
Not All Server Units are Created Equal
The Embarrassment of When an IT Emergency Isn't Really an Emergency
Quit Avoiding Proven Technologies!
Are You or Your Team a Security Threat to Your Business?
How to Request Service


Always CALL if your request is an emergency!

1. Call (586) 258-0650
If you are a S.M.A.R.T. Services plan client, press "1" and enter your PIN when prompted.  You will be connected to a S.M.A.R.T. Services system administrator 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

2. Email us at [email protected]
You may email us for all non-urgent service requests.  Please provide as much detail as possible.

3. Use the online portal
Visit and click "Client Login." Enter your user name and password, then provide details about your service request.  Please call or email us if you do not have a user name or password. 
SMART I.T. Services, Inc.
34715 Van Dyke Ave.
Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312
(888) 843-6385
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Tech Quote!

"Technology does not run an enterprise, relationships do."

- Patricia Fripp

Businesses love one-size-fits all solutions, especially when it comes to technology. Cookie cutter solutions are easy to budget around and easy to implement. However, there are some aspects of a company's technology that shouldn't be standardized, like server units. 
"Quick, to the emergency room!" These are dreaded words that nobody wants to hear. An emergency like this implies a life or death scenario, and it gets everybody worked up into a frenzy. After arriving in the ER and getting a doctor's diagnosis, how quickly do people's attitudes change when the emergency turns out to be false? 
It's the nature of technology to take a while for the market to fully appreciate it. After it's released, there's an implementation phase where the benefits are weighed against the risks. This phase is usually a slow one, but if the technology is good, then it's acceptance will be widespread and businesses will have to give excuses on why they're not using it.
Data security should be a top priority for every business. Having good security means identifying risks. Surprisingly, some of the biggest data risks come from within. If employees aren't following your organization's data management policies, then they're your biggest threats.