How Employee Inaction Can Make IT Problems Worse
Every business operates on a budget and every employee has a responsibility to make sure that their actions keep their company within said budget. Budgets don't like surprises, and employees don't like a busted budget being traced back to them. This reality can make things messy and expensive when it comes to doing IT the break-fix way.
Is WiFi Service a Burden or an Investment for Your Business?
"Free WiFi Zone." You see the sign advertised in the window of a new coffee shop. You've got a lot of work to do and you want a change of scenery, so you pack up your laptop and pay them a visit. The coffee is great, but the WiFi service is lousy. In fact, the spotty WiFi service is so poor that you get frustrated and leave, vowing to never shop there again.
We talk a lot about viruses or holes in supposedly sound security structures, but today it seems as if that's all there is to talk about. It's all about the latest vulnerability, or a hacking attack that left millions of people with compromised passwords. People always concentrate on the negative aspects of things without looking at the positives.
Do you think that you're too busy to backup your company's data? There may be many responsibilities you put off because it feels like you're too busy for them; backing up your data shouldn't be one of them. If you think you're busy now, just wait until you're faced with a data loss scenario!