In This Issue
Adding a Computer Network to Your Startup Business
4 Technology Downgrades That Will Save You Money
The Size of the Cloud Matters
Simplify Your TV Experience and Go Wireless!
How to Request Service


Always CALL if your request is an emergency!

1. Call (586) 258-0650
If you are a S.M.A.R.T. Services plan client, press "1" and enter your PIN when prompted.  You will be connected to a S.M.A.R.T. Services system administrator 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

2. Email us at [email protected]
You may email us for all non-urgent service requests.  Please provide as much detail as possible.

3. Use the online portal
Visit and click "Client Login." Enter your user name and password, then provide details about your service request.  Please call or email us if you do not have a user name or password. 
SMART I.T. Services, Inc.
34715 Van Dyke Ave.
Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312
(888) 843-6385
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Tech Quote!

"Life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for Mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body."
- Neil Harbisson
Adding a Computer Network to Your Startup Business
One of the most significant signs that a small startup company is on its way to becoming a mid-sized business is when operations require more than one workstation. Whenever the founder of a company starts their business on their own, they will often do so using their personal computer. As the business grows, a computer network will be needed.


4 Technology Downgrades That Will Save You Money
The entire purpose of equipping your business with technology is to save you money while making you money. When technology costs you more money than it should, you will want to change your tech situation to better suite your needs. This is an example of the classic money management strategy, "only pay for what you need."


The Size of the Cloud Matters
By now, the advantages of using a cloud-based solution to backup your company's data are well known. It's easy to use, scalable, and cost effective. However, not all cloud-based backup solutions are created equal. There's still a level of risk, albeit a small one, that comes with cloud computing. It's important that your cloud service is thoroughly explained to you.
Simplify Your TV Experience and Go Wireless!
So you have yourself a big television. With the right hookups, you can turn your TV into a powerful business tool for your conference room. To get the most out of your conference room TV experience, you can cut the cord entirely and go wireless! Here's how you do it.