In This Issue
Get Bigger and Better Bandwidth for Your Business
Instant Gratification IT Service
Take Back Profitable Space with Cloud Computing
2 Software as a Service Options for Small Manufacturers
How to Request Service


Always CALL if your request is an emergency!

1. Call (586) 258-0650
If you are a S.M.A.R.T. Services plan client, press "1" and enter your PIN when prompted.  You will be connected to a S.M.A.R.T. Services system administrator 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

2. Email us at [email protected]
You may email us for all non-urgent service requests.  Please provide as much detail as possible.

3. Use the online portal
Visit and click "Client Login." Enter your user name and password, then provide details about your service request.  Please call or email us if you do not have a user name or password. 
3 Ways We Relieve Your Pain Points!

What are your business' biggest pain points? Some pain points are obvious, like the issue keeping you up at night. Other pain points are smaller; you may not worry about them as much, but they still negatively affect your bottom line. Here are three ways we can help identify and find solutions for your company's pain points.

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SMART I.T. Services, Inc.
34715 Van Dyke Ave.
Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312
(888) 843-6385
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Tech Quote!

Any new technology tends to go through a 25-year adoption cycle.
-Marc Andreessen
Can Your Business Withstand These 10 Natural Disasters?
"The wise man built his house upon the rock, and the foolish man built his house upon the sand. When the rains came up, only one house remained." Some locations are better than others to build on. Is your business built on the sand or a rock? You can determine your level of risk by looking at these ten disasters.


What it Takes to Upgrade Your Technology
Is your business prepared to invest all the time and resources it takes to implement a major change in technology? Implementing new business technology is much more complicated than hooking up a new PC at home. If you're planning on upgrading your company's technology, then you will want to know what you're getting into.


H.A.C.K Your Way to Strong Password Management
It's a network security best practice to regularly switch out old passwords for new ones. However, if you're the one changing and distributing the new passwords, you may face resistance from office workers that see this mandate as an inconvenience. To make sure everyone is on board, you will need to preach the importance of password security.
Eliminate Phone Tag with VoIP
When we were kids, playing tag was fun. As grownups, we often lack the energy to enjoy a good game of tag. Phone tag is one version of tag that adults still play, but it's not nearly as fun as the version of tag that we played back in the schoolyard. A communication solution like VoIP is a great way to eliminate phone tag so you never have to be "it."