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YCPC Meeting
The next Planning Commission meeting is being held on November 24th at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in a specific topic, please visit the Boards and Committees page for more information.

November 6, 2014 


To keep you updated on activities and current events, the York County Planning Commission has created E-Alerts.  These E-Alerts are just another way to keep you connected with what is taking place in and around your community.  Please explore the articles below or visit the links to the left for other helpful information.

YCPC Board Member Vacancies 

The York County Planning Commission is seeking applications for three (3) board member vacancies.  Click here to see the vacancy notice for more information, and how to submit an application.  Applications need to be submitted by November 12, 2014.


County Creates Blog to Keep Residents Up-to-Date on County's Historic Preservation Plan
YCPC has created a blog to keep residents up-to-date on the County's Historic Preservation Plan.  Posts can be found at: http://yorkhpp.blogspot.com. As the plan develops, please visit here to read about progress made on pulling the plan together, and about specific areas of historical interest as they tie into historic preservation.  

Now Available - Economic Development Accomplishments Plan 2009-2013

An Economic Development Plan was first adopted as a component of the York County Comprehensive Plan in 2009. At the five (5) year mark of implementing the Plan, the staff of the YCPC and York County Economic Alliance (YCEA) reviewed and updated the Plan. Part of the review process included an evaluation of the recommended strategies with regard to their effectiveness in achieving the county-wide vision.

The purpose of this Report is to demonstrate that progress has been made toward achieving the County's vision for economic development. The noted accomplishments have involved the work of not only the YCPC and YCEA staff, but also the work of several partner agencies. If you would like to know more about any of the projects or programs discussed in the Report, please contact the YCPC or YCEA. Click here to view the Report. 

Housing and Community Development
HOME Investment Partnership Program - Notice of Available Funding

The Affordable Housing Development Program is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program provides funds for the construction and rehabilitation of rental housing as well as homeownership opportunities for low to moderate income households throughout the County.

The York County Planning Commission, representing the County, will be accepting applications for funding through January 12, 2015. Applications are available at the Planning Commission office, 28 E. Market Street, York, PA. You may also access an electronic application on our website at www.ycpc.org. To go directly to the application form, click here.

Any questions can be directed to Dory Brannon, dbrannon@ycpc.org.


York County Home Improvement Program

The County's Home Improvement Program (HIP) is looking for qualified applicants to participate. The program is a zero interest deferred loan program designed to help income eligible resident homeowners in York County by providing financial and technical assistance for home repairs including, but not limited to, roofing, windows, plumbing, heating, electrical, sidewalks, septic and water/sewer hookups.  Click here to view additional information on the program that can be found on our website www.ycpc.org. Please direct any questions you may have to Robin Doll at rdoll@ycpc.org.
YCPC Planning Perspectives Newsletter

Planning Perspectives Newsletters are Now Available

The "Stormwater Basins" Planning Perspectives explains the basic differences between conventional basins and naturalized basins. Highlighting stormwater benefits of naturalized basins, this document also includes contacts for obtaining more information about stormwater basins. Click here to view newsletter.

The "Recognizing Blight in York County" Planning Perspectives defines blight, and problems associated with blight. This issue begins to address opportunities for recovery from blight, and future issues will discuss additional aspects of community efforts to improve their appearance. Click here to view newsletter.

2015 Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
Spring/Summer Schedule

PennDOT's Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) provides many services to the municipalities of the Commonwealth.  One of the services provided is training in the areas of maintenance and safety.  The York County Planning Commission has partnered with the municipalities of York County to bring those training courses to the area.  Currently there are five (5) courses scheduled to take place in York County from February 2015 to June 2015.  A list of those training courses can be found at http://www.ycpc.org/divisions/transportation-planning/ltap.html on the YCPC website.  Individuals interested in attending an LTAP course should register at www.ltap.state.pa.us or contact Joe Marczyk, jmarczyk@ycpc.org.

PennDOT Announces "Green Light-GO (GLG) Program"
At the end of September, PennDOT announced the launch and application dates for a new program called Green Light-GO (GLG). GLG is a municipal signal partnership program designed to improve safety and mobility by reducing congestion and improving efficiency of existing traffic signals on state highways. This is a competitive grant program with a 50/50 match for the following eligible projects for existing traffic signals on state highways:

2014 Green Light-GO Program Eligible Projects:
* LED Replacement
* Traffic Signal Retiming
* Study and Removal of Unwarranted Traffic Control Signals
* Real-Time Monitoring
* Developing Special Event Plans
* Asset Management
* Data Collection
* Event Timing Adjustments
* Detour Route Timing Adjustment

The Department will accept applications for the initial Green Light-Go Program from September 27th to November 14th, 2014.

For more information, go to: http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Portal%20Information/Traffic%20Signal%20Portal/FUNDGLG.html

We realize that the application deadline of November 14, 2014 is right around the corner. Please keep in mind that GLG is scheduled to be offered again in SFY 2015/16 and SFY 2016/17 with increasing amounts of funding - up to $25milllion in 2015/16 and up to $40million in 2016/17. It is not too early to start planning for next year's application by looking at the eligible traffic signals, eligible corridors and working on joint municipal applications with your municipal neighbors.

If you are planning to apply for GLG funds, we ask that you please contact Beth Artman or Will Clark. There are several traffic signal corridor retiming/adaptive signal projects already programmed on the York Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (YAMPO) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and we would like to help all of York County optimize our investments. Also, if you would like assistance looking at possible projects in your municipality or your region, we would be happy to help with planning and coordination.

We will continue to send out periodic updates to keep you updated and connected with what is happening in and around York County.  Please continue to visit our website for the latest news.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Felicia S. Dell
York County Planning Commission

York County Planning Commission | (717) 771-9870 | wgobrecht@ycpc.org |
28 East Market Street
York, PA 17401-1580

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