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Service Information
Sunday, Date, 9:15 and 11:15 a.m.
Watercolor by John M. Waddill

"Taking Your Shot"
Sermon by Rev. Aaron McEmrys
How is it as a people can we give someone their "shot"?  

Taking part in the service is Rev. Loren Mead who will tell of his friendship with artist John M. Waddill.  An art reception featuring Waddill's work will follow in the afternoon (see below). Rev. Mead is a retired Episcopal minister and founder of the Alban Institute. 
The service will be live-streamed and archived at

NOTE: Single Worship Service Schedule Begins June 5
Sunday worship service will be at 10:15 a.m. June 5 through September 4.

UUCA's Sunday Satellite Parking Lots
Did you know that UUCA has two satellite parking lots on Sunday morning? You can avoid the the tight parking in our main lot and park in either the Arlington Hall Park lot just south of the church or the Mason lot across the street on George Mason Drive. The Arlington Hall lot is accessed from 4th St. off of George Mason. A short walk along the soccer fields takes you to 1st Place S., where you access the church property. When parking at the Mason lot, please cross the street at the traffic light. Click here for a map.
Youth Sunday - May 22
You've watched them grow up, now watch them lead a service! This year, our amazing youth will lead both services on May 22. Get to know some of our newest youth members and bid well wishes to those who are graduating and moving on to their next great adventure. Don't miss this chance to see our talented youth in action as they honor the dedicated youth advisors who have helped shape their spiritual journey.
Church Governance Matters
UUCA Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 5, immediately following the service
Main agenda items are the 2016-17 budget and the Board nominees. Childcare is provided. Current members of the Congregation who have signed the membership book at least 90 days prior to the meeting (March 6) are eligible to vote. 
Announcing Slate of Candidates to Fill Elected Leadership Positions
The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following candidates to be voted upon by the congregation at its Annual Meeting on June 5.

Meet the 2016 nominees here.

The Board of Trustees has four openings for members elected for a term of two years, with the opportunity to serve (if re-elected) for a total of three consecutive terms (six years). Nominees are Janice Morris and Paula Bendl Smith (current Trustees) and Warren Wright and Al Himes (new). There are three openings for the Nominating Committee, elected for a single two-year term. Nominees are Bill Turner, Ben D'Avanzo and Tina Hinh.

Board Secretary is elected annually. The nominee is Betsey Lyon.

Church Treasurer is elected annually. The nominee is Peter Vitaliano who is the current Treasurer.
Assistant Treasurers are elected annually. Nominees are Bob Gayer and Gene Mulligan who both currently serve in that capacity.

Two additional avenues for nominating individuals to fill vacancies are:
  • Nomination by petition signed by a least five UUCA members and submitted to the church office no later than May 26 (10 days before the Annual Meeting)
  • Nominations from the Floor at the Annual Meeting
IMPORTANT DATES - Mark your Calendars
May 22: Nominating Committee Forum after each service provides the candidates with an opportunity to introduce themselves and share their interest in assuming a leadership role.
May 26: Deadline for submitting additional nominations by petition.
June 5: Annual Meeting, held after the single worship service, to elect individuals to fill leadership positions. 
For more information, please talk to any member of the Nominating Committee: David Shilton, Melissa Rea, Regina Koffman, Pat Findikoglu, and Gerda Keiswetter.
General Assembly 2016
General Assembly 2016 in Columbus Ohio will assemble leaders and communities of many faiths to worship together, learn from one another, and create a new vision of faith that no longer divides us, but connects us to an interdependent future that works for all. This year the 2016 Ware Lecturer is Krista Tippett, author, journalist and NPR radio host of On Being. Interested in attending or being a UUCA delegate? Contact anyone on the Nominating Committee: David Shelton, Gerda Keiswetter, Regina Koffman, Melissa Rea, Pat Findikoglu 
We want to hear from you!
dog listening Members, friends, newcomers -- we want to hear from you! Please add your voice to this year's church survey.

Access the survey here now -- or anytime on our website at
A new worship experience is coming . . . 

MoonFire Spiritual Spring Cleaning Ritual - May 15
Join MoonFire this Sunday for a ritual of Spiritual Spring Cleaning. Come and reconnect with the elements, and cleanse the winter and rainy blahs away. We may be outside so bring a cushion and a coat; at this point, the weather app says about 66 and semi-sunny. As always, a potluck and time for fellowship will follow the ritual, so bring a dish or drink to share along with your own plates and utensils if possible, so that we may minimize trash.  

For further information on MoonFire, please visit our web site at, or contact us at 
Meals on Wheels at UUCA
Looking for a satisfying way to live our church's ideal of Connect, Grow, Serve?  Do you have a friend you would like to see regularly?  Are you looking for an occasional activity for your school age children during the summer? 
Meals on Wheels is for you!

Congregants from UUCA deliver meals on the fourth Thursday and Friday of each month. Many of us arrange to do a route with a friend, giving us a guaranteed time to be together to chat as we make our rounds. When we do the same route for several months, we also get to know the clients, who nearly always seem grateful to converse with a visitor. We serve a diverse population of clients in South Arlington who represent the ethnic and racial diversity of the area. Being a Meals on Wheels volunteer is a perfect example of an outreach activity that enables participants to Connect-with fellow congregants as well as the clients, Grow-in knowledge of and sensitivity toward others, and Serve-in a very tangible and important way.
The time commitment is from 11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m., meals are delivered to the parking lot of the First Presbyterian Church at 601 N. Vermont St. (the driveway is off Carlin Springs Road, a block from Ballston Common).

Tina Hinh and Sara Anderson are the coordinators of the UUCA MoW volunteers; please contact to volunteer  Sara  or 703-532-3830; Tina

Nisgua logo This week's Give the Plate offering supports UUCA's partnership with NISGUA - the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala. Our church, through its Partners for Arlington and Guatemala (PAG), has sponsored a total of 15 human rights Accompaniers in collaboration with NISGUA since 2007. Our sixteenth Accompanier, Michael Hoyt, leaves for Guatemala this June. He will visit UUCA next weekend.

These remarkable young adults spend at least six months in Guatemala as part of an international accompaniment team. They monitor human rights and are present to deter the violence and intimidation that face human rights defenders because of the work they are doing. The presence of Accompaniers has been instrumental in protecting witnesses and legal teams in several notable court cases related to the genocide of the 1980's. Accompaniers are also present in communities opposing multi-national mining, hydroelectric and agribusiness projects that seize indigenous communal lands without permission, exploit the local resources and irreparably harm the local environment and economy. Recent UUCA/NISGUA delegations have visited some of these communities to hear their stories and express our solidarity.

GTP button
Going to miss Sunday's service? You can give to the GTP offering now
Your offerings during this Sunday and next fund the monthly stipend that our Accompaniers receive to cover their room and board, in-country travel and emergency medical coverage. Without your generous support, UUCA could not be a Sponsoring Community. Please visit the PAG table in Fellowship Hall on Sunday to learn more about NISGUA and this important Faith in Action human rights ministry. 
Lifespan and Religious EducationReligiousEd
Wellspring Wednesdays thru May 18 -- not too late to attend
Wellspring Chart
Wellspring Dinner at 6:00 p.m.  Classes at 7-8:30 p.m. FREE childcare

Religious Education Volunteer Appreciation
Join your UUCA community on Sunday, May 22 as we honor our Children's, Youth, and Adult Religious Education volunteers for the 2015-2016 church year. Many heart-felt thanks to these wonderful, generous, and amazing people.
Teacher Trainings - Save the Dates
Sunday, Sept. 4, 12-2 p.m. RE Mixer. Lunch and childcare provided.
Saturday, Sept. 10. RE Teacher Trainings. Childcare provided.

UUCA Members and Friends Invited to Ordination of Andrew Mertz
Sunday, May 22, 4 p.m. - Unitarian Universalists of Sterling
Andrew Mertz photo Andrew Mertz was a member of UUCA's staff, as Youth Ministry Coordinator, for five years before he headed off to work for the Joseph Priestley District and attend Meadville Lombard Theological School. He's graduating and his intern congregation, the UU Congregation of Sterling, is ordaining him to UU ministry. Andrew worked closely with many UUCAers -- youth, parents, leaders and staff. It would be very meaningful for him if UUCA is represented by your presence at the ceremony. Rev. Linda will be participating and encourages a UUCA contingent of support!
Breastfeeding Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Pat Shelly
The Arlington/Alexandria chapter of the Holistic Moms Network meets monthly at UUCA. Please join us for our next meeting on Thursday, May 19th at UUCA from 7-9p.m., where we will enjoy a conversation with Pat Shelly, RN, MA, IBCLC, Founder & Director of the Breastfeeding Center for Greater Washington. Pat will share her reflections on changes in breastfeeding over the years, and her experience running a center to support nursing mothers for two decades. She will touch on changes in best practices that might surprise veteran moms, and will entertain questions for the last third of the meeting. This event is open to the public, and children are always welcome. Visit our chapter blog for more information at
Congregational Life
New UU - Saturday, May 21, 8:30 a.m. - Noon
UUCA logo Unitarian Universalism is a way of thinking and being in the world. It is a faith discipline, enriched by faith traditions, that forms the foundation for a way to live this life. It matters how we conduct our lives and work to make the world a better place. Here at UUCA we are challenged to deepen our own faith principles and practices in response to our own experience and, whenever possible, to stand on the side of love. Find out more about Unitarian Universalism, and about UUCA, at our next New UU class. The class is free, but registration is required, click here. Free childcare is available on request. Contact
Fall Retreat: A Mountain Get-a-Away Sept. 23-25
Fall retreat photo For over 50 years, UUCA members and friends have gathered each fall at Capon Springs in the mountains of West Virginia for fellowship, fun, and renewal. The UUCA Fall Retreat (Sept. 23-25) is  a great chance to get to know your fellow UUCA-ers in a relaxed setting. Enjoy discussions and workshops, communal meals, fun and games from Scrabble to shuffleboard, hiking and birdwatching (and even polar-bear bathing in Capon Springs' famously icy pool). Whether you are thinking of coming for the first time or are a repeat retreater, we would love to have you join us! Please stop by the Fall Retreat table any Sunday in May, where members of the retreat committee will be delighted to tell you more.
Hundreds Attend Voices from the Holy Land Film Series

The five week film series "Voices from the Holy Land" ended on May 1 with well over 100 people in attendance.  The series used the medium of film to explore the complex, difficult and emotional issues associated with Israel/Palestine. Rev. Linda Olson Peebles gave the welcome to the final session which featured a panel discussion moderated by UUCA's Allen Keiswetter. The panelists were from each of the Holy Land's major religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The series was hosted by UUCA and jointly sponsored and supported by about 20 other faith and action groups. Rick Hale of the UUCA's Committee for Justice and Peace in Israel/Palestine led the planning group for the series.  
Buckingham Cooks!
They're back! Cooks from the Buckingham community will be selling savory Latino fare after services this Sunday. Buen provecho!
Buckingham Helpers
Need help with yard work or spring cleaning? Buckingham workers offer many services such as pruning, moving furniture, and catering. A Buckingham cook can lend a hand at your next open house or dinner party too! To fill out a request form, please visit the Buckingham Outreach table in Fellowship Hall after services this Sunday. For more information, contact Nancy Hall
Pastoral Care Hotline
If you have a pastoral emergency, and need a ministers' attention immediately for a health crisis, call the Pastoral Care Hotline at 703-892-2565 x245.
Faith in Action: Connecting - Growing - ServingFaith
accompanier photo
International accompaniers: UUCA-sponsored Jake Jenzen (4th from left)
A Chance to Meet Our PAG Accompaniers
Your Give the Plate offerings on May 15 and 22 support the work of UUCA's human rights partner NISGUA (Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala). Your contributions will fund the Accompaniers that UUCA sponsors in collaboration with NISGUA. Since 2007 UUCA has sponsored 15 human rights monitors in Guatemala and we know that their presence saves lives! After intensive training with NISGUA, each Accompanier spends a minimum of six months in Guatemala and receives a monthly stipend that covers their room and board, in-country travel, emergency medical and incidentals. Their stipends are funded entirely from your donations.

Once in Guatemala, our Accompaniers become part of an international team from 10 different country organizations. In pairs, they monitor situations in communities where individuals are threatened with violence or criminalization for their human rights work. Those accompanied include witnesses, lawyers and judges involved in cases against current and former government and military personnel charged with crimes related to the genocide of the 1980's. Others are local leaders who are in danger for organizing their communities in resistance to multi-national mining, hydro-electric and agri-business projects that seize indigenous communal lands without local approval and irreparably damage the environment and livelihoods of local residents. Currently, UUCA is supporting additional emergency accompaniment in the legal cases related to sexual slavery and trafficking.

You can meet two UUCA-sponsored Accompaniers here at church the week-end of May 20-22. Watch for details in upcoming Connections. Emily Rhyne completed her service in 2014.
Michael Hoyt goes to Guatemala in June as UUCA's sixteenth Accompanier.
DIG Meeting (May 18) and Work Day (May 28)
Weeds are crowding out our native wildflowers: Deer Berry

Spiderwort wildflower
and Virginia Purple Spiderwort

The warm weather and lots of rain have helped a lot of weeds to flourish -- which means UUCA's DIG Team (Do It Green) could use a few extra hands to make the pulling light. DIG makes it easy to help out -- regular workdays are scheduled twice a month -- one during a weekday and one on Saturday.  It's a great volunteer activity for families and groups within the church to do together. R
egular workdays are the second Thursday and the fourth Saturday (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) of each month. The next workday is on Saturday, May 28. Bring small garden tools and work gloves, if you have them. Also, if you're interested in the overall maintenance of UUCA's patch of green (our grounds), you are welcome to attend their next meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 3 p.m. For more information, contact Jennifer FrumIf your group (Covenant Group, music group, etc.) would like to do an independent DIG project on a separate date, please contact Jennifer to make arrangements.
Helping Our Neighbors
UUCA works through community partners in Arlington and Alexandria to help our neighbors in need. Instead of our own food bank or shelter, UUCA partners with community organizations such as ALIVE!  (Alexandrians Involved Ecumenically), AFAC (Arlington Food Assistance Network), and A-SPAN (Arlington Street People's Assistance Network). During the month of May, UUCA is collecting food and shelter items for each of the three organizations. Please bring any of the following items to Sunday services in May:
  • FOOD: Low-sugar cereals, peanut butter, canned meat (tuna, chicken, beef stew, etc.) pasta, mac and cheese, canned soup, canned vegetables, etc. And, small, single-servings of healthy food suitable for week-end backpack meals for Alexandria public school children identified as "food-insecure." For example: mac and cheese, fruit cups, granola bars, etc.
  • NECESSARIES: Deodorant, soap, shampoo and conditioner, disposable razors, shaving cream, combs/brushes, mouth wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste. Small sizes only.
If you have questions or would like information about how UUCA supports these organizations, please contact: for A-SPAN , contact Ken Perkins-Gough,; for ALIVE!, contact Ann Marie Hay,; for AFAC , contact Denise Kappler,
FIESTA image Fiesta!
Saturday, May 21, 6:30 p.m.
Join fellow UUCAer's and Buckingham neighbors for an evening of delicious food, entertainment, and fun! Bring a covered dish or dessert to share. Families are especially welcome. Flyer here.
Guatemalan Exchange Trip Oct 18-27
Guatemala scholarship A UUCA delegation will travel on an Intercultural Exchange to Rabinal, Guatemala to visit the scholarship students that UUCA sponsors and to meet with ADIVIMA activists, a Mayan human rights organization, and with the Mayan community in and near Rabinal.  These communities have been working for social justice after many families experienced genocide in the Civil Unrest in the 1980's. Besides visiting the scholarship students and the Mayan activists, the UUCA delegation have opportunities to learn about the Mayan midwives, experience an intercultural exchange of Mayan dances and singing, and visit the site of the Chixoy Dam which displaced many Mayan families. The trip is from Oct. 18-27. Cost is $500 plus airfare. Lodging is at the Biltmore Hotel in Guatemala City and in a local hotel in Rabinal with in-room baths. Applications are due June 1 with a $100 deposit. For more information or to apply for the trip, contact Anne McKnight at
Creative Arts Ministry
UUCA's Center Gallery RECEPTION
Waddill painting
Paintings by John M. Waddill (1927-2013)
May 1 - June 5, 2016

RECEPTION: Sunday, May 15, 3 p.m.
With entertainment by Goodwin House Bailey's Jefferson Street Band

Works are from the collection the of Loren B. Mead, in Falls Church (Goodwin House), and in the home of Waddill's daughter, Sarah Armstrong, in Columbia, S.C., as well as in almost every domestic and commercial establishment in Pinopolis and Mounk's Corner, S.C.  

Loren B. Mead, retired clergy and former Director of the Alban Institute in Washington, D.C., met Waddill in 1953 when they both arrived, with young families, in Pinopolis. Loren was taking his first parish after attending the Virginia Theological Seminary and Waddill was coming from New York where he was a practicing artist. A friendship was born that lasted more than 50 years in which Mead drew immense joy and inspiration from "Johnny's" artwork.
Metro Chorus photo
The Metropolitan Chorus
Drops of Spring
A concert to delight all audiences with a variety of music selections

Sunday, May 22, 4 p.m.
UUCA Sanctuary
Admission is free -- donations gratefully accepted. Flyer here

More info at

Wheel of LifeWheel
  • Congrats to Shelly Thompson, graduating May 15 from Meadville Lombard Theological School.  Rev. Linda will be in Chicago participating in those ceremonies.
  • Condolences to Chris Leigh and his family on the sudden death this past week of his mother, Faith Adele Leigh.  
  • The memorial service for UUCA founding member Mary Lathram will be held at Goodwin House, Bailey's Crossroads, at 2pm on Saturday, May 21. All are invited.

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  • Deadline is noon each Wednesday.
  • Please put "Connections" in the subject box.
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  • Questions about Connections? Contact
Connections is produced weekly and normally emailed on Thursday. Deadline is Wednesday at NOON each week. ADD "CONNECTIONS" TO SUBJECT BOX. Email announcements to

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Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington   |   4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington VA 22204   |   703-892-2565