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Easter Sunday
All Welcome Sunday, March 28, 9:15 and 11:15 a.m.

In the video above, Rev. Aaron McEmrys and LeeAnn Williams -- accompanied by the Caped Crusader -- share what's in store for us on Easter Sunday. It's an All Worship Service where children stay with their families throughout the service. Rev. Aaron gives a homily titled, "Surfacing" -- How we come back up into the sun after being pulled down by life's waters. And, it's a service filled with music and special guests: Sanctuaries DC will perform; Maddie Ashton sings Afterlife by Ingrid Michaelson; Clerestory Choir sings Lift Your Voice and Sing by Jason Shelton and Mary Katherine Morn; and our children choirs Chalice Choir and TrUUbadours sing , Firework
Upcoming Sermon - Sunday April 4 
Rev. Dr. Linda Olson Peebles preaching "Democracy Awakening"
immigration_rally People of liberal faith have a unique role and opportunity to play in tapping into the power of creativity to help restore people's positive engagement in our representative democracy. Find inspiration, not despair, as we imagine how to reclaim the meaning, values, and civility that is the true essence of politics.
Invite your family and friends to join us online for Easter Sunday
video imageFamily and friends too far away to join you on Easter Sunday? Or, perhaps you're visiting them this holiday? If you're not able to be with us in person this Sunday, please be sure to join us online for the live broadcast of the service or watch the recorded service anytime at
Pilgrimage to the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan -- Last chance to apply March 27
Bhutan kids image Rev. Aaron is excited to announce a fall 2016 pilgrimage to Bhutan open to members of UUCA. His trip last fall was an incredible spiritual journey that he is eager to share with others to expand and deepen their spiritual awareness and connection to the Buddhist teachings that so closely align with our Unitarian Universalist values. Travel dates are October 8-21 and the total cost per person will be approximately $5,000 (including airfare). Participants will be required to take four orientation classes prior to the trip. Space is limited and participants will be chosen by application which must be submitted by March 27. For more information or to receive an application, please see Bea Ann Phillips this Sunday or
Give the PlateGivePlate
Little Friends of Peace logo The Give the Plate offerings during the month of March goes to Little Friends for Peace (LFFP). For almost twenty years, UUCA's mission has been embodied and carried out through its partnership with Little Friends for Peace, an internationally acclaimed group which has offered workshops, trainings, and the annual summer Peace Camp. Participants (volunteers, counselors, campers, cooks, teachers) include UUCA members and friends, and families from Beacon House, Buckingham, and local affordable housing communities. In this multigenerational, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic experience, UUCA's dreams of beloved community come true.  To help make this dream come true, the UUCA Give the Plate offerings will go to provide Peace Camp scholarships for children and youth. Little Friends for Peace is a nonprofit organization that empowers children and adults to solve problems nonviolently, build relationships through compassion and empathy, and create a culture of peace. LFFP envisions communities where everyone has the opportunity to experience, learn, and practice peace. From playground put-downs and family fights to street crime and global conflict, violence builds from the ground up. LFFP works to interrupt our current culture of violence through peace building. By teaching peace at an early age, and practicing peace at every age, we know together we can answer the violence with skills for peace.
UUCA Peace Camp 2016 - Registration Open
Peace Camper photo Peace Camp registration is open for campers 5-14. Camp runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
Week 1: Mon., June 27 to Fri., July 1 ($275)
Week 2: Tues., July 5 to Fri., July 8 ($240)
You can register your campers (ages 5 to 9) for one or both weeks. Extended care before and after camp available. Scholarships available. Other opportunities include Jr. Counselor in Training (ages 10-11), and Counselor in Training (ages 12-14). Staff positions are also available: Jr. Counselors (16-18), Counselors (18+) and special guest presenters. Join us as we Connect - Grow - Serve. 

Register HERE
Stewardship: Are You Happy with Your Commitment?

Perfect green open umbrella isolated on white Since the beginning of February, 686 UUCA households have committed $1,249,849.32 in financial support for the 2016-17 fiscal year, which starts in June. As the overall coordinator of Stewardship, and as a congregant who loves this church, I extend my thanks to every individual and every family who has pledged to support the financial demands of fulfilling our mission. I'm happy that so many of us -- young, old, and in-between -- have chosen to commit. 

As you may know, however, the dollar total of pledges is not quite at the level of last year's pledged total amount. That means that we are constrained in how we can grow our mission -- including internal staffing, community programming, and external outreach. In fact, that kind of growth appears nearly impossible for the coming year, knowing that our mortgage costs will increase this summer (see "What are the main needs in the budget?" on page two of the January 21 Connections column)  or refer to the "Give to Grow" letter mailed to you in February). At the same time, UUCA leaders are committed to living sustainably within our means; there will be no deficit budget. Ministers, staff, and volunteers will work creatively and in covenant to "Connect, Grow, and Serve." The intention is to continue to provide a spiritual home for all who come here and to remain a faith leader in our community -- all within the limited financial envelope that the congregation as a whole is choosing to provide. 

Your individual/family choice is a way to express your relationship with UUCA. Does your pledge fairly represent that relationship? Are you a supporter, a sustainer, a visionary, or a transformer? Click here.

All pledges are gratefully accepted at any time. The annual period of focused attention on our financial support is over, but you may make a new pledge or update your pledge at any time through the year. Additional pledges made now will still help shape the budget.

Do stay informed about your congregation. Watch for an announcement very soon about the dates and times for open budget hearings.

And please keep me informed about your concerns and your ideas for all aspects of Stewardship. How can we best build a sustainable community of faith that will be here for those who come after us? Write to me at or find me in Fellowship Hall nearly any Sunday.

-- Diane Ullius, coordinating Stewardship under the Green Umbrella

UUA General Assembly - A chance to Connect - Grow - Serve

"I am inspired at GA by prophetic voices who articulate the heroic traditions our faith, and the theological grounding for our mission of living love into a troubled world."
-- David McTaggart,
2015 UUCA Delegate

GA logo

"I have never met so many interesting and inspiring people in a period of three days!"
-- Sally Recinos
2015 UUCA Delegate

This year's GA is in Columbus, Ohio, June 22-26 and the theme is Heart Land: Where Faiths Connect. Note: You don't have to be a delegate to attend, though being a voting delegate adds to what is already an incredible experience. Please stop by the Nominating Table between services on Sunday to find out more. You can also contact Pat or any other Nominating Committee member: Gerda KeiswetterMelissa ReaReginia KoffmanDavid Shilton.
Lifespan and Religious EducationReligiousEd
Easter Sunday and the Hunt for Justice
easter_egg_hunt.jpg This Sunday our RE kids will celebrate Easter by participating in an All Welcome worship service. After church, kids will gather for the annual Hunt for Justice. If you haven't heard of the Hunt for Justice, here is how it works. Kids enjoy the same mad dash, filling their baskets with bright colored eggs. But, instead of the end game being all about candy, our kids will use the eggs to vote for a social justice activity they would like to support. Last year, our kids voted to assemble emergency food kits for AFAC (Alington Food Assistance Center). We mistakenly posted last week that the Hunt for Justice winner for Easter 2015 was bingo at Goodwin House. So sorry for the confusion.

This year the voting options are food sorting for AFAC, making blankets for new mothers in homeless shelters, and making lip balm for emergency kits. Of course, there will be candy and other prizes involved -- all that hard work for social justice deserves some chocolate! Don't miss this opportunity for our kids to practice our 5th UU Principle. Which one is that? We all have a vote in what matters to us. It's the Hunt for Justice!
Wellspring Wednesdays

April 13 - May 18

Fostering lifelong learning and spiritual growth. Each Wellspring Wednesday evening includes supper, brief worship, and a choice of classes.  Free childcare provided.

Thank you to all those who ordered UUCA t-shirts!
T-shirt logo image Those who have not yet picked up their order are asked to do so this Sunday from the CASE table in Fellowship Hall. Orders are no longer being taken but a limited number of styles and sizes will be available for purchase on Sunday. Shirts are $20 and proceeds support the mission of the church and the CASE program for youth who are not yet in high school. For more information about the program or the t-shirt sales project, contact Annie Parker, or Kate Gallup,
Youth Put Values to Work During Spring Break 
Cleaning out years of lost items and treasures

Painting tiles to line new flower garden at clients' home

S'mores and sharing

Members of UUCA's Youth are spending their spring break in West Virginia working on service projects through the Appalachian South Folklife Center. You'll be able to learn all about this trip when the Youth Group sponsors  the Appalachian Cultural Evening on April 24. They will share their experience through song, photos, reflections, and FOOD! There will be regional cuisine such as chicken and dumplings, fried green tomatoes, and apple stack cake. Tickets go on sale next Sunday, April 3 after services or contact LeeAnn Williams,  
Children's Chapel Ring In Spring!
Kids with handbells A big THANK YOU to the enthusiastic and energetic group of kids who joined the Bellissimo and Polymnia handbell choirs for the Handbell Children's Chapel last Sunday, March 20.  Everyone had a lot of fun trying out a variety of bells and chimes, and the kids made some great music together.  If you and/or your child(ren) are interested in exploring handbells further, the UUCA handbell program is open to ringers of all ages (2nd grade and beyond) and all levels of experience. Please contact Ken Bissell, Director of Handbells, at kenbhandbells@aol.comor 703-622-2849.
Hiring Childcare Providers
We currently have openings for childcare providers.  Hours include Sunday mornings, weekday evenings and some Saturdays. $15 per hour. Training provided. Must be 18 years of age or older and complete a background check. For more information please contact LeeAnn at
Congregational Life
Exiles in Sepharad, the Jewish Millennium in Spain 
HUUmanists Meet - Monday, 28, 7:15 p.m. 
Exiles in Sepharad book cover
Arlingtonian Jeffrey Gorsky will talk about his new book Exiles in Sepharad, the Jewish Millennium in Spain. The book describes the dramatic one-thousand-year history of the Sephardic Jews in Spain. They flourished under both Muslim and Christian rule, enjoying prosperity and power. Their cultural contributions include important poets; the great Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides; and Moses de Leon, author of the Zohar, the core text of the Kabbalah. The Sephardic Jews also endured considerable hardship. Fundamentalist Islamic tribes drove them from Muslim to Christian Spain. In 1391 thousands were killed and more than a third were forced to convert by anti-Jewish rioters. A century later the Spanish Inquisition began, accusing thousands of these converts of heresy. By the end of the fifteenth century Jews had been expelled from Spain and forcibly converted in Portugal and Navarre. After almost a millennium of harmonious existence, what had been the most populous and prosperous Jewish community in Europe ceased to exist on the Iberian Peninsula. Gorsky's book vividly relates this colorful period of Jewish history, from the era when Jewish culture was at its height in Muslim Spain to the horrors of the Inquisition and the Expulsion. All are welcome. For further information, contact Jere Cummins
Men's Book Group - Sunday, April 10, 7:30 p.m.
Our Souls at Night book cover image The book for discussion is Kent Haruf's last novel, Our Souls at Night. The non-fiction selection for the May 8 meeting is yet to be determined. Suggestions are welcome. Questions about the group and its meetings? Please contact Ken Marshall at or 703-533-8004.
Faith in Action: Connecting - Growing - ServingFaith
ACT4LyonPark Community Celebration - Saturday March 26, 9  to 10:30 a.m.
All UUCAers are invited to attend this family-friendly community event planned and led by neighbors of UUCA (including some of our own members) who live near and have been disturbed by the planned opening of a gun shop in the Arlington neighborhood of Lyon Park. Rev. Linda will speak and offer our support for their witness to peace and creativity in the face of fear and negativity. Location:  Lyon Park, 414 North Fillmore Street, Arlington.
Our Little Historic Woodland - Nature Walk April 3
tree bud photo A wonderful show is about to begin. You can watch it through the sanctuary windows, or you can go outside to see it from the ground. You can also join members of DIG (Do It Green) for a nature walk that will focus on the five species of oak on our grounds on Sunday, April 3, after both services. All winter the trees in our little remnant of the once-great eastern deciduous forest have protected this year's flowers and leaves inside the tiny tightly-packed buds pressed along the sides and at the tips of their twigs. Now that longer warmer days are here it is time for them to awaken. The hickories and oaks will present us with graceful male catkins bearing abundant pollen for the wind to waft onto the shorter, less conspicuous female flowers. The red maples and sugar maples will cover themselves with multitudes of tiny pendant blossoms, appearing like clouds of red or green lace before the tiny new leaves start to unfold. We need to be alert to catch this show, the first awakening of the year, for it is all too brief. The trees must get on with their flowering in time to produce their nuts, acorns, and winged seeds. This is of course another show worth watching, and it's coming soon to our little woodland.

Upcoming DIG Workdays
Help DIG do a bit of spring clean-up of the grounds and preparation for the growing season.
Saturday,March 26, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., led by Jennifer Frum and Kit Britton
Thursday, April 7, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., led by Jennifer Frum and Kit Britton
Saturday, April 23, 10-12, led by Sally Recinos and Judy Neher

Also, next DIG meeting Wednesday, April 20, 3 p.m., in the Volunteer Room.
Let's celebrate Earth Day at UUCA!
crocus on UUCA grounds It's been 46 years since the first Earth Day in 1970, and this year we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, less than a month away, with a special service on Sunday, April 17. UUCA will honor Earth Day throughout April with an array of exhibits, films, Wellspring Wednesday discussions and even a work day at Long Branch Nature Center. Check next week's Connections for full details then come learn, grow and serve to help honor the earth and support the environment. Questions? Contact Bob Denniston at
Israel-Palestine Film Series Begins Sunday, April 3, 2:30 p.m.
Voices from the Holy Land 2016 UUCA opens the Voices from the Holy Land film series -- a series exploring the complex and emotional issues preventing peace in Israel/Palelstine for over three generations. The first film is Al Helm (The Dream): Martin Luther King in Palestine, which provides an inside look at Palestinian life and holds up the U.S. civil rights movement as a model of nonviolence in the region. Audience discussion will follow the screening. This film series is co-sponsored by UUCA, Sabeel D.C. Metro, and Grace Presbyterian Church, Springfield. For more information, contact Bill Reilly at 703-525-4075 (h) or 571-332-2854 (c).
UUCA Delegation to Visit Guatemala 
Guatemalan scholarship students A UUCA delegation will travel on an intercultural exchange to Rabinal, Guatemala this fall to visit the scholarship students that UUCA sponsors and to meet with activists from ADIVIMA, a Mayan human rights organization. The Mayan community in the Rabinal area has been working for social justice after many families experienced genocide in the Civil Unrest in the 1980's. The trip will not only include meeting the students and their families, but also opportunities to learn about the Mayan midwives who are an integral part of their community and there will be a visit to the Chixoy Dam which displaced many Mayan families. The trip will be from Oct. 18-27 and the cost is $500 plus airfare. Lodging will be at the Biltmore Hotel in Guatemala City and in a local hotel in Rabinal with in room baths. For more information or to apply for the trip, contact Anne McKnight at
Partners for Peace and Justice 
Heart_Hands Our work for a peaceful and justice-seeking world begins with meeting one another and hearing each other's stories. Invite your friends -- from UUCA and the wider community -- to attend the following: 

Wednesdays, 7:30- 9 p.m.
  • March 30 - VOICE
  • April 6 - Race Matters
  • April 13 - Green Action and Climate Justice
Earth Day Sunday, April 17, following services - Planting and Dedication of the Peace Pole
Continued Support Needed for Arlington Affordable Housing - County Board Meeting March 29
VOICE_LOGO Please plan to attend the Arlington County Board meeting on Tuesday, March 29, 7:00 p.m. We will stand in solidarity with designated VOICE  (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) speakers calling upon the Board to approve a FY 2017 budget that fulfills the promise of the county's Affordable Housing Master Plan. Thanks to many of you, the Board passed its master plan unanimously last September, with the goal of distributing affordable housing throughout the county to ensure that Arlington remains an inclusive diverse community. We need your support now to make sure there is adequate and reliable funding. Come to the Arlington County Board Room, 3rd Floor, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. RSVP to David McTaggart at or 703-835-6944.
VOICE Alexandria and Ramsey Residents Successful
Congratulations to  VOICE  for a recent achievement in the city of Alexandria. VOICE helped compel the mayor and city council to put people first when planning affordable housing --  click here. UUCA is a founding member of VOICE, which organizes people to work for justice in Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax County, and Prince William County.
Helping to Cross Bridges to Indpendence
Bridg2Inde photo
Bridge2Indep jazz photo
Bridg2Indpen gala crowd photo
Last Saturday, UUCA hosted A Sparkling Black and Gold Evening to benefit Bridges to Independence (b2i). This elegant gala featured food from the acclaimed French-German brassiere, Lyon Hall, live jazz, art for sale, a raffle, and, of course, a little bubbly. Speakers included John Vihstadt and Christian Dorsey, members of the Arlington County Board. Thanks to enthusiastic participation by our congregants and others, the benefit raised over $9000 to ameliorate homelessness in Northern Virginia.

Bridges to Independence (formerly Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless) is Arlington's transitional family shelter. Families may stay at Sullivan House for 2 to 6 months, working to achieve permanent homes and self-sufficiency. Adopt-a-Family, b2i's rapid rehousing program, helps Arlington and Alexandria families stay in their current homes through a housing crisis and avoid future homelessness. Bridges to Independence's intensive case management, job training and Youth Leadership Academy contribute to secure, permanent outcomes. For how to donate or for more information on the program, contact Alex Roth at
Live at the Center

Live at the Center and Stone Room Concerts presents a Phil Ochs Song Night with Brother Sun, Magpie, and SONiA this Saturday, March 26, 7 p.m., in the Center. 
Brother Sun celebrate the amazing power of three-part male harmonies, singing contemporary folk with touches of gospel, blues, jazz and pop.

SONiA is recognized as one of the most dynamic acts in folk-rock touring, releasing 17 acclaimed albums and winning over fans with her energetic, conscience-driven music -- songs that challenge injustice, performed with passion and hope.
Wheel of LifeWheel
Congratulations to Brian and Lucy Goss on the birth of their first child, Hannah Marie Goss, on March 16. Mom and dad are doing great and so is the little one.

Robert Eldridge Memorial Service - March 26, 2 p.m.
All UUCAers are invited to attend the memorial service Saturday, March 26, 2 p.m. for Robert Eldridge, who died peacefully at home March 5. A member of our church since 1957, Mr. Eldridge was 95. His life is intertwined with the history of our church and our community. He was the first African-American to join the all-white DC police force; his children were the first to break the color barrier attending the then all-white Arlington public schools; and he purchased land and created a park and playground for the children in youth in South Arlington in a neighborhood which at the time had no safe play areas.
Connections is produced weekly and normally emailed on Thursday. Deadline is Wednesday at NOON each week. ADD "CONNECTIONS" TO SUBJECT BOX. Email announcements to

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Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington   |   4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington VA 22204   |   703-892-2565