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Service Information
Sunday, March 13, 9:15 and 11:15 a.m.
Sermon by Rev. Aaron McEmrys
Imagine a life where there's room for everything that matters. Imagine a spacious and abundant life that you can savor! Just imagine. Such a life can seem even more fantastical than usual in the onrushing "urgency of the now"- but does it really have to be this way? We can create lives where we've got all kinds of time. Come find out how!

Sunday's music includes:
Dragons Head Band
Dragons Head Band
Guest Dragons Head Band performing All Kinds of Time by Fountains of Wayne
Clerestory Choir sings the gospel song Peace Is
Youth Choir (11:15) sings Ella's Song by Bernice Johnson Reagon

Not able to join us in person on Sunday?
You can always join us for the live broadcast of our services at And, you can watch recordings of the services anytime by clicking on the "Archives" tab. 
daylight savings reminder

Daylight Savings Time Reminder
Although we respect your inherent worth . . .
We WILL have to start without you if you forget to change your clocks. We don't want to rush you (see sermon message above), so please remember Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 13. Set your clocks an hour ahead on Saturday night.

Pilgrimage to the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan
Bhutan monastory Rev. Aaron is excited to announce a fall 2016 pilgrimage to Bhutan open to members of UUCA. His trip last fall was an incredible spiritual journey that he is eager to share with others to expand and deepen their spiritual awareness and connection to the Buddhist teachings that so closely align with our Unitarian Universalist values. This unique experience will be a study of the Buddhist faith and the Bhutanese traditions. It will be an active trip, not suitable for those with cardiac, respiratory, or circulatory disorders, or limited mobility. Travel dates are October 8-21 and the total cost per person will be approximately $5,000 (including airfare). Participants will be required to take 4 orientation classes prior to the trip. Space is limited and participants will be chosen by application which must be submitted by March 20. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting opportunity. For more information or to receive an application, please contact Bea Ann Phillips,
Buddhist Meditation Guest Speaker - Monday, March 14
Hugh Byrne will lead Monday night's Buddhist meditation class beginning at 7:30 p.m. His topic is Transforming Our Habits Through Mindfulness. Hugh writes, "Mindfulness gets to the heart of habitual behaviors that can cause us stress and suffering. It brings what has become automatic and unconscious into the light of awareness. When we make what has been invisible visible, we can then choose to respond in ways that align with our deepest intentions and values." Hugh's latest book is  The Here-and-Now Habit: How Mindfulness Can Help You Break Unhealthy Habits Once and For All . The class will be followed by a book-signing. 
MoonFire Spring Equinox Ritual - March 20, 1:30 p.m.
spring-word-flowers.jpg Come join MoonFire on Sunday, March 20, 1:30 p.m., for a ritual celebrating the Spring Equinox. The Wheel turns once again and we celebrate the return of the light. The Equinox marks when the time of darkness and the time of light is equal and the sun begins getting stronger and the days will be getting longer (and warmer)! We celebrate this time of the Earth awakening from her long winter's rest. We will use the Tarot to see what messages it has for us at this time of year - what should we be "growing" in our lives? Where do we need more light to shine? As always, a potluck and time for fellowship will follow the ritual, so bring a dish or drink to share, along with your own plates/utensils, if possible, so that we may minimize trash. For further information on MoonFire, please visit or contact
Labyrinth Walk and Dance - March 20

Spring Community Labyrinth
Walk and Dance - March 20
Experience the joy of meditative walking and dancing on UUCA's Labyrinth. 

Give to Grow logo cropped
Annual Campaign Concludes

The Annual Giving Team has concluded its work of gathering financial pledges of support for the upcoming year's budget. Please remember that you may make or revise a pledge at any time. In fact, if you click here: 

between now and Monday, March 14, your commitment will still be counted in the final number we provide for the budget.

At this writing we have received 658 pledges of financial support from members and friends with a pledged total of $1,229,585.32. Here is the list of the 945 individuals who made a pledge. Every pledge is gratefully received. The names in bold indicate a significant first time pledge, a 20% increase over a current pledge, or an amount greater than the one day expense to operate UUCA. These "Give to Grow" pledges represent an impressive 40% of the individuals on this list. The congregants who step up this way signify a strong base of leadership and commitment to the future of our church. We want to acknowledge and celebrate these individuals, who truly present us all with the spiritual gift to "learn from the generosity of others," as we recite in our weekly offertory.

The number of pledges we received is about 95% of the number we received last year. The total pledged amount is 98% of last year's pledged total, but it is only about 82% of the goal we were reaching for -- a goal that would have allowed us to be confident of meeting the known challenges for the upcoming budget year.

The opportunity of the annual campaign is to set aside an intensive period of time to encourage congregants to consider thoughtfully how they will support our church. The results of this annual campaign allow the church staff, with advice from the Finance committee, to proceed with confidence to plan a budget for the upcoming year to present to the Congregation for approval. They have been eagerly awaiting our final pledge commitment so that they can finish a first round budget for review. There will be an initial budget presentation and forum very soon. Be alert to imminent scheduling of these meetings. We hope you will actively engage with this important church business.

The Annual Giving Team thanks the clergy and staff for unwavering support for this intensive effort. And a very warm Thank You to those who pledged their generous financial commitment to UUCA for 2016-17.
Upcoming Board of Trustees Meeting: Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 p.m.
Board members are available for casual or serious conversation a half hour before most Board meetings, and members are welcome as observers. The Board of Trustees is available by email at
General Assembly -- Something every UU should experience
From Pat Findidoglu, 2016 Nominating Committee
UUA General Assembly 2016 Many of you have never attended a General Assembly. Neither had I until last June in Portland Oregon. Here are some of my impressions . . . 
  • A UU General Assembly is hopping; totally alive.
  • The depth and width of experiences to choose from is mind-boggling:  community building, spiritual journeys, justice work.
  • The Sermons have you riveted.
  • The feasts of music blow you away.
  • Where else could I have: Soaked up the words of Cornell West and John Lewis on the same day? Had my eyes opened to the meaning and depth of 'Black Lives Matter'? Experienced the pains and gains of 'democracy in process' as the delegates determined UU's future?
This year's UUA General Assembly --  Heart Land: Where Faiths Connect -- is in Columbus, Ohio, June 22 to 26. Take a look at plans for this year at . If you think you might be interested stop by the Nominating Table between services or contact me at or any other Nominating Committee member -- Gerda Keiswetter, Melissa Rea, Reginia Koffman, David Shilton).
LLFP logoFor almost twenty years, UUCA's mission has been embodied and carried out through its partnership with Little Friends for Peace, an internationally acclaimed group which has offered workshops, trainings, and the annual summer Peace Camp. Participants (volunteers, counselors, campers, cooks, teachers) include UUCA members and friends, and families from Beacon House, Buckingham, and local affordable housing communities. In this multigenerational, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic experience, UUCA's dreams of beloved community come true.  To help make this dream come true, the UUCA Give-the-Plate offerings will be given to provide scholarships for children and youth to participate in this year's Peace Camp. Little Friends for Peace is a nonprofit organization that empowers children and adults to solve problems nonviolently, build relationships through compassion and empathy, and create a culture of peace. LFFP envisions communities where everyone has the opportunity to experience, learn, and practice peace. From playground put-downs and family fights to street crime and global conflict, violence builds from the ground up. We work to interrupt our current culture of violence through peace building. By teaching peace at an early age and practicing peace at every age we know together we can answer the violence with skills for peace.
Lifespan and Religious EducationReligiousEd
CASE T-shirt Sales
CASE T-shirts CASE youth (middle-schoolers) will take orders for UUCA T-shirts in Fellowship Hall this Sunday. Shirts ordered last week will be available for pickup this Sunday. Shirts may be ordered in unisex, women's crew or v-necks, and children's sizes. Proceeds support the CASE program and the mission of the church. For more information about CASE or T-shirt sales, contact Annie Parker, or Kate Gallup,
Service Trip Commissioning Ritual This Sunday
This Sunday, March 13, during both services, there will be a commissioning ritual for all service trip participants -- youth and chaperones. This is an opportunity to connect our congregation with the youth's social justice work and a great "invite-the-grandparents" event. If grandparents and family are unable to attend don't forget about our live-streaming.  Contact: LeeAnn Williams,
Wellspring Wednesdays
April 13 - May 18
Fostering lifelong learning and spiritual growth. Classes include:
  • All Things UUCA
  • How to Be A Trans Ally
  • Green Action
  • Building Your Own Theology
  • Emotional Wisdom
  • Way of the Bodhisattva 
Each Wellspring Wednesday evening includes supper, brief worship, and a choice of classes.  Free childcare provided. Click here for brochure with class descriptions. Registration begins in March 20. 
Coloring, It's all the rage!  Plus a Potluck - Friday, March 18, 6 to 8 p.m.
Join your UUCA community for our second Coloring Event on Friday, March 18, 6 to 8 p.m. We had so much fun last time, we're doing it again! Bring your favorite coloring books, crayons, gel pens, pencils and let your creativity explode! All ages are invited and encouraged to attend because coloring isn't just for kids anymore. Haven't joined the mania but are curious?  Just come and join the fun. We have supplies and books to share. Also, we'll share a potluck dinner, so bring something warm and cheery and delicious. Drinks provided. Check out this link: Coloring Best Alternative to Meditation
Handbell Chapel Sunday, March 20
On Sunday, March 20, the Polymnia and Bellissimo handbell groups will host a fun, interactive handbell-themed chapel during the 9:15 and 11:15a.m. services. Kids in grades K-5 will learn how to ring a variety of different handbells and chimes, experiment with chords and melodies, and participate in games and craft projects centered around bells. No prior experience with music or handbells is required. Everyone is welcome.
Hiring Childcare Providers
We currently have openings for childcare providers. Hours include Sunday mornings, weekday evenings and some Saturdays. $15 per hour. Training provided. Must be 18 years of age or older and complete a background check. For more information please contact LeeAnn at
Holistic Moms Meeting Thursday, March 10, 7 p.m.
The Arlington/Alexandria chapter of the Holistic Moms Network meets monthly at UUCA.   You are welcome to join their next meeting on March 10 where the discussion will be "Being a Holistic Parent in Public Schools." A panel of local parents will discuss what is happening in Arlington, Alexandria and Fairfax and how you can get involved in issues you care about. Chapter co-leaders will also present a recap of the panel at a special daytime meeting at UUCA on Wednesday, March 30 at 10 a.m. Meetings are free and open to the public and children are welcome.  For more information, visit
Congregational Life
SETI - What is it really all about?
HUUmanists Meet Mon., March 14, 7:15 p.m.
Dr. Linda Billings UUCA member Dr. Linda Billings will give a talk on the search for extraterrestrial life/extraterrestrial intelligence -- its rationale, purpose, and ethical considerations. Linda has had a career covering more than 30 years in science communication in the area of space exploration programs. She is presently director of science communication with the Center for Integrative STEM Education at the National Institute of Aerospace and does communication research for NASA's astrobiology and near-earth observations programs. All are invited. For further information, contact Jere Cummins,
A Sparkling Black and Gold Evening - Saturday, March 19, 5 to 8 p.m.
Bridges to Independence golden image UUCA is pleased to host a benefit for Bridges to Independence, a provider of services for homeless women and children and those at risk in Northern Virginia. All UUCAer's are invited to attend "A Sparkling Black and Gold Evening" on Saturday, March 19, 5 to 8 p.m., in the Center. The evening includes live music, art for sale, raffles, sparkling wine, and hors d'oeuvres by award-winning Chef Matt Hill of Lyon Hall. Special guests include Christian Dorsey and John Vihstadt, Arlington County Board members. To purchase tickets, click here. Questions? Please contact Alex Roth at
Faith in Action: Connecting - Growing - ServingFaith
EXTRA! EXTRA! This is your last chance! 

The show that has WOWED UUCA audiences for the past two weekends closes March 13! Don't miss out on SOUTH PACIFIC - Rodgers and Hammerstein's story of love overcoming hate and bigotry.

Tickets left for Saturday and Sunday performances only - buy here now!

Building Family Peace and a Taste of Peace Camp
Sunday, March 13, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Peace Hands This workshop is open to all members and friends. Parents and children are encouraged to participate as there will be group activities that provide a "taste" of UUCA's Peace Camp 2016. Adults will also participate in a discussion to explore the value of peace education in their lives and opportunities as a "Friend of Peace" at UUCA. This workshop is being offered free of charge by the UUCA Peace Ministry team in coordination with long-time UUCA partner, Little Friends for Peace. Snacks and light refreshments will be provided. Please rsvp to Suzanne Stork at by March 11. Light refreshments served. Drop-ins will be welcome, too.
Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA - March 15
Video image On Tuesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m., E Street Cinema in DC will screen the film Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA. The film highlights the work of VOICE's parent organization Metro IAF on curbing gun violence. There will be a panel discussion after the film to hear from different organizations working toward the same goal.

Follow this link to reserve tickets, find directions, and learn more about VOICE and Metro IAF: HERE.
Partners for Peace and Justice 
Heart_Hands Our work for a peaceful and justice-seeking world begins with meeting one another and hearing each other's stories. Invite your friends -- from UUCA and the wider community -- to attend the following: 

Wednesdays, 7:30- 9 p.m.
  • March 16 - Partners in Arlington and Guatemala
  • March 30 - VOICE
  • April 6 - Race Matters
  • April 13 - Green Action and Climate Justice
Earth Day Sunday, April 17, following services - Planting and Dedication of the Peace Pole
Exploring a Peace Ministry at UUCA - Sunday, March 13, 10:30-11:10 a.m.
Peace symbol Please join us on Sunday, March 6 and/or 13, between services to help explore expansion of UUCA's Peace Ministry. The Peace Ministry's core activity is Peace Camp in the early summer and we need your help to build on that core with programs for and by adults, families and youth. We are exploring all aspects: family workshops, adult peace education, RE peace education modules, teacher training and hosting or joining family and youth-led peace-related events. We have a modest budget this year as part of the Faith in Action ministry. Please attend at least one of these open meetings to explore the gradual creation of a life-long, year-round Peace Ministry at UUCA. The discussions will be facilitated by John McLaughlin and Molly Jewell of UUCA. For more information, please contact John McLaughlin, Also see Building Peace Family workshop below.
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Meeting - March 17
Virginia CURE generally meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm in Room 12 (Lower Level). For more information about this month's meeting, please contact CURE President, Carla Peterson (, 703-242-6459 home, 703- 272-3624 mobile) or Ric Blacksten, CURE sponsor (, 703-980-5899).
Arabic Script Calligrapher to Share His Experiences - Thursday, March 17,7:30 p.m.
Zakariya photo UUCA's ESOL classes are pleased to share the opportunity to spend time with an artist of international renown, Dr. Mohamed  Zakariya, on Thursday, March 17, 7:30 p.m. Zakariya, a resident of Arlington, is an American master of Arabic script calligraphy. He's best known for his work on the Eid U.S. postage stamps. Born and raised in California, he was influenced by a trip to Morocco that changed his career path and eventually his faith. Zakariya has traveled the Muslim world studying the art of Islamic calligraphy, especially in Turkey. In 1984, he accepted the offer to study under the world-renowned master calligrapher Hasan Celebi in Istanbul. In 1988, Celebi declared Zakariya to be a master calligrapher. Dr. Zakariya trains his own students here in the U.S. and regularly holds exhibitions and workshops across the country. In 2002, he and his works were featured in the award-winning PBS documentary Muhammed: Legacy of a Prophet, produced by Unity Productions Foundation. For more information, contact Sarah Munson,
Committee for Peace and Justice in Israel/Palestine Host Film Series
Voices from the Holy Land 2016
New member, Marietta J. Tanner, to become UUCA Envoy to UUUNO
Marietta Tanner photo Unitarian Universalist United Nations Organization, UUUNO, is our voice at the United Nations. By appointing Marietta as our envoy, she will help us further the work of the United Nations by carrying out the programs designed by the UUUNO. UUUNO regularly conducts teleconferences with Envoys in many congregations around the nation. Our current UUUNO executive director, Bruce Knotts, was instrumental in getting LGBT issues before the UN Human Rights Commission; his staff presents and confers with other non-governmental agencies to bring issues before the Security Council. 

Marietta was for many years the UUUNO Envoy at the Unitarian Society of Germantown, Pa., where she and her committee kept the congregation informed about UUUNO and UN events and important decisions on their web page. She regularly attended the Intergenerational Conference in NYC in April, and provided a UN service for the congregation around October 24th, United Nations Day. She offered seminars with members of the United Nations Association of Greater Philadelphia speaking on global women's health, global warming, native peoples, or other themes for UN Day.  It was important for her to develop a relationship with the teenagers in the congregation so that they could become knowledgeable about the United Nations and be interested in attending the Intergenerational Spring Seminar each year. UU teens and their adult advisors from all over the United States and Canada attend these meetings with young people taking the lead in developing program.

Recent polling data released by the United Nations Foundation and its sister organization, the Better World Campaign, shows that across party lines the majority of American voters support a strong relationship between the United States and the United Nations. More than 8 in 10 American voters say it is important for the U.S. to maintain an active role in the UN, and 64 percent of those polled favor the U.S. paying its dues to the UN on time and in full, including majorities of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. This is a strong recognition of how important it is that the U.S. not have to go it alone in an increasingly complex world. It indicates that certainly UU's whose principles align so closely with the objectives of the UN, be knowledgeable and supportive of the international body.
NISGUA Honors UUCA's Work in Guatemala
photo of delegates
UUCA delegates give postcards to Cesia Juarez with messages of support for her father, Chico Palaz, and other political prisoners currently being detained in Guatemala

delegate photo
Delegates with members of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation in support of their struggle to seek Justice for Genocide

NISGUA, Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, honored UUCA's leadership in the struggle against genocide in Guatemala in a recent published report. As a sponsoring community, UUCA supports accompaniers who live for a year in Guatemala as grass roots witnesses. By their existence these young volunteers protect the lives of village witnesses to the genocide or defending their land against mining. NISGUA noted that UUCA has provided support to 15 NISGUA accompaniers and as such forms a core group of human rights defenders.

image of boxes
Boxes inviting UUCA congregants to experience some element of the Guatemalan genocide
The report notes that UUCA's work is a commitment that has "amplified the voices of human rights defenders in Guatemala." In our work with our partners, our hosting of speaking tours, our support of the communities threatened by Tahoe Resources' Escobal mine, we have taken political action in response to periods of elevated risk.

Rev. Aaron dramatized the experience of the UUCA delegation to Guatemala with NISGUA last fall during the services on December 13. He recreated the "look" of the thousands of boxes of bones the group witnessed at the Forensic Anthropology Institute of Guatemala. The boxes elicit the sense of the vastness of this genocide and the work of the Guatemalans to recover both their history and their way of life.

For more information on the PAG (Partners for Arlington and Guatemala), contact MJ Schmelzer-Hoekstra,
Voice your opinion on Lee Hwy Study
VOICE_LOGO VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) encourages Arlington residents to participate in the County's Lee Highway Visioning Study. View and comment on a draft study report at this link. Share your thoughts on affordable housing, transportation, open space, architecture, cultural resources, and streetscape design. Thanks to many of you, the Arlington County Board passed its Affordable Housing Master Plan unanimously last September. A major goal of the plan is for Arlington to remain an inclusive diverse community by distributing diverse affordable housing throughout the county. For more information, contact David
Wheel of LifeWheel
Robert Eldridge Our condolence to the family and friends of Robert Eldridge, who died peacefully at home March 5. A member since 1957, Mr. Eldridge was 94.  His memorial service will be at UUCA on Saturday, March 26, 2 p.m.
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Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington   |   4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington VA 22204   |   703-892-2565