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Sunday Worship

Last Sunday's GTP went to Gaza Mental Health Foundation and totaled $3,763. Additional funds will be added from the proceeds from last weekend's play My Name is Rachel Corrie.

The Sunday morning services on November 23 will be given to ADIVIMA, an organization in Guatemala which provides for the education of the children and grandchildren of Mayan genocide survivors.  These children and youth live in a community devastated by war and displaced when a dam was built and flooded a large valley of farms near the city of Rabin�l.  UUCA delegations have met the children in Rabinal who are helped by scholarships sent to them from UUCA and our partner, the Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden Colorado.  In Guatemala after 5th grade children must pay tuition. The gifts you give for their scholarships are gratefully received and your gifts give the children hope for their future.  In Thanksgiving for all that is our life, please give to the children of Rabinal, so that they may continue in school this year.
Thanksgiving at UUCA
Bread Baking for All Ages
Fri, Nov 21, 5 to 8pm 
photo of bread on table People of all ages and baking skills are invited to a time of story-telling and bread baking in the church kitchen. We'll make loaves of bread which will be a part of the celebration during the service on Thanksgiving Sunday (Nov 23). You can join us after work on Friday (no need to come right at 5pm); we'll provide pizza, all the supplies, and the 'how to'! Join the Kappler family and Rev. Linda and enjoy the mixing, kneading, loaf-shaping, and good-smelling experience with friends. Questions? Contact Denise Kappler.
Thanksgiving dinner image Communal Thanksgiving
If you are interested in joining a group of UUCAer's gathering for Thanksgiving at a private home, please contact Sarah Masters.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday next week's deadline for Connections is 9am on Tuesday, November 25. Please email announcements to: pubasst@uucava.org

Preview Holiday Happenings - Includes Christmas Eve services click here.

Religious EducationReligiousEd
This Sunday's (Nov 23) is an All Welcome Service. This means regular Religious Education classes will not be held so that families and volunteers may be included as our community celebrates and gives thanks together in our Thanksgiving service. This wonderful service includes our Bread Ritual, one of several ritual celebrations commonly found in Unitarian Universalist congregations. How do we get the bread for the ritual? Did you know we bake it ourselves?

Individuals and families interested in sharing the baking tradition are invited to join Rev. Linda at the church this Friday; see announcement further below in Connections.


On Sunday, November 30th, the whole congregation is invited to participate in the RE classes' Walk for the Homeless with the Arlington Street Peoples Network. ASPAN returns to host this yearly event. During RE Chapel, representatives from ASPAN will tell their story with a modern take on the Robin Hood legend in skit. ASPAN will provide signs to carry on our walk, but families should feel free to make their own as well. The Walk this year is part of ASPAN's campaign to end veteran homelessness in Arlington. To learn more about their efforts, visit their website here.


The walk will take place AFTER EACH SERVICE to allow for everyone who wishes to participate. The Give-the-Plate collection on that Sunday goes to sponsor the walkers, so please give generously. Thank you to Bea Ann Phillips and the TrUUbadours for leading our walk with inspiring song! Be sure to check this space next week for further details.

Board of Trustees Update
Grace and Policy Interpretation Discussions at Monthly Meeting
From Janice Morris, Member, Board of Trustees

To reflect on what the church is doing as a whole this month, the Board of Trustees took some time during this week's monthly meeting to talk about "GRACE."   Reverend Aaron led us in a reading of Arrivals by David Whyte which explores the awe an Ethiopian woman experiences at the airport upon seeing her first escalator.  The story shows how the grace she felt - expressed through delight, wonder, concern, warmth, and a sense of newness - was shared with everyone around her.  We then discussed what in our own lives opens and closes us to grace as individuals, as a church community, and as leaders.  We reminded ourselves to stay open to wonder and listening and even discomfort that can lead to grace opportunities.  

This discussion led us to the business of how to interpret the church's policy manual with regard to the treatment of people, staff, church groups, and fundraising.  Through policy-based governance, the elected Board sets our policies, but it is the senior minister's responsibility as the executive to inform the Board how he is interpreting the policies and by what metrics performance will be measured.  The Board's role is to vote on the reasonableness of these interpretations and metrics, and then continue to monitor their implementation over the coming year.  After a thorough discussion of the proposed interpretations and metrics, the plan was made to allow Rev. Aaron more time to further revise his interpretations in three of the four policy areas (treatment of people, staff and church groups) and then the Board voted to find the fundraising interpretation reasonable.   Later in the week the Board will vote by email on the three other revised interpretations that Rev. Aaron will present.   Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 16th at 7:30 pm and all are welcome to attend.
Faith in Action: Connecting - Growing - ServingFaith
Immigrant Mothers Hold Vigil in Front of the White House TONIGHT
Tonight, Thur, Nov 20, right before President Obama unveils his plan for executive action on immigration reform, the Dreamers' Moms USA will hold a special vigil in front of the White House. Since November 3, Dreamers' Moms USA have been holding an indefinite fast to demand that President Obama keep his promises on immigration reform. Throughout the month, Rev Linda and several other UUCA supporters have joined them in their witnessing in front of the White House and last Sunday five members of the Dreamers' Moms group came to worship with us at UUCA. Please join them for tonight's vigil which begins at 7:00pm and then supporters and media will watch the President's announcement live at 8:00pm. Dreamers' Moms USA is a group of women, mothers, daughters, and wives who have come together to fight for their families and advocate for just, humane, and inclusive immigration policy reform in the United States.
6th Annual Northern Virginia Interfaith Trans* Day of Remembrance Service
This annual service memorializes those who have died as a result of transphobia -- the hatred or fear of transgender and people who do not conform to society's gender stereotypes. On average, there is one such murder in this country every month and most go unsolved. Many more are harassed, stigmatized, and the victims of sexual and physical violence. Join together with people of many faiths to stand in support and listen to the voices of those who often go unheard. To carpool from UUCA, contact Elizabeth Fogarty at eafogarty@aol.com or Rhonda Buckner at rhondabuckner@comcast.net.

*Trans incorporates a broad range of gender variance and expression. 

TGEA Holiday Gala
Supporters and friends of TGEA (Transgender Education Association of Greater Washington) are invited to their annual holiday party on Saturday, December 6, 7:00pm at the Holiday Inn, Ballston (Arlington). Musical entertainment by Steffi and Tim. Formal attire preferred but not required. $50 for TGEA members, $55 for non-members. Reservations must be received by Nov 28. TGEA has regularly scheduled meeting on the first Saturday of each month at UUCA. For more information and to register, click here.
Holler for Peace Concert
Sat, Nov 22, 7pm
Hollertown, a bluegrass and old time music band, is headlining a benefit concert for Little Friends for Peace here at UUCA on November 22.  Playing everything from old-timey standards to tunes by Lady Gaga, Bob Marley, and the Texas Tornados, Hollertown is a crowd-pleasing band that's a lot of fun for audiences of all ages (sample their music here). Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here. For more information, contact Jason Powell.
Two Separate Holiday Drives 
Toy Drive for Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH)

photo: variety of toys This year, UUCA is helping APAH's families celebrate Christmas through a toy drive. We are collecting UNWRAPPED NEW toys, gift cards and/or monetary donations through Sunday, November 30. The toys and gift cards have a $25 limit. The age range for toys is infant through 18 years. Drop boxes are located in the upper and lower lobbies. A suggested gift list is posted in the lower lobby for ideas.

Secret Santa for Buckingham Community
This year, UUCA's Secret Santa program benefits the Buckingham community exclusively.  Beginning December 1,  Christmas trees will be displayed with tags for the taking. Each tag will describe the type of gift to buy for someone in the Buckingham community. The gifts for the Secret Santa program need to be brought to the church by December 14.

If you have questions or would like to volunteer for any of our holiday projects, please contact Ashley Egan, RE assistant at reasst@uucava.org.

PLUS Toiletry Drive for ASPAN
RE is collecting toiletries for ASPAN (Arlington Street People's Assistance Network) and will continue to do so through the end of November.  Look for boxes in the lobbies.
"Why We Struggle Now"

HUUmanists meeting  Mon., Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m. 

Who says the hUUmanists listen only to non-theists?   On Monday, we will view a TEDx talk entitled "Why We Struggle Now" by Rev. Michael Dowd.  Dowd has been  described as "An itinerant Christian preacher who teaches evolution in the evangelical style."   He authored a best-selling book Thank God For Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World.  Dowd's book was endorsed by six Nobel Prize-winning scientists , noted skeptics, and by religious leaders across the spectrum.  In this talk, he "sees scientific, historic, and cross-cultural evidence as modern-day scripture. He celebrates how a meaningful and fully evidential understanding of human nature is motivating people of all backgrounds and beliefs to live in integrity and to cooperate in service of a just and thriving future for all." All are welcome.  For further information, contact Jere Cummins.  

Coffee Service Volunteers Needed

coffee_blank.jpg Volunteers are needed for services the Sunday after Thanksgiving (11/30).   Early service folks arrive around 8:30 to setup coffee and start the pots and stay after the service to serve beverages.  They usually stay until 11:00 or so to make sure everything is ready for second service.   Late service folks start at the end of the service; their job is to make coffee (refill milk, etc.) as needed, and serve and clean-up.  They usually stay until  about 1:30pm. For both services, another crew washes dishes, so you don't have to worry about that. For more information about coffee service or to volunteer to help, contact Mollie Jewell or 703-941-5643

Mistletoe Mall
Saturday, Dec 6, 10am to 4pm  |  Kids Mistletoe Maze 10am to 1pm
Sunday, Dec 7, 10am to 4pm  | Open to public 1pm to 4pm
Mistletoe Mall kicks off the holiday season at UUCA. It's a weekend of fine arts and crafts - plus on Saturday there's a MISTLETOE MAZE CRAFT FAIR for kids (10am - 1pm) that includes a visit from Santa. Bring your family and friends.
Mistletoe Mall flyer

Wheel of LifeWheel
Hal Cleary UUCA will celebrate the life of Hal Cleary at a memorial service on Sunday November 23 at 3pm.  Hal was a member of UUCA and active in the choir and music ministry since 1989. Friends are invited to attend a public reception from 6 to 8pm on Saturday evening, November 22, at Advent Funeral Home, 7211 Lee Highway, Falls Church. In lieu of flowers, the Cleary family requests that contributions in memory of Hal be made to the UUCA Music Memorial Fund.

Loving best wishes to Ruth van Cleve and her family during her final days in Hospice care at Goodwin House.
Connections is produced weekly and normally emailed on Thursday. Deadline is Wednesday at NOON each week. ADD "CONNECTIONS" TO SUBJECT BOX. Email announcements to pubasst@uucava.org

To receive Connections in your email inbox each week, please click here

Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington   |   4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington VA 22204   |   703-892-2565