                    Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington

Thursday, July 18, 2013
ServiceSunday Service - July 21, 10:15am
"But What DO You Believe?"  

Gretchen&Congregant With summer minister Gretchen Weis. The strength of this church, and of our faith movement, rests in the theological diversity of its members. From atheists, to humanists, theists, Buddhists, agnostics, Christians and everything in between, we gather together, comfortable in the knowledge that "we do not have to believe alike, to love alike." Yet, ask UUs what they believe and you are as likely to hear about what someone DOESN'T believe than about what they actually DO believe.  Why does that happen? Turns out there may be a few good reasons why we struggle to articulate our faith. Come celebrate the diversity of what we DO believe!

Wheel of Life
Rose Rovin

Our condolences go to Barbara Rovin on the death of her mother Rose Rovin, a long-time member of UUCA. Rose and her late husband Charles were active in the church beginning in the 1950s. Their children attended UUCA's RE program and Rose was active in Day Alliance and served on several church committees. No details on a service at this time.
Church Matters
MattersBoard of Trustees July Meeting
from John Bohman, Board Chair

Bohman_photo The Board of Trustees is looking forward to the upcoming second transitional year. We have reset the foundation of our basic good governance structure, and this year we are planning to continue the progress we made last year.

The Board held its first business meeting of the new Church year on July 16. We welcomed our newest member, Stephen Brannon. Board meetings are open, and a few members attended this month.     

Before we did any formal business, we re-affirmed to each other that Board membership is a calling to religious leadership, and we serve together in a covenantal relationship.  We read aloud the words of the covenant we have all promised to follow during our service on the Board.  Later, we would be reminded of the words of Hosea Ballou: "If we agree in love, there is no disagreement that can harm us."  Read more.

UUCA May Receive Historic Designation

County Board members on Sept. 15 are expected to approve a plan that ultimately could land the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places. Read more.

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Ministerial Search Committee Update -
MSC Plans for Upcoming
Discovery Sessions   
This past week we had our first visitor observe the MSC weekly meeting! As we have mentioned, our meetings are open to all church members and friends to observe. It was an appropriate time for a visitor because our agenda included planning for the upcoming MSC Discovery Sessions. The purpose of the Discovery Sessions is to hear from our congregation about their priorities in choosing a new Senior Minister. Look for more details on Discovery Sessions in the next few weeks.  

And don't forget...check out the Search Committee's newly-launched website, located at, or click on the Ministerial Search link on the homepage at

The next weekly meeting of the MSC is Monday, July 22 at 7:30pm. Please contact the chair, Warren Wright, to be put on the agenda if you would like to speak at the meeting. Contact the MSC at any time to express your questions and thoughts.

Religious Education
A Special Message from UUCA's New Consulting Director of Religious Education

Dear UUCA Family,

Erica_photo It is with a sense of great honor and pleasure that I join you this year as your new Consulting Director of Religious Education, a position which combines skills in interim transitioning and visioning work with experience and training in directing a Unitarian Universalist lifespan religious education program. It is my hope and expectation that as I begin this journey with you, we will share much excitement as you and I work in partnership to bring about your dreams for taking the UUCA religious education program into its next phase. As of July 15, I am holding office hours generally on Monday through Friday, and will be joining services with you in September when I hope to be more formally introduced. Until then, please stop by, say hello, give me a call or drop me a line. I look forward to getting to know you with great anticipation.

Family_meditation_photo Family Meditation Class -
Sun., July 28, 3:30-4:30pm

This class is for 5 to 11-year-olds and their parents. It includes lessons on basic Buddhist teachings, short meditations, movement exercises and hands-on activities geared toward developing mindfulness. Parents attend the class with their children. No charge and no registration required.

SongSong, Spirit & Silence: A Spiritual Retreat for UUCA
9am to 4pm - Saturday, September 14
Lyon Village Community House & Park
920 N. Highland St., Arlington

Join Interim Senior Minister David Keyes for a day of refreshment and rededication. We'll sing and meditate, learn new spiritual practices, and take advantage of the beautiful natural areas surrounding the Community House.  You'll be served lunch, and assured a day of safety, serenity, renewal, and good fellowship. retreat
$30 fee requested at the event. Open only by pre-registration at or by calling the church office at 703-892-2565 ext. 351. (Childcare provided at UUCA on request.)

Congregational Life
Faith in Action - Putting Your Faith to Work
Faith in Action - that's a big concept. And it's a key part of our church's mission as we Connect, Grow, and Serve. UUCA offers many ways to deepen your faith by putting it into action.  

You may choose to teach - Contact Erica Shadowsong, our new Consulting Director of Religious Education, for more information.  For hundreds of UUCAers that is an important ministry of service.

A newly-imagined ministry of "Faith in Action" is being led by Rev. Linda. Contact her at if you would like to learn more about :
  • becoming a part of our growing network of pastoral care connectors.
  • becoming a facilitator for a small group - a Covenant Group, a study group, or a support group.
  • joining a team to guide conversations about our personal and shared visions for Faith in Action at UUCA.
  • finding out how your social justice or human services organization can be a recipient of UUCA's "Give the Plate". 
Each of us is called to live our faith in the world through service to others. UUCA's new Faith in Action Ministry will help this calling become real for us.

Creative Sharing Circle - Sat, July 27, 7pm

BethandGabby_photo Calling all musicians, writers, poets, dancers, jokesters, dramatists, etc. If you are interested in sharing something you are working on or just enjoy what others have to share, come join our new Creative Sharing Circle. We will meet in the chapel and you can pass or participate when the round-robin gets to you. A piano is available, though any other instruments, you will need to bring. For additional information, contact Beth Rager.

MoonFire Honoring the Sun Ritual - July 21, 1:30pm

You are welcome to join MoonFire in honoring the Sun and the height of the growing season. The ritual will acknowledge the passing of the Summer Solstice, and with it, the gradual shortening of the days. A potluck and fellowship will follow the ritual; if possible, please bring your own feast gear to minimize waste. MoonFire's mission is to explore, learn, and teach traditions of earth-based religions in a sacred and safe community, and to celebrate holidays marked by the solstices and the four seasons. For more information on MoonFire, please click here or email

UUCA READS: Great Books for Summer
It's not too late to stock up on a few nurturing and challenging books for your summer reads. Stop by the Bookstall on Sunday to see the wide selection of books available. Joan Helde and her volunteers deserve our thanks for their tireless efforts to keep current and topical books available for us almost every week. On the book cart you'll find volumes by leaders of our faith who have recently been here, or are scheduled to visit in the coming church year: There's Galen Guengerich's eagerly-awaited new book, God Revised, How Religion Must Evolve in a Scientific Age; Thandeka's Learning to be White;  Nancy Shaffer's Instructions in Joy and While Still There is Light, edited by Mary Ganz; plus books by UU Service Committee President Bill Schulz, who plans to visit here in December. Don't miss Fluent in Faith by Jeanne Nieuwejaar, and the very readable Unitarian theology of Paul Resor. These may not be traditional 'beach reads', but they might just bring an ocean of meaning to your summer.

Gathering of the Waters Sept. 8: What Does it Mean?

You are invited to collect a small amount of water on your travels this summer, bring it with you to worship on Sept. 8, and join in our ceremony during which we mingle our waters as a sign of our coming together from many directions in love and common purpose.

Social Justice
Rally & March for Justice - Saturday, July 20, 9am
UUs throughout the Joseph Priestley District are gathering, along with other faith communities, for a justice rally at the US Department of Justice in response to the Zimmerman/Martin verdict in Florida. Rally details are here. Visit our Facebook page for last-minute updates. 

Featured Volunteer
VolunteerUnitarian Universalist Church of Arlington 
The Joan Gelbein 
Incredible Lightness of Being Award  
The 2013 Award Presented to 
Kathleen Fugle 
in recognition of her consistently energetic presence, upbeat outlook and affirmative leadership style throughout her involvement in the congregation,  
including as co-facilitator of the Religious Education Committee and  
as a member of the Ministerial Search Committee. 
Improvement Update

Ramp Closing

Message from Our Church Administrator


Our construction continues to progress and we are starting a new phase in the plan where improvements to the outside ramp begins. This new phase will impact your entering and leaving the building. The ramp will be closed for approximately two weeks beginning Monday, July 22. This closure should only impact one Sunday - July 28. On Sunday, July 28, there will be two entrances opened - the entrance at the lower level lobby and the main level entrance at the Rt. 50 access road, which is newly paved. Unlike the driveway, the crews will NOT be able to open the ramp for the weekend. For evening events, the entrance to the lower level lobby will be the only one opened. Note: the lower level entrance is the only wheelchair accessible entrance.


We appreciate your continued flexibility as we navigate these projects to improve our physical space and grounds. Please email me with any questions you may have.


Brian Smith, Church Administrator

A Year to Connect, Grow & Serve
Make plans now to be nurtured and inspired by the themes that the congregation will explore together in the upcoming new church year:
September - Building Dedication Postponed; But Not Rededication of Our Lives. September offers an opportunity for rededication of our lives to our faith, our values, and our mission. Weather delays have pushed back the opening of the new Celebration Center to October, with formal dedication likely in November.

Sept. 14 - Song, Spirit & Silence: A Spiritual Retreat
 (See announcement in this issue)

Bridge Week - September 22-29

Sept. 22
"iChurch:Beyond Individualism"
with pulpit guest
Rev. Fred Muir of Annapolis    

  Sept. 29
4pm Ordination to UU Ministry
for Sue Browning
Sept. 29 - Matt Meyer, percussionist
in morning service.

October - "Religion Revised and Revisited"  - New currents in liberal faith; beyond boxes and categories, a Third Way in religion for theists, humanists, atheists, Christians, Buddhists and none-of-the-above. 
Galen Guengerich
Wed., Oct. 16, 7pm
Theme Speaker: Galen Guengerich, Senior Minister,
Unitarian Church of All Souls, New York City
November - "Chasing Ghosts & Savoring Our Heritage" - Looking square on at the congregation's history, the good, the bad and the ugly. Exorcism of ghosts that hold you back. History course led by Rev. Keyes. Celebration of 65th birthday of UUCA.
December - "Service: How we grow in faith to serve the world"
Sun., Dec. 8
Theme Speaker: Bill Schulz,
President, UU Service Committee

January - "Faith in War and Peace"  - UUCA's connection to the military and national security; the things that make for peace in the home and in the world.
Sarah Lammert_photo
Date TBA
Theme Speaker, Sarah Lammert,
UUA Director of Ministry & Military Chaplain Supervisor

Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22204
703-892-2565 | This e-newsletter is published each week on Thursday. Submit announcements to by noon on Wednesday.

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