Beach in Dennis, MA
MME News
Massachusetts Marine Educators
 April 2015
In This Issue

Supporting educators to inspire students of all ages to be stewards of the ocean by providing learning opportunities, meaningful experiences and relevant resources for marine education since 1969.



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Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 for our annual conference and meeting at WHOI This year's theme will be Marine Technology. Keynote speakers include WHOI's Gwyneth Packard and Northastern's Liz Magee, and several tours will be offered as well. Updates will be posted here.
MME is pleased to announce its annual Marine Art Contest, which is open to students in grades K-12. This year's theme is "Amazing Ocean Creatures of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and the Gulf of Maine. Cash prizes will be made in five categories: Elementary, Middle, High, Scientific Illustration, and Computer Graphics/Photography. 
For more information, including deadlines and submission instructions, please click here.
The North Shore High School Marine Science Symposium was a success this year.  We hosted 130 students from over a dozen schools for an exciting morning of marine science.  A gallery of images from the event can be found on our Facebook page.  You don't have to be a subscriber to enjoy the images!

Thanks to all who brought students and volunteered at the event - and special thanks to Salem State University for hosting us!
The MME Awards Committee accepting nominations for its annual awards through Friday, April 17th. The award categories include:
        • Annual Award of Distinction
        • Marine Educator Award
        • Nap J Buonaparte Service Award
        • Student Books Award
        • John Patrick Crowley Memorial Teacher Award
        • John Patrick Crowley Memorial Student Scholarship
        • Sandman Scholarship Award
        • Certificates of Appreciation
Please contact Lydia at for a nomination form and/or if you have any questions.
Flotsam and Jetsam
The Spring issue of F&J  is online! The theme of this edition is "Strandings, and includes features on what causes strandings, sea turtle conservation efforts, and other related marine science in the news. 

The Summer issue will focus on the Next Generation Science Standards. We're always looking for educators to share stories and lesson plans! Contact the F&J Editor to contribute.
Professional Development with MITS
Join the Museum Institute for Teaching Science for educator summer institutes, most (but not all!) of which are geared towards middle and high school educators. Almost all of the regions are hosting marine and/or environment-related programs this summer. Click here for more information.
"From the Bow Seat" Contest Open

From the Bow Seat announces its contest for 2015, which invites high school students to compete for cash prizes by tackling the issue of "Our Oceans, Our Plastic", individually or collaboratively. The deadline is June 15, 2015. More information can be found here. 

Schooling With Whales Educator PD
In collaboration with the MITS, the New Bedford Whaling Museum is hosting educator professional development on April 18th and 19th. For more information, click here.
NEAq logo
Educator Opportunities at NEAq
The New England Aquarium is hosting several workshops and courses for educators this spring and summer.  For more information, click here.  Aren't familiar with their Teacher Resource Center and the wealth of information and expertise contained there? Check out the TRC website
Coastal Ocean Science Academy
The Northeastern University Marine Science Center is pleased to announce its annual Coastal Ocean Science Academy.  A 1-week program for middle schoolers and a 2-week program for high schoolers are being offered.  Some scholarships are available for eligible students, and a shuttle is offered from several MBTA stations.  For more information, click here.
Robert Rocha
Whaling in the 20th Century
MME's Executive Director, Bob Rocha, recently published a paper that received a lot of media attention. The piece, entitled "Emptying the Oceans: A Summary of Industrial Whaling Catches in the 20th Century" was picked up by Nature and Boston Magazine, among others.  Bob is currently the President-Elect of NMEA and is Director of K12 and Science Programs at the New Bedford Whaling Museum.
NMEA in Newport is fast approaching!

Take advantage of the proximity of this year's NMEA conference, which will be held in Newport, RI from June 29-July 2.  A number of field trips are being planned, including a 2-day field trip to Block Island. Check out all that will be happening by clicking here MME will definitely see you there!

Don't see YOUR event or opportunity here?
MME is happy to promote relevant events and opportunities of its members to its members. Please send information to by the first of the month for submission in that month's e-news.

If you are not a member, but have something to share, well then become a member today!
We are pleased to announce - at long last - that our new website is live! MME can now be found at, though the old URL will redirect you there also. 
Did you know that the MME website has back issues of our quarterly journal, F&J? Can't find that e-news in your mailbox? Check the website! Looking for classroom activities? We are loading up activities from past newsletters and eventually hope to catalog them. Want to become a member but aren't sure how to do that? You guessed it - check the website!
Please take a look and let us know what you think.  Recommendations for improvement re always welcome, especially as we iron out any kinks. Please send any feedback to
Save the Dates!

Your membership matters!
Your membership in MME supports the good work of this all-volunteer organization.  Question about whether your membership is current?  Please email membership guru to find out, or visit our membership page for more information.
For more information about MME, please visit