Beach in Dennis, MA
MME News
Massachusetts Marine Educators
February 2014
In This Issue
HS MarSci Symposium
WHOI Conference
Annual Marine Art Contest
Annual MME Awards
Flotsam and Jetsam
Other Opportunities

Supporting educators to inspire students of all ages to be stewards of the ocean by providing learning opportunities, meaningful experiences and relevant resources for marine education since 1969.



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Marine Science Symposium 

Thursday, March 20, 2014
8:00am - 1:00pm
        • South event @ UMass - Dartmouth
          Click here for program & registration info. 
        • North event @ Endicott College, Beverly
          Click here for program and registration info

Volunteers for the events are most welcome.  If you are interested in volunteering at either location, please email

Annual Conference at WHOI: Saturday, April 12th 
"Why Marine Microbes Matter"
        • Dr. Linda Amaral Zettler, MBL  Life in the "Plastisphere": Microbial Communities on Plastic Marine Debris
        • Dr. Krista Longnecker, WHOI Microbial Lunch: Organic Carbon with a Touch of Salt
        • Dr. Stefan Sievert, WHOI  Microbes at Deep Sea Vents

Click here for an event flyer and here for registration. Early Bird registration will be open through March 24th.

2014 Marine Art Contest 
In collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, MME is hosting its Annual Marine Art Contest. This year's theme is "Amazing Ocean Creatures of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary".  The deadline for submission is May 2, 2014.  For more information, click here.
Annual MME Awards
The MME Awards Committee accepting nominations for its annual awards through Friday, February 28th. The award categories include:
        • Annual Award of Distinction
        • Marine Educator Award
        • Nap J Buonaparte Service Award
        • Student Books Award
        • John Patrick Crowley Memorial Teacher Award
        • John Patrick Crowley Memorial Student Scholarship
        • Sandman Scholarship Award
        • Certificates of Appreciation
Nomination forms can be found here.  A full list of the award categories can be found here. Please contact Lydia at if you have any questions.
Flotsam and Jetsam - Got Activities?
The Winter issue of F&J is online! The theme of this edition is "400 ppm", and this edition contains a number of articles and classroom activities related to climate change and the marine environment.

The Spring edition focuses on Marine Paleontology. We are always looking for educators to share their great stories and lesson plans! Please contact the F&J Editor if you are able to contribute.
Drifter-Building Workshop & Project
NERACOOS is partnering with researchers at WHOI and the NMFS on a research project that involves surface currents. A one-day PD opportunity will take place this spring for educators interested in building drifters with their students that will contribute to an active research study with drifter deployment this spring and summer. Stay tuned for more information!
MITS - Professional Development
The Museum Institute for Teaching Science offers numerous professional development opportunities for educators year-round.  Check out the spring seminars (including one on the new MA curriculum framework), March Sea Perch workshop, and summer learning institutes!
2014 From the Bow Seat Contest

From the Bow Seat announces its contest for 2014, which invites high school students to compete for cash prizes by tackling the issue of Plastic Pollution in the Ocean, individually or collaboratively, through ART, ADVOCACY or ESSAY options. The deadline is June 15, 2014, and more information can be found here

NEAq logo
NEAq Ocean Stewardship Awards
Do you know an educator or school group that aspires to live blue™--to take an active role in protecting our oceans and environment? If so, please nominate them for a New England Aquarium Ocean Stewardship Award!  Deadline is May 1, and more info is here.
Don't see YOUR event here?
MME is happy to promote relevant events and opportunities of its members to its members. Please send information to by the first of the month for submission in that month's e-news.

If you are not a member, but have something to share, well then become a member today!
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Your membership matters!
Your membership in MME supports the good work of this all-volunteer organization.  Question about whether your membership is current?  Please email membership guru to find out, or visit our membership page for more information.
For more information about MME, please visit