November 2013
In This Issue
Annual Holiday Party
Farewell to Bill James, CFO
Diaper Drive
CBHC Think Pink!
Healthy Minds Newsletter
Committed to restoring hope and changing lives...



A date has been set  for our CBHC Holiday Party, so please mark your calendars for December 7th at 6:00 p.m.


We have the same beautiful venue this year located at the:


Holy Trinity Banquet Hall - 24411 Rampart Blvd. Port Charlotte

Food to be provided by our remarkable Dietary Dept.!


Shelly will send out another notice in a few weeks to request RSVP's, as well as other party information, including the menu, once it's been confirmed. 


Dress will be holiday casual

More to come soon!

Farewell Bill James
by: Shelly Terruso



Our Chief Financial "Character"


So you say it's time to retire & leave us all behind,

 Could leaving us be that easy... are you out of your mind?

 Oh, Bill, Bill, Bill... how your name depletes our sanity - it's true,

 And your tedious jokes, which by no "account", could ever produce revenue

 And it is to laugh when you grin with innocence...

 Due to repeated offenses of losing your sense!

 Yes, how we'll miss the powdered donut above your lip - when bootlegging a treat,

 No, it's not YOURS Bill, so don't touch (or) at least be more discrete!

 It's amusing when you barge into our office to deliver your doubts,

 Then we whine & we moan & then order you OUT!  

 That charming ego is ok too...but the big guns are sagging - they're in your shoe!

 Course...we like to kid & give you what-for,

 And your own sense of humor we truly adore...

 Bill, you're a wonderful person, we know it to be true

 Just one in a million, an original-through & through,

 No, you're not Elvis Presley Bill!!  But you're the kindest soul we know,

 So relish what life has given & hug us before you go.


Love & Memories, Shelly Terruso, Aka "No"!

Above & Beyond



Dedicated, kind-hearted, hard-working, selfless, generous, friendly, funny, productive, responsible, sincere, thoughtful, upbeat & witty. When it comes to Richard Hatch there isn't just one word that describes him. He's more than a one-worded description. We all experience different sides of Richard but, very few get the luxury of experiencing everything he has to offer, unless you have become more than a co-worker or acquaintance, but a true friend. 
It is almost a guarantee that if you encounter Richard any time of the day that you will get a 'hello' and most likely a joke or witty remark to go with it. It's his way of lifting your spirits & getting that smile, giggle or at times a loud laugh that rumbles throughout the building causing you to put your hand over your mouth in an attempt to not let everyone know someone is enjoying themselves at work way too much. If you know Richard well enough, you know that these little things are the fuel that drives him to continually bring a smile or laugh to someone, who unbeknownst to him is probably exactly what they needed because they're having a rough day His actions & individualized attention make us feel like we are the most important person here to him.

Richard has stepped up to the plate multiple times, without question or hesitation. Any task, big or small, you ask of him he goes out of his way to make it happen or helps in making it happen. He responds quickly & with a smile on his face, & never says "that's not my job".

Richard is an essential member of not only the Maintenance Department but Crisis Services.  When CSU is at high acuity, Rich will offer his help.  When the Maintenance Department had 2 men down because of unfortunate events earlier this year, he was there to have Andy's back in addition to his daily duties, including jobs needing attention on the weekends.  For that, he deserves a pat on the back.

Richard has faced many challenges since he's been with CBHC but, it wouldn't be Rich if he didn't rise above them with dignity & respect. He has a thankless job that most of us would balk at doing but, he does it with pride. He not only does his assigned job well daily, but has also lent himself to the needs of repairs, touch ups, deep cleanings beyond the scope of normal housekeeping duties, moving & relocation of furniture & office supplies, weekend jobs & accommodating staff & patient requests.

And of course we cannot go without mentioning the one thing, regardless of age, gender or nationality, which brings us all together- FOOD.  Aside from Richard being an amazing cook & always sharing great recipes, leaving you with your mouth watering by the end of the conversation, he is also very kind & thoughtful bringing CSU & RC Donuts on Thursdays. He does this out of his own pocket & never expects anything in return. Aside from that, he cooked up 2 wonderful dishes for the open house. He arrived early to help set up & stayed late to help clean up. None of which were required or asked of him, he just did it. This dedication is something he displays every day here. There is no one that could take his place & for all these reasons & more, we should acknowledge Richard & let him know how truly appreciated he is!


Peggy Cordes, Emily O'Brien, Rebecca Hanson, Danielle Lakawskas, Vanessa Rodriquez

Diaper Drive

by: Jessica Boles


Recently from September 30th-October 11th Charlotte Behavioral Health Care and Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition held the 2nd Annual Diaper Drive. Non-profit organizations such as these work with families and individuals in crisis and are constantly listing diapers as an ongoing and top priority.


Our goal this year was to collect 1,000 diapers in this 2 week drive.


The diapers go out as quickly as they come in and with the help of the employees, Board Members, friends and families we were able to collect over 3,200 diapers! Even the Port Charlotte Public Library helped with a donation box at their library.


This was a community wide effort that will benefit several moms and infants still in diapers in the Charlotte County Healthy Start Program.


The Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition is a collaborative effort of Doctors, nurses and other area health care professionals that join together to evaluate each pregnancy to help expectant moms have healthier babies, reduce infant mortality and improve the overall health and development of Charlotte County children. Each mom-to-be and newborn is screened to determine the types of services they might need for baby's HEALTHY START in life.

Express Yourself...
Often we have the patients fill out an Express Yourself" form  so that they can let us know how we are doing.  We ask for feedback and suggestions. Today I received one that really impressed me and I wanted to share.   have taken his form word for word as follows.   This patient arrived in a Motorcycle with his amazing friend a cat who by report is more like a dog. We worked with him to get his cat into care while he had time to heal and stabilize.  When I hear stories like this I am reminded of the excellent and amazing people I work with.  Thanks to each an everyone of you!  Here are his words:


I would like to thank all of the staff for helping me, and other consumers.  I would also like to extend my special thanks to certain staff members that have made my healing time very comfortable and helpful.  These people have helped me feel comfortable in a positive way and gave me hope during my most difficult time.  So, please acknowledge their expertise and kind ways. They are people that care and are not just here for a paycheck and a job that they fell into or dislike. The following individuals ( in my opinion) should be thanked from management but especially by me. 


Vince ( He took my phone call for advise told me to come in and helped me)

Brittany ( Intake and is the reason that I was able to get the help that I needed. She was able to initially help me)

Al ( very good group therapist and attentive to consumer needs)

Colleen ( Super friendly tech that made me feel like I'm not at the end of my ropes and helpful). 

All of the nurses and staff that was able to get my belongings and help me with my kitten. Brittany especially is the best!

Great at his job Dr Mario!  Saw things that bothered me and helped me with understanding and proper medication that have made the difference.  Thanks Doc!


Sincerely JF


Think Pink!
 by: Jessica Boles

In recognition of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, employees turned Charlotte Behavioral Health Care PINK! With over 200 employees, and four buildings on campus this was an impressive accomplishment! 


Charlotte Behavioral Health Center is very excited to help the community in raising awareness of breast cancer as well as educating the community on the importance of mammograms, early detection screening and where to turn to for help and treatment after getting diagnosed. All proceeds of the donations made during this campaign were donated to the local Dollars for Mammograms program, for a grand total over $700! Dollars for Mammograms is a local program that provides no-cost mammograms to area women who are uninsured or under-insured and cannot afford the cost of a mammogram.






One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.

Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die.

Happy Birthday
Last NameFirst NameBirth MonthBirth DayDept
DenmanKennethNovember6OP Med
AlbrightNancyNovember16Front Desk
Carroll JrStevenNovember22CSU
ConeBillieDecember17OP Med
DavisGloriaDecember22OP Med
Staff Celebrating Years of Service

Start DateDeptLast NameFirst Name
12/7/2010Front DeskAlbrightNancy
12/10/2012CSUDella RoccoKrystal

Welcome New Hires to CBHC   
Hire DateDeptLast NameFirst Name
clear logo  

2013  Board of Directors


Ed Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Ross & McKinley



W. Cort Frohlich, Esq, Frohlich, Gordon & Beason

Vice President


Tina Narr



Larry Stewart


Jeff Brown, Ashley, Brown & Company


Major Mark Caro, CCSO


Melinda Diedrick, Merrill Lynch


Michael Grant, Ambitrans


Margaret C. Lang


Robert C. Sifrit, Esq.


Dr. David Winsor, Access Chiropractic Center


Donna Worthley


April Prestipino, Charlotte County Public Schools

Margaret C. Lang
President Emeritus
Donna Worthley
Keith Callaghan, Edison State College Foundation
Vice President
Robert Dickinson
Liz Green, Harbor Style
Paul Lioon, Independent Trust Services of SWFL
Sushila Cherian
Ed Wotitzky, Esq., Wotitzky Wotitzky, Ross & McKinley
Miranda Fields, Friendly Floors
Kevin Shirley, Attorney
Cathi Dryburgh

Charlotte Behavioral Health Care underwent its' fourth accreditation review by the nationally recognized and highly respected CARF (Commission for Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities).  CARF accreditation indicates CBHC's commitment to continually improving treatment services, encouraging feedback, and serving the community.  CBHC's programs and services received the highest possible level of accreditation.







Employee News, Kudos, & Congratulations




I would just like to congratulate Richard Reynolds who is our Recovery Coach for the RC for completion of Self Management and Recovery Training (S.M.A.R.T.).


This program helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities.


Richard took the initiative to get this certification so that he can help deliver cutting edge substance abuse services that is based on scientific knowledge and evolves as scientific knowledge    evolves to our consumers and help CBHC be the first provider of S.M.A.R.T recovery in Charlotte county.  


Nice work Richard! 


-David Stone





On October 8th  the Health Department did a surprise monitoring of both the Recovery Center and the Crisis Unit's Med rooms.  We are proud to say that each program received a 100% !



CBHC is kicking off the holiday season with our 3rd Annual TOY DRIVE to benefit our children seen here at the agency! We want YOU to help put a smile on their faces this holiday season.

Our toy drive is designed to provide a gift to our impoverished children and teenagers up to the age of 18. For many of them, we may be the ONLY source of gifts this holiday season.

With your help, we can bring joy, happiness and optimism to a child's life, especially during the holiday season.

Let's come together as an agency and give a message of HOPE to our children that will motivate them to grow into responsible and productive citizens and leaders in our Charlotte County community.


 To make this program successful, each friend/employee can choose to donate

ONE new, unwrapped toy or item starting November 1-December 3 and drop off in my office. (#56) or Julie Greaves office (#65) We will also accept monetary donations for purchasing gifts. 


We will then have a "wrapping day" here at CBHC on Friday, December 6th  from 11:00-2:00 where we will wrap each gift, tag with appropriate information and group accordingly. Our goal is to distribute these gifts from December 19th-December 20th


P.S. Don't forget to ask friends and family to donate as well!





 Happy Halloween!!!











Are You Ready For Some Football?!


Hello All!


I want to thank all of you who attended the CSU/ RC open house. It was great to see staff from other departments as well as staff who work varying shifts in Crisis Services.  As you can see as you peruse the pictures attached - food was abundant... please take close notice of Hussein who clearly did us proud!  LOL


We had lots of fun and missed those of you who were unable to visit!


The CSU/ RC Leadership Team!






 Dee Cannon, Zady Luiz, Gina Wynn, Adam Quinn, June Pabruada, Jessica Martell

CBHC Healthy Start Care Coordination Team at the Healthy Start Coalition Annual Meeting......all decked out in their purple shirts!




Don't forget to check out our website, Facebook page Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for up to date information!!!! 


 Like us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter 










Mental Illness are serious medical illnesses. They cannot be overcome through "will power" and are not related to a person's "character" or intelligence 


The best treatments for serious mental illnesses today are highly effective; between 70 and 90 percent of individuals have significant reduction of symptoms and improved quality of life with a combination of pharmacological and psychosocial treatments and supports.


Stigma erodes confidence that mental disorders are real, treatable health conditions. We have allowed stigma and a now

unwarranted sense of
hopelessness to erect attitudinal, structural and financial barriers to effective treatment and recovery. It is time to take these barriers down.



Jessica Boles
Director of Marketing 
Charlotte Behavioral Health Care