Garden Hours: Effective Nov 1, 2014 - Feb 1, 2015 Open to the public: Mon-Fri 10 -3pm, Sat/Sun 9-4 Closed: Dec 15, 2014 - Jan 12, 2015
Bob McDonald has a new book and coming to HCP! Click for exciting details about this event. 
Don't forget
3rd Thursday
of every month
free garden entrance!
Villages & Gardens of the Cotswolds & Chelsea Garden show tour for May 2015 for Niche Women's Tours
November E-news
Horticulture Centre Of The Pacific November 15, 2014
Chair's Message
 Early November often means the start of cold, wet weather and few visitors to the Gardens at HCP. This year, however, we have been blessed with warm temperatures and moderate rainfall and the gardens while quieter than in summer have seen their fair share of visitors.
BC proposed prohibited species
By Linda Petite, Head Gardener
Becky Brown, Invasive Plant Specialist has met with me and requested that we remove all Arundo donax on site. It is on the Proposed Prohibited species list and designated based on the risk of introduction,establishment and spread in BC.
Ideally,a new prohibited species to BC is detected and eradicated BEFORE it becomes an invasive. The habitat preferences,biology and growth behavior of Arundo donax were assessed as part of the risk analysis and while it may not be exhibiting aggressive growth at the HCP, it is a highly invasive plant elsewhere in areas with similar climatic conditions to BC.
Being a Botanical ,Teaching and a Demonstration garden it is best if we remove all plantings and discourage others from growing this plant.
November to-Do List
By Linda Petite, Head Gardener
- consider planting a cover crop or mulching in beds that are empty,to protect soil from compaction and erosion from winter rains
- lift, clean and store tender bulbs in a frost-free area
- make sure that all your tender plants are inside before the first frost
- clean up fallen leaves from lawns,ponds and pathways and compost
- raise containers onto pot feet to prevent waterlogging
- winterize irrigation systems and all power equipment
- keep your birdfeeders topped up
November Plant of the Month
By Linda Petite, Head Gardener
Abelia x 'Edward Goucher'
- evergreen shrub with arching branches
- cross between Abelia x grandiflora and Abelia x schumannii
- introduced in 1911 by Edward Goucher of the Department of Agriculture,Maryland
- fragrant,tubular light pink flowers summer-late fall
- glossy green foliage turns bronzy in winter
- x1.5 m.spr.
- Full/part sun
- deer resistant
- a versatile plant for any location!
Garden of Hope

It is with great pleasure the Canadian Cancer Society announces its partnership with The Gardens at hcp. This partnership has organically grown from a single conversation about the similarities of our organizations into strategic effort on how to work together to promote and support our volunteer driven organizations. Most recently, you will have seen The Canadian Cancer Society selling daffodil bulbs at the Native Plant Sale and sharing Gardens of Hope information at the Arts and Music in the Garden event. The Gardens at hcp has very generously come on board as one of our ambassadors for the annual Gardens of Hope campaign on Vancouver Island. Late October volunteers and staff from both organizations planned to plant the first Signature Garden of Hope at hcp. The 'Gardens of Hope' campaign consists of a Planting Ceremony of daffodil bulbs (early October), fundraising (in person or online) in support of the garden, and a Blooming Ceremony (Feb-April). Stay tuned for more news on the hcp blooming ceremony coming this spring. Are you interested in planting your own Garden of Hope? With your involvement, we can create many 'Gardens of Hope' across Vancouver Island to commemorate our friends, family and loved ones. Get involved and plant your Garden of Hope at home, your office, school, church, community center, park or commercial space. Dependent on the size of garden you get started from $35. A complete step-by-step Event Guide is available as a resource when you register your very own 'Garden of Hope'. Call for info or to register with Tracie Clayton at 250.414.4254 or email
HCP Library News
Magnolias and water lilies, having been around for about 100,000,000 years old, are the oldest of all flowering plants. In fact, they existed before there were insects. Back in those days they had to rely on beetles to do the pollinating chores. (And this remains the method of pollination for magnolias to this day.) This pearl of knowledge was gleaned from a casual "leafing" through the pages of an RHS's publication, The Garden. Now that fall is here, it will soon be time to settle down inside with some good reading. Maybe you'll discover some similarly fascinating "pearls." Don't forget that your HCP library has dozens of The Garden magazines that go back quite some time - though not quite to dinosaur days! There's lots of fascinating reading in them, perfect for a rainy autumn read by the fire. The library will be closed over the holidays. Check our website for details |