 Letter from the Chair Click here to read a letter by Ron Cox, the Chair of the HCP Board of Directors.
 National Garden Days June 13 - 15, 2014
Free admission all 3 days!!!
Schedule of Events:
- Friday June 13 - 1:30 Twig Plant support demo with Thibaut
- Friday June 13 & Saturday June 14 - 1:30 Companion Planting at the Farm Garden - Linda
- Friday June 13 - 2:00 Chainsaw Maintenance with Bartlett Tree Experts
- Saturday June 14 & Sunday June 15 - 10:00, 12:00 and 3:00 guided garden tours, meet at the Rotunda
- Saturday June 14 - 11:00 Gardening with Children with Paula
- Saturday June 14 - 3:00 Children's Gardening Projects with Paula
- Sunday June 15 - 10:00 Chainsaw Maintenance with Bartlett Tree Experts
For further information please contact Lisa Ballinger 250-479-6162 or marketing@hcp.ca.
 Memorial Package In a beautiful, serene garden setting celebrate your loved one's life surrounded by friends and beauty. Host your memorial service in the newest addition on the grounds, a West Coast inspired building that is able to accommodate up to 100 people. You may choose to scatter the ashes (as pre-determined) on the grounds, and included in the cost is a memorial bench that you can take away with you or leave in the gardens to come, sit and reflect as the years go by. Cost: $1200. For more information please call Lisa Ballinger at 250-479-6162.
Update from the College
The full-time students are officially at the halfway point of the program. This group of students has blown us away with their strong ability, positive attitude, and tireless work ethic. Congratulations and we look forward to seeing you grow in the second half of the program!
We are currently accepting applications for the 2015 school year - contact collegeadmin@hcp.ca for details! 
Garden of the Month
Click here to read about June's Garden of the Month, the Hardy Plant Mixed Borders.
Arts & Music in the Gardens 2014
Mark your calendars...this year's Arts & Music event is Saturday and Sunday August 9 and 10 from 11am to 5pm. Check out the website for more details!
A New Addition to the Gardens
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
Next time you are strolling around the gardens, take a look at our lovely new Halls Greenhouse. It is located where the old Rose Garden was (near the Herb Garden).
This model is the Double Silverline Greenhouse and was a generous donation by Brian Russell. Check out the selection of Halls Greenhouses that Russell Nursery sell and install (www.russellnursery.com).
It is an elegant addition to any garden and perfect for the homeowner to use 12 months of the year.
Stay tuned, I plan to have a collection of Cacti and Succulents in here along with a few comfy chairs donated by Dig This to sit back and enjoy the view!!

June To-Do List
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
- Make sure your plants receive enough water as the weather warms up
- First crop of strawberries are ripe-YUM!
- All annuals and heat loving vegetables can be planted out now
- Cut the scapes off your garlic,so the plant's energy goes into forming a large bulb(steam or stir fry the tasty scapes)
- Mulch garden beds to conserve moisture
- Fertilize your potted plants regularily with a water soluble fertilizer(I use 20-20-20 on the annuals and fish fertilizer on the veggies)
- Construct trellises/plant supports for cukes,pole beans and tomatoes
- Don't forget to wear sunscreen while gardening!
Plant of the Month
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily)
- Rhizomatous herbaceous perennial
- Upright glossy arrow-head foliage
- Showy white flowers spring-summer
- 90-100cm height and spread
- Divide overgrown clumps in spring or fall
- Full-part sun
- Araceae family
Pond Plants For Sale!
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
Shibusa Pond Services cleaned the rotunda pond a few weeks ago.
We divided the overgrown plants and thanks to the students and polyhouses volunteers we now have gallon pots of several aquatics for sale.
You can find them in the kiddie pools in our Plant Sale Area, come check it out!
Library Report
The Library in the Cottage continues to acquire new books, as well as discovering some good material that has been overlooked for awhile. Click here to read about some of the new and newly discovered books!
Road Trip Report
We were on the road again in May! Click here to read Jane Tice's article about the latest road trip to the Lower Mainland.
Upcoming Dragonflies and Damselflies Workshop
Join former field entomologist and Victoria native Gord Hutchings for a workshop on "Dragonflies and Damselflies of BC". Gord is a leading expert in aquatic insects specifically featuring dragonflies and has worked with the Royal BC Museum, BC Ministry of Environment, and the Canadian Wildlife Service among others. Learn the lifecycle, biology, and methods of taxonomic identification of odonates (dragonflies). This course is aimed at novice naturalists, as well as more advanced enthusiast who are curious about these ancient and unique insects. (Classroom & Field Study)
Thursday, July 10
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
$15/person (children & families welcome)
Contact youthprograms@hcp.ca for details or call 250-479-6162.
Hugh Curtis
We are sad to report the passing of Hugh Curtis, politician and former Mayor of Saanich. Mr. Curtis was instrumental in the founding of HCP and his impact will not be forgotten.
Please visit this website to read the Times Colonist obituary for Hugh Curtis.
HCP Goes Public...
We are spreading the word about HCP around town! Keep your eyes peeled - we have our message on buses, billboards and transit shelters.
Hours of Operation
As summer approaches we hope you will stop by and visit us. You will be welcomed by a sea of colours and textures in the gardens with a dash of the local wildlife too! The gardens are open from 9:00am to 5:00pm 7 days a week.
Classroom Rental
Special offer for our horticultural partners who are looking for a space to hold meetings of up to 40 people! For the remainder of 2014, the classroom is available for an evening rental at $125 per meeting. Annual contracts are also available! For more info contact Lisa Ballinger at marketing@hcp.ca.
The New Volunteer Handbook is Here!
The Volunteer Handbook was developed to provide the history and mission of The Gardens at HCP, general information, and direction with regards to safety for our volunteers.
Please click here to view the handbook.
Ladybug Release
Ladybugs are an example of biological control for small insect pests. The use of beneficial insects such as ladybugs provides an alternative to chemical pest control. Click here to read a neat article about the City of Victoria ladybug release!
In the Neighbourhood...
The Butchart Gardens has lots of great events planned this summer, and they are only about 10 minutes away from us here at HCP! In addition, they will also be celebrating National Garden Days coming up June 13-15. Click here to read more.
Milner Gardens 4th Annual Fairy House Surprise
Do you believe in fairies? Did you know fairies wear Foxglove flowers as hats, gloves, and petticoats?
Meander the sun dappled shadows of Milner Gardens on your self-guided search for areas Fairy Houses may have magically appeared, in honour of International Fairy Day and Veronica Milner's belief in fairies.
Admission adults $11, students $6.50, children 12 and under free accompanied by an adult.
June 20 to 22, 2014, 10am to 5pm with last entry at 4:30pm.
Fairy Tea Time 1:00 to 4:00pm Fri June 20 to Sun June 22,
Served in the Queen's room and at the Milner House patio
Tea and Fairy Cupcake $7.95 per person
For more info www.milnergardens.org or 250-752-6153