Spring Plant Sale
Saturday April 26th & Sunday April 27th 9 am to 4 pm
Message from the CEO In this online article, CEO Roger Charles describes how HCP is contributing to the advance of garden tourism in BC and in Canada. Read more...
 First Nations Conference by Roger Charles, CEO The March 21st Workshop on Developing Food Sustainability for First Nations was a successful first step in bringing stakeholders together to discuss this important initiative. |
AGM April 27
The AGM this year will be held at 2pm Sunday April 27 th in the Couvelier Pavilion at the Horticulture centre of the Pacific, at 505 Quayle Rd, Victoria BC.
All members are encouraged to attend.
Please note that there are proposed changes to the constitution and bylaws and voting will be held on this date. Click here to see the proposed changes.
For further information or clarification please call 250-479-6162
 Birding at Outerbridge an article by Marlene Russo Outerbridge Park has been designated as a birding hot spot. Very experienced birders are now making note of birds seen in the park. Forty-three species have been seen recently and more are on their way with spring migration happening. Click to see the Outerbridge birding website, where you can learn what birds frequent the site and enthusiasts can add to the content.
Plant of the Month
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
Fritillaria meleagris (Snake's Head Fritillaria)
- spring blooming bulbous perennial (10-12 inch ht.)
- naturalize well in woodland gardens or grassy meadows
- flowers have distinctive snakes-skin markings
- allow foliage to die back naturally, as this feeds the bulbs for next year
- 'meleagris''means spotted like a guinea fowl
- propagate by bulbils or seed
To ALL the Volunteers of HCP past and present ...THANK YOU

This year marks the 71st anniversary of National Volunteer Week (April 06-13, 2014) in Canada, demonstrating the enduring importance of recognizing our country's volunteers for their vital contributions.
The volunteers of HCP have contributed their time, talent and passion over the years to our beautiful gardens.
The Gardens at HCP exist today because of the vision, dedication, and hard work of all those who have volunteered their time here.
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart." ~Elizabeth Andrew
April To-do List
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
- plant brassicas root crops, celery, peas and greens outdoors now
- control snails and slugs
- optimum time to fertilize lawns
- prune spring flowering shrubs after blooms fade
- re-pot overgrown houseplants
- start fertilizing houseplants and all existing plantings after their winter rest
- check irrigation, hoses and sprinklers for damage
- deadhead spring flowering bulbs, but allow foliage to die down before removing
On the Road again!
Linda and Jane are going on another road trip - this time to the UBC Botanical Garden and VanDusen - guided tours at both and then, time allowing to Phoenix Perennials.
Join us on Friday May 23rd. All the details to come.
Message from the College:
- Just added - Online Botany 1
April 21 to May 25. Dive into the fascinating world of plant biology and learn at your own pace! Cost is $240 plus $20 for textbook. Details.  - Last chance until Fall:
One more BC Pesticide Applicator's License course and exam has been added this spring: Saturday and Sunday April 26 and 27, with the exam written Monday April 28 in the evening. Cost is $400 including the books and government exam fees. - Next part-time course is Plant ID 1 starting Tuesday May 27.
Contact the College office for full schedule and fees! (250) 479-3210 or collegeadmin@hcp.ca
Earth Day 2014
Join us April 22nd for a great day at HCP and help us celebrate Earth Day!
- Free entry all day
- Watch arborists from Bartlett Tree Experts at work in the gardens
- First 50 people get their own Bur Oak Tree seedling to take home, plant and give back to Mother Earth.
Invasive Plant Alert
by Linda Petite,Head Gardener
Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
 - one of the biggest threats to natural ecosystems in Saanich is the spread of invasive plants!
- this is in bloom now - invasive buttercup-like flower that forms a dense mat.
- reproduces by seed and vegetatively.
- dig out all plants and do not compost.
more info
 Jackie's Favourite Tools
Jackie Heibert, a student of the 2007 Horticulture Certificate Program describes her favourite garden tools in this online article.
New Library Quarters
The library has moved to the cottage and is now in full operation. Isabelle Jones has submitted an article, posting new library hours and inviting all members to come check out the new digs. |