 "Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!" ~ Sitting Bull
Message from the CEO The most surprising and in some ways the most interesting part of my job is discovering the back story of the volunteers and supporters of the HCP. Unfortunately, too frequently this arises from the passing away of the volunteer or supporter in question. Read more...
First Nations Conference
by Roger Charles, CEO
A Workshop on Developing Food Sustainability for First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples in Urban and Rural Settings.
March 21st
See the conference program...
3rd Thursday of every month Free entrance to the gardens
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What's been going on in the Pavilion?
an article by Lisa Ballinger
- February has been a busy month
- We have partnered with Fit to Flow who run yoga weekly
- Design by Life Seminar Series
- Memorials
- Cararm - info and testing on rainwater management
- Very successful Bartlett Trees symposium
- The Level 4 students are currently using � the space for their classroom as we are running out of classroom space
- We hosted our own wedding show with our preferred partners
As you can see a busy month - please refer the gardens for any events - no event is outside the realm of possibilities. I am happy to be flexible to meet client needs. Thanks for your ongoing support.
Plant of the Month
Pieris japonica 'Katsura'
- dome shaped broadleaf evergreen
- sun/part shade
- 1m.ht and 1m.spr
- acidic, well-drained soil
- reddish bronze new growth turns dark green
- rosy panicles of flowers in late winter/spring
- grows well in containers
- deer resistant
New Role
As part of our ongoing restructure to meet the changing needs of the community and our demographic
Amanda Price has been moved into a full time volunteer manager role. Amanda is tasked with making sure our policies and procedures for volunteers are current and meet the needs, as well as going out into the community to build our volunteer base. Please join me in congratulating Amanda as she embarks on this new challenge.
The library at HCP
The library at HCP will be pretty much back in business by the time you are reading this note. Mind you, our library volunteers still have many hours of work ahead, but we don't want to let that keep you from checking out the great resource that the HCP has for its members and students. We will be open during regular office hours from Monday to Friday and from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on Saturdays. Should you be making a special trip to visit the library, however, it might be prudent to call us at 250-479-6273 (or the main office at 250-479-6162) to be sure there is someone available to assist you. (Librarians have been known to wander off into the gardens.)  Carolyn Andrew, Librarian Thursdays and Saturdays graces the entrance to the upgraded cottage which now houses the resource centre and offices. Anyone with a particular inquiry - and possibly with not a lot of time to spare - would be well advised to telephone or send an e-mail (library@hcp.ca) with your query. Given some time, you'd be amazed how much information we might be able to track down for you. Visit your library at The Cottage for relaxation, information and/or inspiration!
Flower Seeds
by: Linda Petite, Head Gardener
fill your garden with color and scent by sowing flower seeds
growing plants from seed opens a whole world of amazing varieties to choose from and gives you flats of plants to share with friends!
follow seed packet instructions
some varieties worth growing are:
Nicotiana sylvestris 'Only the Lonely'
Cosmos 'Snow Puff'
Zinnia 'Envy'
Nasturtium 'Salad Blend'
Phlox 'Starry Eyes'
Annual General Meeting 2014
The AGM this year will be held at 2pm Sunday April 27 th in the Couvelier Pavilion at the Horticulture centre of the Pacific, at 505 Quayle Rd, Victoria BC.
All members are encouraged to attend.
Please note that there are proposed changes to the constitution and by laws and voting will be held on this date.
For further information or clarification please call 250-479-6162
We are a proud member of the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admissions Program as such the American Horticultural Society's Reciprocal Program offers free admission and/or additional benefits at nearly 300 gardens throughout North America and the Cayman Islands.
More details can be found at www.ahs.org/rap |
March To-do List
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
 - finish cutting back dead foliage left on your perennials and ornamental grasses to make way for new growth
- plant bare root roses
- deadhead spring bulbs as flowers fade and let the foliage die back naturally
- dig in your green manure crop
- ventilate cold frames and greenhouses on warm days
- divide and plant bulbs in the green like Galanthus and Eranthis
- when the Forsythia is blooming,it is time to prune roses
- plant out early spring vegetable starts
We are not taking any plant or pot donations without approval from our Head Gardener.
Introduction to Dry Rockwork: March 29th & 30th 8:30-5:00
In a series of 2-day workshops, Derek Duffy, Fellow of the Royal Horticulture Society and PHC instructor, will teach students the ancient art of dry stone work using a combination of classroom and hands-on instruction. Sessions will cover tools, techniques & engineering principles. Students will begin with freestanding and retaining walls & progress into pathways, fences, terraces and archways. This first course will cover safety issues, basic engineering principles, tools and techniques including basic stone cutting. Students will work on a retaining wall.
Steel toes & heavy gloves are mandatory$275.00
Intermediate Dry Rockwork & Advanced Dry Rockwork will follow.
Becoming Wild April 16th
HCP is pleased to sponsor the following event on Wed April 16th at 6:30 pm in the Couvelier Pavilion:
Set in the Broughton Archipelago, Becoming Wild is a story of survival in the pristine wilderness of BC. Sometimes predator and sometimes prey, twenty-nine-year-old Nikki puts her survival training to the test, fending off the harsh weather, hungry wildlife, threat of starvation and the endless perils of this rugged Raincoast -- for 19 months.
Read the story online...
Message from the College:
We are having a fantastic year so far with our 18 new full-time program students (see photo). So far they have been learning lots about Botany and Pruning while also becoming familiar with the mowers, string trimmers, and backpack blowers. The students also learn ten new plants per week, resulting in nearly 400 plants by year end!
We also want to congratulate our 9 Level 4 Apprenticeship Program graduates who finished the program on March 7 and wrote their Red Seal examination on March 10. Best of luck to you all in the future!
 Pesticide Course
We have a few spots left in our remaining two Pesticide Applicator License courses this spring. Please check out this link for details or contact the college by email at collegeadmin@hcp.ca to sign up. |

Native Plant Garden Tour
The HCP is trying to increase exposure to the local and tourist markets.
Join Habitat Acquisition Trust for the annual Native Plant Garden Tour on Sunday afternoon, May 4th.
Bring the whole family for a free tour filled with new friends, experiences, and ideas for your own property.
Effective immediately:
There are signs posted in front Nourish Bistro that show 3 reserved spots for Nourish patrons on a 24 hour basis. If you park in those spots and do not give your licence to the Bistro you are subject to tow away.
Victoria Dahlia Society Annual Plant and Tuber Sale
Our 2014 Plant and Tuber Sale will be held in two locations:
Saturday, April 12, 2014- VDS Plant & Tuber Sale (Day 1)
10:00am to 4:00pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 2964 Richmond Rd, Victoria map
Sunday, April 13, 2014 - VDS Plant & Tuber Sale (Day 2)
11:00am - 4pm (or until sold out) at the Westshore Town Centre in Langford map