In this issue: the President announces organizational changes and the CEO announces a conference on First Nations.
Tomorrow is the first HCP Bridal Fair in the pavilion.
Hellebore Sunday is March 2nd.
The new giftshop is open.
Seedy Saturday is this weekend.
The new library is almost ready.
It's a busy time at the HCP.
Message from our President Ron Cox, President of the HCP Board of Directors has another report for this edition in which he describes changes to the organization structure, and fulfulling objectives of the new strategic plan. Read more...
First Nations Conference
by Roger Charles, CEO
A conference is scheduled Mar 21 in the Couvelier Pavilion to study the question of the HCP's role in teaching and supporting food sustainability for First Nations.
Read Roger's report...
See the conference program...
Bridal Fair Feb. 13th 5-9pm
Click to see the flyer with details for this event. |  |
DIG THIS store at HCP
The new giftshop is stocked and open for business. Come by and check it out.
Plant of the Month
Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple)
- slow-growing deciduous tree
- sun, part shade
- papery sheets of old bark peel to expose cinnamon brown new bark
- orange-red fall color
- year-round interest
- 7m.height and 5m.spread
Coming Soon in Community Education
Sale 12 noon - 3 pm
Unusual cultivars & the information to grow them.
Come early for best selection.
Assistant Gardener
The HCP has a job posting for Assistant Gardener.
Click here to see the description and requirements. |
Growing Tuberous Begonias
by: Linda Petite, Head Gardener
- start tubers indoors in February/March
- use a peat based mix
- place tubers concave side up, 1 inch deep in pots
- a bright room at 18 degrees Celsius is ideal
- growth begins in a few weeks, do not OVER-WATER
- plant outdoors after danger of frost has passed
- fertile, well-drained soil in flower beds or containers, part shade
- avoid wetting the foliage
- usually bloom in clusters of 3 flowers; a male flower in the center surrounded by two female flowers
- the male flowers are showy doubles, while the female flowers are single and insignificant and often removed
- dig tubers in the fall and winter indoors
The Illumination series are cascading varieties and excellent in hanging baskets and planters....
February To-do List
by Linda Petite, Head Gardener
 - weeding now significantly reduces the number of weeds in spring
- freshen up your outdoor containers with spring color, potted bulbs, primula, hellebore and pansies are available at the garden centers
- tidy and clean your potting shed, cold frame and pots to prevent disease and pests spreading into the new gardening season
- rhubarb will benefit from a layer of compost or well-rotted manure
- cut and place seed potatoes in a bright, cool, frost-free area to sprout (they can be planted out in mid March)
- summer bulbs are arriving daily at local garden centers, look for Acidanthera to plant in pots for summer bloom and fragrance
Outerbridge Park Memorial Walk
Joan (JoAnn) Outerbidge passed away on February 2, 2014. On Sunday, February 9th , a memorial walk was held in honour of Mrs. Outerbridge at the park.
Dave de Shane and Marlene Russo led the tour. Over 100 people came out for the walk, including the mayor of Saanich, Frank Leonard and Councillor Vicki Sanders.
Read the story online...
Grads for Hire
A new list of graduates from the Horticulture Certificate program is available. Download it, and find yourself a first rate gardener.
Junior Master Gardener Camp
The HCP is now accepting students for the summer program of Junior Master Gardeners.
Click here to see the schedule and book space for the up and coming masters in your family.

Trip Adviser
The HCP is trying to increase exposure to the local and tourist markets.
If you have had a memorable visit to The Gardens or Nourish please go to www.tripadvisor.ca and rate the gardens and your experience.
It will help our reach to the tourist and locals looking for new outings. Thanks for your support. |
Be A Tourist In Your Own Town
HCP will participate again this year, offering half price admission on the weekend days, Mar 1st and 2nd.
 Your Library will be Opening Soon!
The books that have been packed in boxes are about to be shelved, and renovation of The Cottage is nearly completed - thanks to the efforts of the dedicated team of volunteers. For the first time since the library was established, there will be space for a table at which to sit in some degree of comfort (no easy chair though!) and peruse your favourite topic. We hope you will take advantage of this facility during the coming months - perhaps drift around one rainy day and just browse through some of the "Fine Gardening" magazines, or check out the ideal growing conditions for that plant you bought on impulse last fall. Library open hours will be announced shortly. |