The HCP is pleased to announce our biggest annual event, Arts and Music in the Gardens 2013.
Roger Charles gives us a warm welcome to this fabulous event, and Amanda is calling out for event volunteers.
We also welcome our newest staff, Lisa Ballinger.
Invitation to:
Arts and Music in the Gardens 2013
Roger Charles, Executive Director at HCP, sends he personal invitation to attend the 19th annual Arts and Music festival at HCP.
Afternoon Tea at Nourish
Our little bistro has created a nutrient rich, gluten free, and delicious Afternoon Tea that is totally worth trying... and talking about. 3-5pm daily.
Volunteer for:
Positions required:
- Venue preparation
- Parking and Traffic Management
- Artist, Musician and Vintage Car Liaisons
- Food and Beverage Helpers
- Admissions
- Plant Sales
- Survey/Evaluation Takers
- Venue Management (roaming cleaners)
- Strong lifters
3-4 hours shifts on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
 July to-do list by Linda Petite - garlic is ready to harvest, dry them for 2-3 weeks in a warm, dry, airy place
- summer drought is here!
1 inch of water per week is sufficient for the garden - water early in the morning to prevent evaporation which occurs in the heat of the day and to decrease fungal diseases - 3-4 inches of mulch prevents run-off and evaporation and keeps the moisture in and weeds down.
- continue dead-heading roses and annuals for contiuous bloom.
- continue succession plantings of beets, carrots, beans, peas and greens.
- sow seeds of Hollyhock, Viola, Dianthus and Bellis in the garden now for blooms next year.
- continue to fertilize planters and hanging baskets weekly at a half strength dilution of water soluble fertilizer (weak)
Road Trip !
Jane and Linda are planning a trip to
Minter Gardens and you are invited.
Heather Bed Restoration
by Elaine Scott
This spring, the upper bed of the Heather Garden was redesigned by the Vancouver Island Heather Society, with technical assistance by David Wilson and hands-on by the students of PHC.
Read the full article online...

Meet the new Sales and Marketing Director
Lisa Ballinger is excited to take on the responsibilities of raising the public profile of the HCP.
Lysimachia clethroides
''Gooseneck Loosestrife''
- perennial that produces unique spikes of white flowers that are bent like a goose's neck.
- blooms July-September (3 ft. ht.)
- full-part sun.
- plants spread quickly to the point of invasiveness (confine to a pot.)
- propagate by division in spring.
USES: massed, waterside, good cut flower, attracts butterflies.
Come see this growing in the HCP cutting garden and for sale in our Plant Sale Centre.
Volunteer Appreciation
The Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held in June.